
Chapter 2

"Ava?" Kayla's voice was laced with surprise, her eyes narrowing slightly as she took in the woman standing before her. Nearly 130 years had passed since their last encounter, and now Ava had simply appeared on her doorstep, as if no time had passed at all. Kayla's gaze searched for any sign of deception, wondering if this was truly the Ava she once knew.

"Hey, K," Ava said with a sly smile, her eyes gleaming with a hint of mischief as she sauntered into the house. The grand foyer, once the entrance hall of a majestic castle, now boasted a modern chandelier and sleek marble floors. The walls, adorned with intricate stone carvings, still whispered tales of ancient battles and forgotten lore.

As Ava entered the living room, her gaze roamed over the plush furnishings and tasteful artwork, a far cry from the rustic grandeur she remembered. "You've totally transformed this place, Kayla. I love it!" she said, her voice tinged with a hint of nostalgia. "But I have to admit, I miss the old castle's vibe."

Ava wandered into the dining room, her fingers trailing over the polished wood of the table. She plucked an apple from the fruit bowl and took a bite, her expression contorting in distaste. "Ugh, what's going on with this apple? It's disgusting!" She spat out the offending fruit, her eyes fixed on the apple as if it had betrayed her. "Kayla, what's up with this apple? It tastes like shit,"

Ava then lounged back in her chair, propping her legs on the dining table as she gazed around the house, taking in the changes. Kayla's eyes remained fixed on her, still looking like she'd seen a specter.

"Seriously, Ava? After 130 years, you just waltz in, grab an apple, and put your feet on my table?" Kayla asked, her voice laced with incredulity as she forcibly removed Ava's legs from the furniture.

"Hey, relax, K! Don't get all worked up. I don't have time for explanations right now, I'm famished!" Ava replied, her tone nonchalant.

"famished?" Kayla echoed, her disbelief evident. She had long given up hope of ever seeing Ava again, resigning herself to the fact that the vampires could have done unspeakable things to her for eternity. Now, here Ava was, acting as if she'd never shattered Kayla's heart into a million pieces.

"K, I've been busy, okay? I promise I'll fill you in later, but for now, I desperately need a nap in one of those beds. God knows how much I've missed a decent night's sleep," Ava said, her exhaustion evident.

"Good luck with that! You can try sleeping in what's left of the beds, since they've all been devoured by termites and bedbugs," Kayla replied, her voice raised in frustration. "Weren't you supposed to be taking care of the house?"

"Well, If i stayed in this town for 130 years without aging a bit. I'm sure people would just applaud and erect a statue in my honor, right?" Kayla said, her sarcasm palpable.

"Aww, come on, K, you're not funny," Ava said, rolling her eyes.

"Anyway, I leave every 20 years and return 30 years later, making it seem like I have a daughter or something," Kayla explained, her tone laced with exasperation.

"That's brilliant, Kayla. A more brilliant plan would be to slaughter anyone who's getting too suspicious, but hey, yours worked, I suppose," Ava said, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

Kayla's patience finally wore thin. "What are you doing here, Ava?" she asked, her voice firm and tired of Ava's evasive ranting.

"Come on, K, you know I came back for you. I know cutting you off for 130 years was wrong, but I'm back now, and I want to make it right," Ava explained, her voice laced with a hint of sincerity.

"Right, and I'm supposed to hug you and welcome you back after this nice little speech? You didn't even apologize," Kayla said, her tone bitter and unforgiving.

"Apologies are for children, K. And I even brought myself down to explain myself," Ava said, her voice laced with a hint of arrogance.

Kayla just stood there, her eyes fixed on Ava with a mix of frustration and disappointment. She knew Ava was "unrepentant" - a word that perfectly captured her unapologetic and unyielding nature. Kayla had hoped that after all these years, Ava would have changed, but it seemed she was wrong.

"Well, I'm off to school. By the time I'm back, I want you gone, back to the hell you came from," Kayla said, her voice firm, and left the house without looking back.

"That went well," Ava said, her voice dripping with sarcasm, and stood up to explore the house, unfazed by Kayla's rejection.

Kayla's first day of school was like any other - a charade to blend in, meet new faces, and feign normalcy. But her mind wandered, consumed by thoughts of Ava's sudden return and the secrets she brought with her. As classes dragged on, Kayla's thoughts lingered on Ava's enigmatic presence, her troubled past, and the unspoken reasons behind her comeback.

In the school cafeteria, Kayla's trance-like state went unnoticed by her peers, until a boy sitting beside her, Max, tried to rouse her. "Earth to Kayla!" he said, tapping her arm after repeated attempts to get her attention.

"I'm sorry, I've got a lot on my mind right now," Kayla replied, her gaze still distant.

Max, a bespectacled teenager with a enthusiastic grin, leaned in, his words spilling out in a excited torrent. "So, which one are you choosing? I just listed five different clubs you could join - debate team, drama club, volunteer group, sports team, or gaming club!"

Kayla's brow furrowed, her thoughts still stuck on Ava. "Umm, choosing what?"

Max's eyes widened, his tone incredulous. "I just listed five groups, come on, which one are you picking?"

Kayla's response was curt, her tone polite but firm. "I'm not a group kind of person, okay? Thanks for asking, though."

Max's face fell, his expression momentarily crestfallen, but his resilient nature quickly rebounded.

Kayla rose from her seat and left the cafeteria, her footsteps echoing through the familiar hallway. As she walked, memories flooded her mind, recalling the numerous times she had traversed this exact same path. She had attended this school at least three times before.

Her gaze drifted to the trophy cabinet, where a face that looked uncannily like hers stared back, adorned with multiple trophies and accolades. Some of the pictures appeared old, but not old enough to obscure the resemblance. Kayla's eyes lingered, her thoughts lost in the memories of past lives, past triumphs, and past identities.

"You look just like this girl in the group photos, are you immortal by any chance?" The question startled her, and as she turned beside her, she saw a beautiful girl with piercing blue eyes, long, curly red hair, and a bright smile. The girl was wearing a black crop top, showcasing her toned midriff, and a sleek leather jacket, which added to her edgy charm.

Kayla chuckled nervously. "No, that's my grandma, and that's my mother over there."

"Ohh, I've never seen someone give birth to their exact carbon copy for two generations; the gene must be incredibly strong," the girl said.

"Very strong," Kayla agreed.

"Well, it's nice to meet you; you don't know how excited I'm feeling right now. I didn't even know this was possible; I mean, I knew it was possible, but I've never seen one in my entire life… I'm talking too much, aren't I?" The girl said, becoming self-aware.

"Absolutely not, please go on," Kayla said, amused.

"I'm Aurora, by the way," she introduced herself.

"I'm Kayla," she replied, extending her hand for a handshake, but Aurora immediately pulled her into a warm hug. "Yay, you're gonna be my new best friend!"

After releasing Kayla from the hug, Aurora began to talk enthusiastically about the drama and music groups' rivalry over who owns the stage and draws the larger crowd. Usually, talks like this would irritate Kayla, but there was something endearing about Aurora's energetic and bubbly nature that made her find this conversation charming.

As they strolled through the hallway, Aurora continued to engage in conversation, her enthusiasm evident in her words. Suddenly, a young man approached, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder; she smiled and exchanged a brief kiss before introducing him as her boyfriend, Sky. "We've been together for about two years now," she mentioned. "Sky, this is Kayla, our new classmate," Aurora said, making the introduction.

Sky extended his hand, and Kayla shook it firmly. "Nice to meet you, Kayla. I recall your introduction in class earlier today," he said with a friendly smile.

Just then, a group of students burst out of a nearby classroom, cheering and passing a basketball among themselves while performing impressive stunts. Aurora raised an eyebrow, curious about the commotion. "What's the excitement about?" she asked.

Sky chuckled. "We just received news that the defending champions have been disqualified due to a scandal, so our team has automatically taken the lead this season.

Two boys, including Danny, a tall and athletic young man with a chiseled jawline and piercing brown eyes, sauntered over to the group. His dark skin glistened, and his charming smile could disarm even the most skeptical of individuals. He exchanged playful jabs and high-fives with Sky, their enthusiasm infectious.

"Okay, boys, cut it out; you don't want to look stupid in front of the new girl," Aurora said, rolling her eyes.

"Oh, I don't mind; y'all do your thing," Kayla replied with a warm smile.

"My apologies, mi lady," Danny said, his deep voice laced with a hint of charm. "Like I said, I don't mind," Kayla replied graciously.

"Hey, I'm gonna be throwing a party to celebrate this win; would you be able to come?" Danny asked, his eyes locked on Kayla's, his interest evident. He was already shooting his shot, and who could blame him? Kayla was an extremely beautiful girl, her stunning features and radiant complexion made her a vision to behold. Her long, curly brown hair cascaded down her back like a waterfall, and her bright green eyes sparkled with a quiet confidence. She wore a stylish outfit that accentuated her slender figure, showcasing her impeccable taste in fashion.

"I don't think I can make it, I have this situation at home, I need to take care of," Kayla replied, her expression turning solemn.

"Too bad, Danny throws the best parties," Jake said, shrugging his shoulders.

As Jake scanned the environment, his eyes landed on a stunning beauty standing by the entrance. He nudged Danny, his gaze fixed on the mysterious woman. The group turned to look, and Kayla's eyes narrowed, her expression darkening.

"Holy smokes, who is this fine piece of art standing at the entrance?" Jake asked, his voice laced with admiration.

Kayla's face fell, her eyes locked on the woman. "God damn, she's gorgeous, and I think she's looking at me," Jake said, his eyes still fixed on the enigmatic girl.

"No, she's not, that's my prodigal sister, who's returned to make my life miserable," Kayla said, her voice firm. She excused herself, her long strides carrying her towards the entrance, where Ava stood, an air of tension surrounding them.