
I Fell for Her at the First Sight

Caroline sneered.

"Your speech sounds too nice. Let me tell you, I have seen a lot of girls like you. I..."

A voice cut in abruptly, interrupting Caroline's words.

"I believe in every word that Audrey says."

Audrey turned around and found Bryson standing behind her quietly with two bowls of dumplings in his hands.

Audrey heaved a sigh of relief when she saw Bryson's eyes. A hint of joy appeared in her eyes as she exclaimed, "You're back!"

"Yes!" Bryson asked a nurse who was standing beside him to take the dumplings to Kylee's ward. After the nurse left, Bryson held Audrey's shoulder and stood by her to face Caroline again.

"Mom, Audrey is my girlfriend. In the future, she will become your daughter-in-law. I hope you can respect my choice!"

Bryson looked very serious as he said.

"I don't agree. I will never agree to let this woman become a part of my family. It will never happen."