
Chapter 4

As the sisters' argument escalated, they were oblivious to the danger lurking behind Kayla. Aurora, with her newfound vampire strength, crept up silently and struck, sinking her razor-sharp fangs deep into Kayla's neck. Kayla's eyes widened in shock as Aurora's grip tightened, her mouth latched onto Kayla's skin like a vice.

Aurora's fangs pierced the jugular vein, and warm, crimson blood began to flow, filling her mouth with its rich, metallic taste. She sucked greedily, her eyes closed in rapture, as Kayla's life force ebbed away. The sound of suction and Kayla's muffled gasps filled the air, a haunting accompaniment to the sisters' unaware argument.

Kayla's vision began to blur, her strength waning, as Aurora continued to drain her blood with relentless intensity. The room spun, and Kayla's thoughts grew foggy, her consciousness slipping away with each passing moment. She then fell like a log.

Ava struggled against the ropes binding her to the chair, but her efforts were futile. She ceased her struggles as Kayla slumped to the ground, lifeless. Ava knew Kayla would revive soon, but she couldn't allow an uncontrolled vampire like Aurora to escape. Then she recalled that the sun was still up, which meant Aurora would succumb to the deadly effects of sunlight. "Congratulations, you've completed your transition," Ava said with a hint of sarcasm. "You're now a vampire." Ava said with a smirk.

Aurora stood frozen, reeling from the shock of what she had just done. The taste of Kayla's blood still lingered in her mouth, and Ava's words continued to reverberate in her mind: "You're now a vampire." The concept seemed absurd, yet the reality of her actions hit her like a ton of bricks. Overwhelmed by guilt and the weight of her newfound nature, Aurora burst into uncontrollable tears. "What have I done?" she cried out, her voice shaking with despair.

Ava's response was laced with sarcasm, a trait that came naturally to her, even in the most inopportune moments. "Don't ask me like we shared a bloody cocktail together," she said, her tone a stark contrast to the gravity of the situation.

Aurora's uncontrollable sobs echoed through the room, her emotions spiraling out of control. She gazed at her blood-stained hands, and her weeping intensified. "What's happening to me?" she pleaded, her voice cracking with despair.

Ava's response was laced with a hint of detachment. "You're a vampire now, Aurora. Your emotions are running wild because of the transition." She paused, her eyes gleaming with a hidden agenda. "If I let you leave, you'll put everyone you care about in danger. It's best if you stay here and let me guide you through this…adjustment."

Ava's words were laced with a sinister intent, her true motives hidden behind a mask of concern. She had no intention of helping Aurora; her goal was to manipulate the fledgling vampire into freeing her from her binds, paving the way for a final confrontation.

Aurora's eyes blazed with anger and confusion as she shouted at Ava, "What the hell are you saying? You think this is some kind of joke?" But Ava's calm demeanor and piercing gaze only added to the unsettling reality that was unfolding.

Ava's words cut through Aurora's denial, "Look around, haven't you read books? What creature does this stunt you just pulled remind you of?" The truth was too horrific to consider, but Ava's suggestion sparked a morbid curiosity. Aurora hesitantly approached the curtains and flung them open, revealing the bright sunlight.

The moment the sun's rays touched her skin, Aurora felt an agonizing pain unlike anything she had ever experienced. It burned her so intensely that she sprinted to the shadows at supernatural speed, seeking refuge from the torment. "Jesus Christ!" she yelled, her voice echoing through the room.

As the pain subsided, Aurora's sobs resumed, her mind reeling with the implications. "What's happening to me?" she pleaded, her eyes fixed on Ava, who seemed to hold the answers.

Ava's response was laced with a calculated calmness, "I can help you, Aurora. Just release me from these ropes." The subtle manipulation was lost on Aurora, who was desperate for answers and a way to escape the nightmare she had become.

Aurora approached Ava, careful to avoid the sun's rays, and freed her from the ropes with newfound strength. But instead of gratitude, Ava swiftly retaliated, stabbing Aurora with a makeshift stake. The twist of the stake sent a searing pain through Aurora's body, and she gazed at Ava with betrayed eyes as blood flowed from her mouth.

Ava's words were devoid of empathy: "No hard feelings, you're an abomination and you have to go." She readied another stake, aiming for Aurora's heart. But just as she attempted to strike, a mysterious force flung her across the room.

As Ava regained her footing, she faced Kayla, who now stood behind Aurora, her hands still clutching her neck where Aurora had bitten her. Aurora wore expression of shock, wasn't this girl just dead.

Kayla's magic held Ava in a tight grip, but she refused to yield, fueled by her determination to destroy the vampire before her. Despite the invisible barrier, Ava continued to fight, her bones shattering and healing in a gruesome cycle, her resolve unwavering.

Kayla, sensing Aurora's hesitation, turned to her and offered a bracelet. "Take this, it will protect you from the sun. Run as fast as you can, get out of here!" Aurora's initial skepticism gave way to trust, recalling her previous conversations with Kayla at school. She took the bracelet, put it on, and made a dash for the door.

As she emerged into the sunlight, Aurora held her breath, bracing for the worst. But to her surprise, the bracelet shielded her from the sun's burning rays, allowing her to escape unscathed. She didn't look back, fleeing the scene with a mix of fear and gratitude.