
Nothing Happens

Winnie ran so fast that Audrey did not even have time to speak before Winnie's figure disappeared.

Audrey stared at Winnie's leaving figure with wide eyes.

Winnie ran so fast.

Audrey turned to look at Harold.

"Is that Winnie?" Audrey asked.

Harold answered awkwardly, "Yes, it's her."

Audrey could not hide her interest. "Why did Winnie suddenly come to our house? Did you... Did you do something when I was not home last night?"

Harold looked at Audrey helplessly. "Come on. Am I the kind of person you are talking about? There is nothing between me and Winnie. I saw her riding a bike in our neighborhood when I went home this morning. She was knocked down and splashed with mud, so I kindly brought her home to change her clothes."

Audrey revealed a look of disappointment on her face.

Harold only brought Winnie home to change her clothes. It wasn't what Audrey thought it was, so Audrey was disappointed.

"You brought Winnie home to change her clothes? I thought..."