
Chapter 3

Kayla's eyes narrowed as she grabbed Ava's arm, pulling her aside with a firm grip. "What the hell are you doing here, Ava?" she hissed, her voice low and menacing.

Ava's eyes flashed with anger, her werewolf instincts simmering just below the surface. She yanked her arm free, her movements swift and precise. "I was just exploring the town," she said, her voice even but laced with a hint of defiance. "I saw the school and remembered it used to be a church. I wanted to see what it looks like now."

Kayla's gaze lingered on Ava's face, her expression a mix of suspicion and hostility. "You've seen enough," she spat. "Get back to wherever the hell you came from."

The air was heavy with tension as the two sisters locked eyes, their confrontation palpable. Finally, Ava broke the silence, her voice calm but with an undercurrent of warning. "I'll be waiting for you at home, Kayla. Let's not have this conversation here." With that, she turned and walked away, leaving Kayla seething.


Kayla was exhausted by the weight of immortality, not to mention the curse that doomed her to never find true love. She couldn't even recall why she'd enrolled in school again; what could they possibly teach her that she didn't already know? Yet, she yearned for a normal life, no matter how fleeting. Each time, she created new memories, a small comfort in her endless existence.

School was done for the day and Kayla went straight outside.

She reached her car. As she was about to start the engine when she noticed Ava sitting in the back seat, her reflection staring back from the mirror. "What the…?" Kayla turned to face Ava, who remained expressionless.

"What are you looking at? Drive," Ava said.

Kayla's disbelief turned to outrage as she realized Ava was still in her car. Didn't she just tell her to disappear? Fine, if Ava wouldn't leave, Kayla would drive her out herself. She started the car and started speeding away from town, the wheels humming on the pavement.

Ava's calm tone only infuriated Kayla more. "Um, excuse me, what are you doing?" Ava asked, her voice laced with a hint of concern.

"I'm driving you out of here, Ava. You can't just show up after 130 years and expect me to welcome you with open arms," Kayla spat, her anger simmering.

Ava's expression remained calm, but her eyes betrayed a hint of worry. "Chill, sis, let's just go home. I promise I'll explain."

Kayla's laughter was bitter. "It's too late for explanations, Ava. No amount of talking can erase 130 years of loneliness and worrying."

As Kayla's memories of Ava's abandonment flooded back, her anger surged, and she sped up the car. Ava tried to reason with her, but Kayla's fury was unyielding. Just then, Ava's wolf senses kicked in, and she detected something ahead - the scent of blood.

"Stop the car!" Ava's voice was a fierce mix of human and wolf, her growl sending a shiver down Kayla's spine. Kayla slammed on the brakes, her heart racing. She knew better than to ignore Ava's warning.

"What?" Kayla yelled back, her anger still simmering.

Ava didn't respond. She flung open the car door and sprinted ahead, her eyes fixed on something in the distance. Kayla followed, her curiosity piqued. A few steps ahead, they found a girl, her vibrant red hair stark against the pale skin of her lifeless face. Her neck was a mess of torn flesh and puncture wounds, the clear mark of a vampire's brutal attack.

Ava gently brushed the hair away from the lifeless girl's face, revealing a familiar features that made Kayla's heart sink. It was Aurora, her new friend from school. How did she end up like this?

"This is Aurora, the girl I met at school," Kayla said taking, still wondering how she got here in the first place.

"You know what this is, right?" Ava asked, inspecting the body with a mixture of sadness and determination.

"Vampire attack," Kayla replied, her voice barely above a whisper.

Ava's eyes narrowed. "Didn't they eradicate all vampires 130 years ago? What changed?"

Kayla's anger resurfaced, and she lashed out at Ava. "You came back, that's what changed. You brought them with you."

Ava's expression turned defensive. "That's not possible. To the vampires, I'm dead. That's why I returned – I faked my own death in front of their eyes."

Kayla's skepticism was evident. "How would they believe you? You can't be killed, remember?"

Ava opened her mouth to respond, but Aurora suddenly took a sharp breath and sprang back to life, her eyes wide with confusion and fear.

Aurora struggled to her feet, her legs trembling beneath her. Kayla instinctively reached out to support her, but Ava held her back, her eyes warning of the danger. "She might feed on you to complete her transition," Ava hissed.

Kayla's frustration mounted. "I can't just stand by and watch her suffer!"

Aurora's confusion and fear were palpable. "What happened? Where am I?" She touched her neck, wincing in pain. "What is this? Blood?" Her voice cracked as tears began to fall.

Kayla's assurance was firm. "Aurora, it's okay, we're gonna get you some help, okay?"

But Ava's response was ruthless. "Help? Let's finish her now!" She lunged at Aurora, fangs bared, but Kayla reacted swiftly. With a snap of her fingers, Ava's neck twisted at an unnatural angle, and she crumpled to the ground, lifeless. Aurora's scream was cut short as Kayla's magic sent her into a deep slumber.

Kayla quickly loaded the two bodies into the car and drove to her house.


At home, Kayla had Ava bound to a chair with a magically induced rope, neutralizing her powers and senses. As Ava slowly regained consciousness, she groggily muttered, "First of all, ouch, and second, why the dramatic restraint? Do you think I'm some kind of psycho?"

Kayla's expression remained stern. "You are Ava, and your return is the reason that innocent girl is in transition right now. And you want to kill her? Hasn't the last 400 years taught you anything?"

Ava's response was laced with raw emotion, her voice cracking as she yelled, "Taught me? It taught me that the world is cruel, and I'll fight for the rest of my miserable life because no matter how hard I try, I just won't get rid of these hellish creatures!" Her words almost broke down into sobs, revealing a depth of pain and frustration.

"I understand how you feel, Ava. Every vampire reminds you of my brother, and the pain is still raw. But haven't you stopped to think that killing all vampires, new and old, won't bring him back?" Kayla asked, her voice laced with empathy.

Ava's expression remained resolute. "I have thought about it, Kayla. And I prefer to end them all."

Kayla's eyes narrowed. "Fine, just so you know, I don't mind magically sealing your mouth and locking you in a room for all eternity if you continue down this path."

Ava raised her hands, palms up. "Whoa, chill, Kayla. It hasn't come to that. I'll leave the newbie alone, but I want to use her to get to the one who turned her. Can I at least do that?"

Kayla's response was firm. "No, because you'll be going back to where you came from."

Ava's frustration simmered just below the surface. She was tired of Kayla always telling her to leave, to go back. She had tried apologizing in her own way, but nothing seemed to work. Did Kayla expect her to simply say sorry out of the blue? Kayla knew Ava wasn't like that; her ego and pride never allowed her to apologize, coupled with the fact that she used to be a princess.