
I'm an Open-minded Sister

The lawyer in charge of Maria's case was called Carley Zouch. She was a student who had just graduated from University A at the age of 23.

Knowing that Maria hired a newly graduated lawyer to be their duty lawyer, Deegan did not even have the desire to bribe them. He was confident that he would win this lawsuit.

Two days before the second instance trial of Maria's case, Audrey asked Carley out to meet.

Carley was waiting for Audrey at their appointed tea house. When she saw Audrey appear in front of her, Carley suddenly stood up and widened her eyes in surprise. Her mouth could not close for a long time.

"You ... you ... you are Audrey, right?" When Carley saw Audrey, she was too excited to speak.

Audrey smiled at Carley, "I am Audrey. Miss Carley, please sit!"

Audrey sat down in front of Carley.

Carley was still in a daze, and she could not wake up from the surprise of seeing Audrey.

Audrey was not in a hurry. She called the waiter and ordered a cup of green tea.