
Chapter 5

"Can't believe you wanted to kill that innocent child," Kayla said.

"Haven't the last 400 years taught you anything? I can't stand these creatures," Ava replied.

"Things have changed, Ava. Vampires now coexist with humans in this town, under the condition that they don't harm or transform anyone. You would have known this if you hadn't disappeared," Kayla said.

"Is this about my departure? I left to protect you, Kayla. I didn't want you suffering for my mistakes. The enemies I made would have harmed you if they could. You know what they're capable of," Ava explained.

"You vanished without a word, no notes, no letters, no emails, no social media contact. Didn't we promise to look out for each other?" Kayla asked.

"That's why I returned, because of our promise. We're all we have, forever," Ava said.

Kayla's expression remained unyielding, her forgiveness contingent on a single word: "sorry." Ava's pride and ego seemed to be holding her back from apologizing, and Kayla wouldn't forgive her until she did. With that, Kayla left the room, leaving Ava perplexed.

Ava descended the stairs, her eyes widening in surprise as she beheld a familiar face she hadn't seen in years. Lex, with his chiseled features and piercing gaze, sat on her couch, exuding an air of confidence, his legs crossed and his arms spread wide, as if he owned the place.

"Lex? What brings you here?" Ava asked.

Lex stood up, adjusting his tailored suit, his eyes still marveling at Ava's timeless beauty. "Ava, you still look seventeen, radiant as ever. It's been…what, nineteen, twenty years?" He flashed a charming smile, but Ava wasn't having it.

"Cut the small talk, Lex. What do you want?" she asked bluntly, her eyes narrowing. "It's best you start talking cuz my sister wouldn't be this polite,"

Lex's expression turned serious, his eyes clouding with a hint of pain. "Ava, We need to talk."

Ava's gaze remained skeptical, her mind racing with memories of their complicated past. They had been lovers in a far-off land, when Lex was 22 and she was…well, ageless. He had loved her with all his heart, but she had used him, exploiting his powerful bloodline magic for her own purposes. The pain of that betrayal still lingered.

Just as Lex was about to speak, a mysterious force lifted him off the ground, suspending him in mid-air. "What the…?" he exclaimed, struggling to comprehend the sudden phenomenon.

"Who are you and why are you here?" Kayla demanded, her voice firm and authoritative, as she descended the stairs with her hand still outstretched.

"I'm Lex Morales, a friend of your sister Ava's," he explained hastily. "The council sent me."

Kayla's gaze narrowed, but she slowly lowered her hand, and Lex found himself back on solid ground. Though she seemed to accept his claim of being sent by the council, her eyes betrayed a lingering curiosity about his connection to Ava. "Go on," she said, her tone softer but still cautious.

Lex adjusted his suit, brushing off nonexistent dust, before clearing his throat. "The council has been informed of Ava's return and requests her presence at tonight's meeting. They also want her to know that they are aware of Aurora Bradford's existence."

Ava's confusion was evident as Kayla shot her an angry glance. "What's wrong?" Ava asked, unsure if she was the cause of the tension.

Lex continued, "The council demands—"

Ava cut him off, her voice firm. "Tell the council they don't dictate my actions. I'll attend the meeting when I please. As for Aurora, they should keep her in check. If she crosses my path, there will be consequences."

Kayla intervened, "What she means is that she'll be there tonight, she just needs some convincing."

Lex shook his head. "I know Ava better than anyone; she won't be swayed."

Kayla's curiosity was piqued. "How are you two connected again?"

Lex's expression turned somber. "We dated."

Kayla raised an eyebrow. "You dated a 40-year-old man, Ava? Interesting."

Ava shot back, "Hey, I was 22 at the time, and it was 20 years ago! Besides, the council brought you here hoping you could influence me due to our past—"

Ava cut him off, her tone dismissive. "Well, the council should have sent a younger, hotter version of you. Tell them what I said. Goodbye."

With that, Ava departed, leaving Lex and Kayla in an awkward silence.

Ava retreated to what used to be her room, now transformed into a modernized mansion far removed from its nostalgic past. Four hundred years ago, it was a sanctuary where she'd dreamt of her prince charming while gazing out at nature through the window.

As she lay on the creaking bed, memories flooded back, particularly of Michael. Each day seemed incomplete without his presence, his absence a sharp ache in her heart that often brought tears to her eyes. Regrets weighed heavy on her mind; if only she had listened to her parents and stayed, perhaps things would have turned out differently.

She vividly recalled the day her parents confronted her in this very room. Sitting by the window, she had rejected suitors, including the most powerful alphas in the werewolf kingdom, all because she had imprinted on a regular human, Michael.

Ava's parents, mindful of their lineage and the delicate balance of power within the werewolf kingdom, pleaded with her to consider the safety of their pack. As the only daughter and heir to the throne, her actions carried weight not just for herself but for the future of their lineage. If she were to die or run away, the throne would pass to another werewolf family, potentially leading to conflict and the eradication of their pack to avoid power clashes or future claims.

Despite their pleas, Ava remained resolute. She refused to accept the burden of royalty, feeling trapped by the expectations placed upon her. Determined to forge her own path, she sought the help of a witch to place a locator spell blocker on her before fleeing to the human kingdom to be with Michael.

Michael was a familiar presence in Ava's life, encountered during her moments of freedom as a werewolf when she roamed the woods. Their initial meeting occurred during one of these nocturnal excursions when Michael and his sister were out hunting for their village.

As Michael and his sister, Kayla ventured into the woods to check one of his boar traps, they stumbled upon a scene of destruction: the trap lay in ruins, surrounded by discarded female clothing.

Ava, who was exposed, naked and vulnerable, hastily sought cover behind a nearby tree. From her hiding spot, she watched as Michael inspected the damaged trap, attempting to remain unnoticed. However, a small branch betrayed her presence, its snap echoing through the quiet woods.

"Who's there?" Michael's voice cut through the air, drawing closer with each step.

Ava's heart raced with panic. She, a princess, stood exposed before a commoner—she couldn't allow her dignity to be compromised.

"Stay back!" she cried out, her voice trembling with a mixture of fear and indignation.

He observed the voice came from behind a tree and he wanted to go and check it out.

"I'm naked, those are my clothes," Ava explained, her tone defiant yet vulnerable.

Without hesitation, Michael instructed his sister, Kayla, to retrieve Ava's clothes. As Kayla brought them over, Ava quickly snatched them up, maintaining her modesty behind the tree.

"Now turn around while I regain my dignity, commoner," Ava commanded, her words laced with royal authority yet tinged with vulnerability.

Despite the gravity of the situation, Michael couldn't help but chuckle at Ava's commanding presence. Was she truly a princess, or was this some elaborate jest?

Nevertheless, he complied with her request, turning away to give her the privacy she desired.

Moments later, Ava emerged from behind the tree, her dignity restored as she resumed her composure.