
Chapter 7

Ava arrived at the council's meeting, which was still convened at its traditional location, unchanged for 130 years. As she entered, the room fell silent, and all eyes focused on her. With grace and purpose, she approached the council members, seated behind a large, round table. The dim lighting cast an eerie atmosphere, and Ava's keen senses detected an unfamiliar scent - one she knew all too well: vampires. In a swift and unexpected turn of events, the vampire council member found himself pinned to the wall, struggling in vain to break free from Ava's grasp. Then, a sudden supernatural force sent Ava flying across the room, and the vampire gasped for air. "How dare you interrupt the council and attack one of our own?" the Archon thundered, his voice echoing through the chamber.

Ava, having had enough of being tossed across the room, stood up, dusted herself off, and assumed a fighting stance. The council members exchanged skeptical glances, wondering if she was foolish or brave to challenge them. While they acknowledged her impressive strength and indestructibility, taking on the council members was unwise. "Ava, desist," a witch and council member cautioned. "You can't take on all of us." The council had recently expanded from four to five members.

Each member was an exceptionally powerful supernatural creature, making Ava's bold move even more perilous.

"Ava, please, calm down and listen to why we've summoned you," Veronica, a witch and empath, implored, her voice soothing and gentle. She skillfully employed her empathic abilities to ease Ava's fury, but the full moon's influence made it a challenging task. As Ava's anger slowly subsided, Veronica coaxed her with a gentle tone, "That's it, don't let the anger consume you. You're in control of your emotions, good girl," She said as if taming a wild beast with her voice. With a subtle nod, Veronica signaled to the other council members to resume their positions, acknowledging that Ava was temporarily pacified.

As they took their seats, Ava's curiosity piqued, and she complied when instructed to sit, eager to finally receive the answers she sought.

"Ava, attacking a council member is a grave offense, and we must deliberate on a suitable punishment," Oliver, a witch, stated sternly. This was precisely what Ava had hoped to avoid by not wanting to attend the council meeting. She detested the council's rigid adherence to "law and order," which they prioritized above all else. However, Veronica, displaying her characteristic empathy, advocated for leniency, suggesting they put the incident behind them. The council then proceeded to address the primary reason for summoning Ava. "Ava, we're aware that you departed our town 129 years ago, and your legend has been passed down through generations. You're a very popular figure in the supernatural world," Veronica began, but Ava's interest began to wane.

"I'm aware," Ava replied, rolling her eyes, her anger still simmering beneath the surface. Across from her, the vampire council member glared with hostility, but Ava returned his gaze unwaveringly, her eyes flashing a warning: she would not be intimidated. If he knew the true extent of her capabilities, he would have wisely averted his gaze.

"Here's what i don't get, your grandparents, my sister, and I fought to destroy every bloodsuckers in town about hundred and thirty years ago, so why is one now sitting at the council table, glaring at me?" Ava asked, her anger simmering just below the surface.

"Times have changed, Ava. This isn't the Ashwood you left behind. Vampires can coexist with the rest of us, as long as they don't turn anyone or reveal their true nature," Joshua, the third council member and a werewolf, explained.

"Are you guys serious? Vampires are impulsive and lack control! If they were really law-abiding, why did someone get turned today?" Ava's fury boiled over.

"Maybe your return has brought a not-so-law-abiding vampire with you, Ava," Veronica suggested.

"If a vampire was after me, they would've come for me already. Trust me, they're not that sane," Ava shot back. "We have a supernatural beacon that alerts us when something crosses our borders. And right now, something powerful - almost as old as you - has arrived. Its arrival coincided with yours this morning," Jeremiah, a witch, revealed.

"So, what are you saying? Is it after me?" Ava asked, her voice laced with concern.

We believe it's the first," Veronica said, her voice barely above a whisper. The room fell silent, all eyes fixed on Ava as she struggled to process the bombshell.

"The first" - the original vampire created by Olivia - was a name that sent shivers down Ava's spine. She had spent centuries tracking him, but he always remained one step ahead, tormenting her for years until Kayla rescued her. The thought of facing him again made her blood run cold.

"That's impossible. He thinks I'm trapped in the bottomless pit. He can't be looking for me," Ava protested. "Believe it or not, that's the truth. And the council has decided that, for the safety of our people, you must leave town. 'The first' is as strong as you, if not stronger, and we can't handle two powerful creatures clashing on our soil," Veronica explained.

Ava smirked, remembering a similar event 129 years ago.

They wanted her to leave? She had just returned, and she wasn't going anywhere. Not when she had finally reunited with Kayla, who loved this town. "No way. If that vampire comes my way, I'll put an end to his miserable existence. This is the last time you summon me for something useless. And keep your vampire member out of my sight," Ava warned, her eyes flashing a warning before she stormed out of the room.

Ava's return to Ashwood had barely been a day, and already things were spiraling out of control. The question burned in her mind: was it really "the first" who had turned that girl? If so, she vowed to use Aurora to track him down and put an end to him once and for all. The mere thought of "the first" ignited her anger, and she needed to escape. As soon as she left the council building, she let her inner beast take over, transforming into a giant white wolf. She sprinted into the woods, running to clear her head and shake off the haunting memories of her past.

Faster and faster she ran, until she reached a cliff's edge and let out a piercing howl under the full moon's gaze. Before her howl faded, she heard multiple howls echoing from different directions.

Howls could mean many things - a call for help, anger, anguish, pain, or sorrow.

As Ava calmed down and transformed back into her human form, stark naked, she stood at the cliff's edge, gazing at the moon's reflection in the water below. In that moment, all she wanted was to surrender and let the water consume her, but she knew that would she would only be torturing herself.