
Do You Know the Consequences?

The Cordova Group.

Elvis came out of Bryson's office gloomily.

The market plan that he had just handed to Bryson was rejected by Bryson.

He had worked hard on the market plan for several nights, but Bryson called it a trash and just threw it into the trash can.

At this time, he was consumed by anger.

Why? Why? Elvis was outraged. He was younger than him, but it was Bryson who occupied the position of chairman of the Cordova Group. As Bryson's uncle, he was even scolded by Bryson savagely.

It was simply too cowardly.

Just as Elvis was drown in fury, his phone rang.

Elvis glanced at the number displayed on the phone and thought for a moment, then he walked to the stairs to answer the phone.

"What is it?"

"Mr. Elvis, something has happened."

Elvis frowned. "What's wrong?"

"It's about the Blue River Bay project."

"Didn't I tell you to demolish that house when the stubborn householder wasn't around?"

"I had sent someone to demolish that house yesterday."