
The Appraisal Results Have Come Out

After playing the recording on the phone, Audrey said with a smile, "The voice recording on my phone can be used to make the correct sound comparison. To make it convenient, I copied the voice recording on my phone and placed it on this USB!"

Audrey handed over a USB.

Because it was a live broadcast, all the TV audiences in the city or the live broadcast room heard the recording.

The screen was full of negative news about the Fida Trading Company.

The assistant told Howard about the negative news about Fida Trading Company. Howard's expression became even more sullen.

Howard glanced at Gilbert. At this time, Gilbert wanted to refute something. But the evidence was cogent. Even if Gilbert wanted to defend himself, there was no way to argue for the time being.

On the other hand, the judge ordered the staff to take the USB to make a sound comparison.

A short while later, the appraisal staff had a result.