
Let the show begin

I was onto something though, Clearly, all I needed to do was find a method in which I could use this energy to my advantage. The energy was dissipating. I need to find a way to Contain it. Like a bottle. Wait didn't Lyla just say that it responds to my will? What if I want it to be a solid rather than a liquid? Better not do that inside my channels though, could be like a water pipe that has too much build-up.

I let out an audible grunt as I reached my hand out again. This time I imagined the energy pouring out and taking the shape of the arrow, but not filling it, and that energy solidifying into something tangible. A wall of sorts. When I opened my eyes I was greeted with a popup, " Congratulations, you have unlocked your first shape. Energy arrow! Fill it with energy to adjust the type of arrow that it is and what kind of damage it can do. As a reward, the gods of magic and intellect have offered you 100 experience, accept, or decline?" I clicked accept. I mean, if you get some experience just for messing with magic, then everyone got this experience right? I needed all the help that I could get then.

I examined the clear energy bottle that I had created, It was very similar to the arrow I had made earlier, but there wasn't a propulsion system attached to it. It also didn't have any fletching so it probably wouldn't fly very far. I didn't see a reason not to add them, so I concentrated on the side of the arrow shaft, and soon a vertical plane jutted out from the arrow creating small feathers. Hopefully, it would fly a little better now. When I noticed that my makeshift arrow looked like a snake. " hey Lyla, can you make animated energy constructs?" I asked as I followed the thought train into the realm of potential possibilities.

" Yes, you can. that's an energy puppet," she said calmly.

" Hrm, if energy follows thought that accurately. " I said thinking about the arrow in my hand, Why stick with an arrow, why not create a flying snake? I mean all It would take is a few adjustments. Thicken the arrow, transform the blade into a snakehead, add some wings, and there's a type of snake in the jungle that glides by flattening the sides of its body right? why not give it the teeth of that terrifying boa my professor brought to class from his herpetology laboratory. You can get where I was going with this right? That's the kind of thought I was stuck in for the next five minutes before Lyla interrupted me.

" I suggest you create a pilot seat. A system that enables a spirit to control the puppet your crafting, that way they can steer it and maneuver it, freeing you up from the responsibility of having to control it manually. " she said responding to my confusion as to why a snake would need a pilot seat.

" that is a thought, how do I do that exactly?" I replied as she took a moment to explain how spirits could control things through vibration and motion of the energy that they had, by the time I was done we had a working pilot seat.

" That was a surprisingly good idea. " I complimented her good judgment.

" I know, I'm filled to the brim with those. Thank you for noticing. I'll try not to intrude, but when your brainstorming, I can offer advice whenever you like. Just ask. " she said with enthusiasm, " Besides I think the spirits will enjoy watching you throw flying snakes at people. It's not something that you see every day. "

"Oh, I guess that's a benefit too, but I was thinking that it would make for a better propulsion system if the snakes could move on their own. Ya'know. Like maybe I wouldn't have to rely on my shoddy aim. However, this design just cost me 40 spirit points to make. I will run out quickly if I make too many of these. " I said looking at the little snake, I imagined a tiny spirit piloting the snake having a good time being a flying danger noodle. I was surprised when a little white orb popped into existence and phased into the head.

Suddenly the snake began wiggling like it was having a seizure or a new player figuring out the controls for the first time. Eventually, the snake sat up and to my surprise managed to find a stance balancing on both the tail and the wings as if they could be used as feet as well. A development that I didn't account, but found pleasantly surprising.

" That's less of a problem if you create a shape for the snake, and some sort of delivery system that can deliver the damage instead like, fangs, or a stinger or something. Then the initial investment for the snake is set, and all you have to do is give it the energy to attack every so often," she said offering some more advice.

Curiously I asked, " How do you know so much about this?", Eager to hear more about my new companion.

" I used to be a wizard, though I specialized in divination magic above all things. No, not the kind that predicts the future. The kind that tells you information about the world. It's nice not to get lost in a cave while exploring because you mapped large portions of it out before going in. I mean, it's not exciting or pretty like throwing fire from your fingertips or building complicated illusions. Its also not mandatory for every adventuring party, like healing. So I went mostly unnoticed. " she said sounding like she was only half interested in the question, honestly the tone of her voice sounded like I do when my attention is split between two things.

I examined the snake once again, smirking at the posture and motions that it was making were both developments that I didn't account for. Happy developments that I wanted to support I reached down and added little pads, and archaeopteryx thumbs so that it would have a better time moving around like that, and increased the shoulders a smidge as well, to give it a more bat-like appearance. It bobbed up and down and made tiny excited hissing noises, " Seems you enjoy my little additions, thank you. " I said acknowledging its excitement. Hoping that it would encourage the spirit to stick around. Lyla was right though, it needed some specialized attack and defense systems. " alright, let's add a barbed tail and venom to the big honking fangs, and Voila, it's done. " I said looking at the tiny puppet I made. " I hope that the venom will be brutal enough to melt some skeletons though. Undead are tricky. "

" Well, there's only one way to find out, by the way, it seems that the barbs will cost the spirit snake…" said Lyla before I interrupted her.

"Let's call him Dave. " I said looking at the tiny creature in awe.

" Alright, it seems that the barbs will cost Dave a whopping 2 spirit points to recharge, and the venom will cost 5 spirit points per bite. Dave currently has 26 spirit points in his form that aren't being used to support the form. When it hits 0 he will have to come back to recharge. " she informed. " if he gets hit, his mana will leak and if it drops below those 26 spirit points, his form will dissipate. Causing the spirit to be shunted free. Who knows if Dave will come back. " She quipped.

" So it's like a carnival ride? " I asked drawing up the memories of my last time spent at a carnival. People coming and going, some people going to certain rides, Others just walking around mulling about. " I'm a carnival," I said staring at the snake.

" These memories are sweet, and yes. Your analogy is correct. You just made a ride that people at the park can take for a spin, the more of them you get the more spirits will be *under your control* et cetera et cetera et cetera. " She said.

" So then, the money they pay is spirit points, and the big spirits are What? Big spenders?" I asked curious about them.

" Yeah, big spirits would be your big spenders. They have a lot of spirit energy to give if you can coerce them out of it. There are also patron spirits that would support your park, they can offer you powers and other things, but in exchange, they will ask things of you. Be wary of them. Like all entities they can be malevolent. " she said providing a better glimpse into the dark.

"I see, that's some interesting news, I should make better and more interesting rides then. " I asked following the thought train.

Lyla didn't get to answer as another hiss could be heard from the hall, this time though my little snake hissed back and took off to get the skeleton. I was surprised at its sudden willingness to do combat on its own. "Are all spirits that bloodthirsty?" I asked Lyla while trying to sneak into a more advantageous view.

" not all of them, but I think that Dave might *enjoy* that ride," she stated as we both watch the little snake as it flapped around the head of the skeleton in the hallway. The sword it had was brutal and looked covered in rust, but that didn't discourage Dave as he dove past it spinning his wings, body, tail, and more so that they would be out of the way of the skeletons slashes. He was quite nimble for someone who just picked up the controls for the first time. Then when he found an opening he dived at the skull of the withered warrior, opening his mouth almost 180 degrees. There was a sudden crack as the snake's large fangs sunk in with a surprising amount of force and I watched the bottom of the skull and then the top of the spinal cord melt away. Suddenly the skeleton fell into a pile of bones on the floor. The snake was VERY effective against the skeleton. Way more than I expected it to be. Dave flew back over to me and landed on my shoulder hissing in delight. I then felt a small tug on my spirit source. which I could only assume was dave wanting to replenish his energy.

" interesting. You did well, Alright, I will give you more energy. " I Said lifting my hand up to pet the snake on the head. As I did so I poured energy into the little snake until the shape was full. He seemed excited, and then I heard a tiny voice coming from his head.

The voice startled me and I wasn't expecting it. "thank you, that was fun. " said the little voice from my snake cementing for me the fact that there was a person inside it.

" Oh good, the spirit chatter spell is finally operational. " Lyla injected into the situation sensing my shock and surprise. " Now you should be able to hear the spirits that surround us when they choose to talk anyway. "

" oh really, can we broadcast to them?" I asked wanting to take advantage of that situation.

"You don't need a special system to speak to them, just do so like you would any other person out loud. They will hear you for sure. " Lyla was excited again, if she had eyes I think they would have been twinkling

" Good evening entities! Welcome to My little slice of adventure. I am but a humble adventurer looking for a little aid. If I could just ask for a moment of your time so that I can direct your attention to my wondrous flying boa, Dave! Look at his lithe and sleek design, His deadly fangs, and his B-E-A-Utiful wings. You can take a spin in one of these beautiful creatures for a low cost of 30 spirit points, all-time slots last for exactly 10 minutes. Then you will be forcibly ejected from the snake. You can also purchase one for 90 spirit points. Which will buy you a seat until it dies. " I said like an announcer, while my insides felt like they were melting. I really hope this will work. I then created 2 more snakes. Spending more energy from my already dwindling spirit pool, hoping that the spirits in the area would bite."

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MalinMiraclecreators' thoughts