
How Mrs. Cordova Looks Like?

The press conference had been canceled!

Hearing these words, Wendy felt as if her heart had been fiercely pricked.

The press conference for tomorrow was canceled just for a client who had rushed over from abroad.

"What? Canceled?" Wendy blurted out because she was too surprised.

Julian comforted, "Tomorrow's press conference is just to report the company's recent business. It isn't important!"

Wendy gnashed her teeth in hatred.

This was the Shaw's scheme.

They had never told people about the theme of the press conference. So they could change it according to their wish.

She was sure that there wouldn't be any foreign clients tomorrow. It was just an excuse to delay the announcement of their marriage.

Such a grand reason!

However, since Julian had said so, Wendy could do nothing.

She said thoughtfully, "The client is indeed more important."

"I knew my Wendy would support our decision too."