
A Switch in Time

Tobin got more than what he bargained for when he decided to switch worlds with his look alike out of curiosity and his love for Magic. He found himself in a world where magic rules and everyone is expected to be a custodian of one form of power. He is expected to pretend to be Lord Harold a young great Wizard of Ozir. What will he do when he discovers it would not be purely adventure for him because being Lord Harold places alot of responsibilities on his young shoulders for his land and his BETROTHED. Yes during the switch his look alike kept tight lips on a lot of details. Will Tobin get a to the end of this adventure by accepting his new identity as Lord Harold and marry Naomi his bethrothed or was there going to be a way of escape for Tobin to return back to his world ? EXCERPT Tobin paced around the large living room confused on how to go about the proposal befor him. His hands were sweating and his legs could hardly carry him. The people of Ozir have been challenged by another kingdom into a deadly magical competition and the people have rushed down to him to see what he would say about the challenge. The people of Ozir have never been known to refuse any challenge as it has always been their desired to be known as the strongest kingdom with magic. "I think it is time for me to come clean. I cannot risk my life knowing fully well I have no powers of my own. But then who would even believe my story and not call me a coward instead? " Tobin asked himself as he looked around in confusion to the faces of people waiting for his reply. The people have never seen Lord Harold ponder about any challenge. It has always been a straight yes from him From the corners of his eyes he could noticed Naomi taking calculated steps towards him. She was his betrothed and he knew what she was coming to do. She was coming to persuade him to take the challenge for the sake of the people.

Delta_Line · แฟนตาซี
29 Chs

Mini Market

"My lord, I will like to come with you " Tobin heard a voice from behind him. He turned around to see Naomi smiling at him with her head slightly bowed. He wish he could explain to her that he was just someone who didn't appreciate the way she was being treated because of where he came from and nothing else. He looked over at Calvin asif asking for his opinion but then he remembered he was suppose to be the one with the authority.

"Oh my Lord, don't worry about that. I will not like to stress you. I just want to take a look around the kingdom for a change " Tobin said trying to politely turn down her request.

"No my Lord, it will be an honour for me" she pressed on trying to charm him with her smile.

"Alright then, Tobin reluctantly agreed.

"I cannot see anything going wrong, or I hope nothing goes wrong " Tobin said to himself as he followed Calvin who was leading the way with Naomi walking beside him.

When they got outisde Tobin discovered the compound was a really big one with space to take another mansion inside the same compound. He could see different people moving in and out of the compound with a mini market inside the compound.

"Why will a market be inside the compound? " he whispered to Naomi forgetting that she had no idea of his claim of loss of memory.

She first looked at him with surprise in her eyes wondering why he would ask that question since he has always been seeing it.

"I mean what do you think if the idea of this market being here, I am thinking it should be taken outside " Tobin corrected himself with a false smile on his face.

He remembered his last conversation with Calvin. Calvin had seriously warned him that letting people know he had lost his memory would make them want to take an advantage of him. Hence he could only ask such questions to Calvin. He wondered what would happened when peoole discover he didn't even have magic. He prayed silently that he would fall into a situation where magic will he needed. He remembered their encounter in the forest when they needed to open a portal. He was glad Harold had taught his apprentices how to open one. It would have been a mess for him. But the question is how long can he last here without doing magic or having an occassion to display one.

"My Lord, my Lord you are not even paying attention to me" Naomi touched his hands to draw his attention back to her

"Oh sorry, my Lady " Tobin responded Tobin replied impressed with himself for remembering to use those words. His long night of watching merlin and the rest was really paying off..

"I was saying it was your father's idea that the market should be here because he doesn't want members of his family going inside the kingdom to get anything. Everything you will need will be found in this market and peoole come here because it gives them an opportunity to catch a glimpse of someone in your family. If it should be here I don't know but I think its not a bad idea " She finally concluded

Tobin was smart enough to know she was being careful in her answer. She didn't want to criticize the idea behind it. He wondered what Type of man who decide to cite a market in his compound because he doesn't want to relate with the world and doesn't his family to do so too.

"Okay fine I guess I will stop at his mini market first " Tobin called out to Calvin who was busy having a talk with some young men who were responsible for horses.

First of all he already knew he would have to use a horse which was a key factor in him saying he wants to see the mini market first since he would use his feet while he makes up his mind on if he wants to try riding a horse or how he would avoid riding one..

"My Lord will use be needing a horse or a carriage? Calvin asked as they headed to the mini market.

"A carriage please " Tobin replied without thinking

"Okay I will sought it out with the men and come meet up with both if you in the market " Calvin said taking a bow befor leaving them.

Now Tobin was left with Naomi and he was a little nervous. The fact Calvin was with them gave him some courage before.

"I think you sister is at it again from the little scene I can see ahead of us" Naomi said with excitment in her voice as she pointed to a gathering that was some distance from them.

Yes Calvin had told him has a sister but he didn't even remember to ask about her since. He wondered what she must me doing to draw a crowd where everyone seem to be enjoying themselves looking at her.