
Chapter 8

Ava's senses tingled with a warning as she felt a swift approach from behind. Reacting on instinct, she spun around and swiftly subdued a large, wolf-like figure, pinning it to the ground.

The creature grew increasingly aggressive, struggling against Ava's hold. "A wolf-man," she observed coolly, her voice cutting through the tension. With a decisive punch, she rendered him unconscious, the transformation back to his human form almost instantaneous.

Though Ava didn't personally know him, she recognized him as one of the boys who stood next to Kayla at school.

As a werewolf, Ava possessed the unique ability to detect emotions through scent, a phenomenon she had long grappled with. In this moment, the unmistakable scent of anger emanated from the unconscious boy—a common trait among wolf-men, particularly under the influence of a full moon.

But what puzzled Ava was the intensity of the hatred she detected. Why would someone she'd never met harbor such animosity toward her? The answer lay in the unconscious boy's mind, a mystery waiting to be unraveled once he awoke.


Sky found himself on a creaky bed, which felt like a rock. The furniture groaned, and bed bugs scurried around. As he looked around the room, he saw termites crawling on the walls, and sand trickled from the ceiling, a sign of termite damage. Where was he? He sprang up, ready to fight, as Ava and Kayla entered the room. "Why have you brought me here?" he demanded.

"The real question is, why did you attack me last night?" Ava countered.

Sky's mind was a blank. He didn't remember attacking anyone. The last thing he recalled was seeing Ava's face before passing out and waking up that morning. "I don't remember attacking you," he admitted.

"I know that creatures like you often don't recall their actions after shifting," Ava explained, "but the real question is, why do you harbor hatred for me? If a wolf-man has a grudge against someone, his wolf will fulfill that wish when he shifts on a full moon."

Sky's eyes narrowed. "My father told me that your presence here is the reason why a powerful vampire is in town and why Aurora is a vampire now."

Ava smirked. "Your father, I saw him at the council meeting. You two look alike. Why would he share such information with you? Was he trying to send you on a death mission? I'm 400 years old, and you wouldn't even beat me if I were sleeping."

Sky's face set in determination. "I'm not afraid to try. I want you and your sister out of town."

Kayla's eyes flashed a warning. "It's unwise to challenge us in our home, especially since this is our town, long before your great-grandfather met your great-grandmother. We'll let you go this time because we understand your pain, but if you cross us again, I'll come for you myself."

Ava added, "Now run along before I change my mind."

Sky didn't need further encouragement. He left, wondering how he still had clothes on but didn't dwell on it much.

After Sky left, Kayla turned to Ava, her expression troubled. "Why did you have to knock the son of a council member out so hard?" she questioned. She mentioned she had longed for a normal life, free from the complications that Ava's actions often brought.

Ava sighed, realizing the weight of their reality. "We can't live a normal life, Kayla, even if we tried," she explained, her tone resigned. She then recounted the unsettling information she had learned at the council meeting about "the first" being in town.

Kayla listened skeptically, pausing to study Ava's face. She knew all too well the pain that resurfaced whenever "the first" was mentioned. He had a way of reopening Ava's wounds whenever he appeared.

"Are you okay?" Kayla asked gently, her concern evident. Though not a werewolf like Ava, she had a keen sense for emotions, especially Ava's. It was her lifelong vow to be there for Ava in times of distress, but she couldn't help but wonder who would be there for her.

Kayla's thoughts drifted to her own cursed existence. Three years after her brother's death, she discovered her powers and delved deep into necromancy in a desperate attempt to bring him back. But Olivia, in her cruelty, had bound Michael's soul, preventing any resurrection. In her relentless pursuit, Kayla delved even deeper into dark sorcery, earning herself a curse from Olivia: eternal life without the possibility of true love.

For four hundred and seventeen years, Kayla had endured the pain of heartbreak after heartbreak, her hope for love extinguished long ago. Immortality had become her curse, her burden to bear.
