
Chapter 6

As their gazes met, Ava and Michael were frozen in time, their eyes locked in a silent understanding. The air was electric with an undeniable attraction, a palpable tension that neither could ignore. The spark between them was evident, a connection that went beyond mere chance encounter.

Ava's heart raced as she took in Michael's chiseled features, his piercing blue eyes, and his strong jawline. She was captivated by his rugged good looks, his confident stance, and his kind smile.

As they stood there, lost in each other's eyes, the world around them melted away. It was as if time itself had slowed, allowing them to savor this moment.

And so, from that fateful day forward, Ava and Michael were inexplicably drawn to each other, their connection growing stronger with each passing encounter. Ava's wolf instincts refused to let her ignore the spark she felt, and she found herself constantly thinking about him.

As fate would have it, their paths continued to cross, with Michael's traps remaining intact and a dead animal lying beside them, courtesy of Ava's hunting prowess. She had taken to making his job easier, leaving him offerings of fresh meat, and eventually, they began to secretly meet, sharing secrets and growing more passionate and affectionate with each passing day.

Michael introduced Ava to his village, and she was warmly received by all. They were enamored with her kindness, intelligence, and beauty, and she found herself visiting more frequently until she finally made the decision to leave her luxurious life behind and settle among them.

At first, she questioned her decision, wondering why she would abandon her life of opulence and privilege. But she had imprinted on Michael, and her wolf nature would not be swayed. It was a bond stronger than reason, and she knew she could not deny it.

"Ava, Ava!" Kayla's voice broke through the haze, snapping Ava back to reality. She hadn't even realized she was crying, but the tears streaming down her face told a different story. It was a familiar pain, one that had become a constant companion.

"Ava, you're lost again," Kayla said gently, her eyes filled with concern. "I'm just here to make sure you don't do anything stupid." Kayla's words were laced with a deep understanding, a knowledge that Ava's pain could sometimes become too much to bear.

Ava knew what Kayla was referring to. There had been times, when the ache in her heart had become overwhelming, that she had tried to take her own life. The memories of those moments were etched in her mind, a constant reminder of the fragility of her own existence. The last time, she had ripped her own heart from her chest, desperate to silence the anguish that threatened to consume her.

Kayla's presence was a lifeline, a reminder that she wasn't alone in her struggles. Ava took a deep breath, wiping away the tears as she tried to compose herself.

Ava rolled her eyes, trying to brush off the concern. "Thanks, Kayla, I'm fine. It's not like I would rip my heart out or something," she said with a hint of sarcasm, trying to downplay the seriousness of her struggles.

Kayla shot her a knowing look.

"Good, I'm just here to make sure, it's not like you'd die or anything," she said, before changing the subject. "I'm going to this party, a guy invited me, which I kinda turned down."

Ava raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "So why are you going?"

Kayla hesitated, a sly grin spreading across her face. "To avoid you," she replied, before standing up and heading towards the door.

As Kayla walked out, Ava called out, "Anyways, you look hot, total smoke show, you're gonna make their mouth water tonight!" Her words were met with a playful laugh from Kayla, who continued on her way.

Ava's restlessness returned, and she sought a diversion from her thoughts. On a whim, she decided to attend the council's meeting, hoping to find something to occupy her mind.

Meanwhile, Kayla arrived at Danny's party, her graceful stride carrying her effortlessly to the entrance. Danny's surprise at seeing her was palpable, and they exchanged warm greetings before he welcomed her in.

As she entered the party, Kayla was met with a familiar scene - the typical frat boy gathering, complete with loud music and rowdy revelers. She wasn't impressed, having experienced more parties in her lifetime than anyone could possibly imagine, little did they know.

As Kayla stood there, absorbing the music, Sky approached her, his grip on her arm unusually strong, causing her pain, but she played it cool. "Hey, have you seen Aurora?" he asked casually, as if he wasn't hurting her.

Kayla's anger flared, and she demanded, "Get your hands off me first, creep?" Sky's response was a threat: "I know what you are, and I know what your bitch sister did. Just pray nothing happens to her, or you both will hear from my family, and trust me, you don't want to mess with us. Now, tell me where she is."

Kayla was taken aback by Sky's words and his strange, flashing eyes. How did he know about her and Ava? Before she could react, Danny intervened, trying to defuse the situation. But Sky's anger and rage consumed him, and he punched Danny with such force that he passed out immediately.

The music stopped, and the partygoers gasped in shock. "Oh my God, call 911!" someone shouted, as Danny lay unmoving on the floor.

Sky's anger and rage clouded his judgment as he punched Danny, a reaction fueled by the revelation his father had shared earlier. He had been warned to stay away from his girlfriend, Aurora, now a vampire, and learned that her transformation was a consequence of Ava's return. Sky's ire was directed at Kayla, who had claimed to be Ava's sister, and he was aware of the lore surrounding the two women in the supernatural community. Their story was well-known, and Sky's emotions were running high.

"We'll deal with this later, and don't forget to keep your attitude in check," Kayla said, her eyes narrowing as she and Sky crouched beside Danny's motionless body. "Given your anger and lack of self-control, it's no wonder you're a werewolf - a half-breed, at that. You'd best leave now, before the full moon reaches its peak. You wouldn't want everyone to witness your transformation."

Kayla's words were laced with a hint of warning, her gaze fixed on Sky as she assessed the situation. The tension was palpable, and the air was thick with the promise of impending conflict.

Kayla kept her voice low, ensuring their conversation remained private. Sky hastily left the party, hoping to make it home before the full moon reached its peak. Kayla's words had struck a chord, and he struggled to contain his transformation as anger coursed through his veins.

As he drove, the full moon's effects became increasingly apparent. His bones began to crack and shift, his body contorting at unnatural angles. Sky screamed and cried out in agony, his voice echoing through the deserted streets.

Suddenly, he slammed on the brakes, and his car screeched to a halt and he came out of the car and ran into the woods.Meanwhile, the transformation accelerated, his bones cracking and reforming, his fangs and claws growing with excruciating pain.

Sky's screams turned to guttural howls as his body continued to mutate, his vision blurring and his mind clouding with primal fury. His clothes ripped and tore, unable to contain his new, powerful physique.

The transformation finally subsided, leaving Sky panting and trembling, his wolfish body glistening with sweat, his eyes blazing with fierce intensity. He let out a mournful howl, the sound echoing through the night as he succumbed to his primal instincts, lost in the agony and ecstasy of his transformation.