
I Am Here for You

Miles stared fixedly at Carl's face.

"You... You're not dead?"

"You must be disappointed to see that I'm alive!" Carl was so furious that he wanted to go forward and give Miles a good beating, but he was shackled and couldn't go forward.

Miles's eyes almost popped out as he looked at Carl. He cried, "Why are you still alive? You scum, why are you still alive?"

"You used me, but now you are accusing me?"

Audrey looked at Miles indifferently, "Mr. Brown, are you sure you want to quarrel in front of Desiree's grave? Aren't you afraid that you will disturb her peace?"

Her words reminded Miles, and he swallowed the words that were about to burst out of his mouth.


Outside the cemetery, Miles excitedly picked up a stone from the ground next to him and was about to throw it at Carl's head. Before the stone landed on Carl's head, Audrey kicked his wrist and sent the stone flying. Miles clutched his wrist and fell to the ground in pain.