
A Superman Found In Marvel.

A man found lost in an abyss, gets offered a few wishes to change his miserable situation.

ChiseldPotato · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
15 Chs

Stuck Against A Tree.

....The dust settled, revealing a Hulk even angrier, towering over the charred landscape.

Soldiers held their breath, faces etched with dread as his Hulk's emerald eyes scanned over them.

He charged, his feet crushing into the soft grass leaving deep craters in his wake.

Helicopters blades whipped in the air, off in the distance. Everybody but Hulk looked, because he didn't find it's existence hope but an annoyance.

Ross looking back at Hulk and barked orders into his walkie-talkie, "Slow him down! Blonsky!" Men scrambled, popping off shots that bounced harmlessly off Hulk's hide.

Hulk in all his rage leaped from the field and landed insid their ranks, most of the soldiers stopped firing, making sure they wouldn't hit their teammates in the crossfire.

Hulk paid no mind to it and hooked his hand under a Humvee tossing it like a toy into the crowd of soldiers

Screams erupting as soldiers were crushed beneath metal and glass, blood popped out like a squished tomato.

Hulk roared, a monstrous sound that sent chills down spines.

He picked up a soldier that tried to run away, and like a ragdoll in his giant hands, he slammed them into others.

And continued to throw Humvees that got in his way like boulders, bowling over terrified men.

It was unfortunate but this elite unit, once proud and strong, were reduced to playthings in the Hulk's rampage.

Ross, his face pale, out of anger at the death of his men yelled, "Fall back! Get away from him!" His voice was lost in the chaos.

Hulk smashed another Humvee, the soldier inside barely a blip on the radar of destruction.

Suddenly, a figure darted out – Blonsky, eyes narrowed with a prideful hunger.

He snatched a grenade launcher, aimed it at hulk, and fired.

The blast rocked Hulk's bones, but he just shook it off, then righted himself, eyes locking onto Blonsky.

Rage, pure and scorching, filled him up. He tossed the soldier aside like a ragdoll, growl echoing across the field.

Ross looked at Blonsky and questioned why he only showed up now.

Blonsky, all hopped up on his serum, met the Hulk's stare with a cocky grin.

The growl turned into a roar as Hulk lunged, fists whistling through the air.

Blonsky, quick as a monkey on sugar, dodged each blow with a flick of his head or a sideways skip, all the while firing off grenades that exploded in puffs of smoke around Hulk.

The smoke choked Hulk, feeding his rage. He chased Blonsky like a bull after a matador, smashing through whatever got in his way.

Blonsky, feeling invincible, led him on a merry chase, ducking behind a metal sculpture that stood on the colleges field, and peppering Hulk with more grenades.

Hulk, blind with fury, dented the metal with his blows, trying to get his hands on the taunting little bugger.

Suddenly, Blonsky clambered to the top of the metal structure, firing bullets from his handgun at Hulk's head.

The bullets pinged harmlessly off Hulk's raised arm. Hulk roared and reached for him, but Blonsky, cocky as ever, jumped over Hulk's head in a show-offy leap, trying to get the high ground.

Hulk, fueled by rage, didn't even look. He swung his arm back, a blur of green fury. His fist connected with Blonsky's body with a sickening crunch.

The little soldier went flying, tumbling across the field like a rag doll flung from a giant's hand. He rolled along the ground with sickening thuds, as he hopped along, whilst his limbs twitched and twisting into unnatural angles.

The grin was long gone, replaced by a mask of pain and broken bones.

Only stopping once a tree got into his way, forcing his body to squish up against it.

Hulk stood there, chest heaving, rage slowly ebbing away. Blonsky lay still, a crumpled mess of his former arrogance. The only sound was the wind whistling across the flat field.

Ross, taking the moment whilst Hulk was absent minded shouted into the walki-talki "Fire!"

Helicopters, that had been on standby peaked over the tree and unleashed a torrent of gunfire, painting the sky with tracers and bathing the field in a deadly rain of lead.

Hulk stagering at the rain of heavy rounds, as he tried to move when all of a sudden he could hear a whistle.

When all of a sudden hell fire exploded around him, as flames erupted, engulfing the grass, in a fiery inferno around the green titan.

But Hulk had enough, under the annoying pain.

He roared, a sound that shook the very earth, and clapped his hands together with a thunderclap that carved a channel through the fire, pushing the flames back and across the grass. He stepped out, momentarily shielded from the hail of bullets.

But just as he emerged…


At Oscorp, Gwen sat down on a bench, her face pale, and he friends talking to her "Gwen are you ok?"

"Ya, I mean, no" she said trying to play it off, when a teacher was called over.

He crouched down in front of her "Gwen, is everything alright?" He said.

"No, I don't know why I got so sick" she said forgetting the fact she was bitten by a spider.

"Ok" he said standing up "I think it would be best if you head home. Do you have anybody you can contact?"

Gwen nodded, slightly and pulled out a flip phone to get ahold of her dad.


"Sir, we have charter over the police comms, about a large green monster out side a collage" said a man wearing a suit.

As he continued reading out what he found "it would seem General Ross has blocked off the roads leading up to the complex, and as well, he's also, at least is evacuating the civilians" he said finishing off his report.

"Thank you Coulson, send somebody to secretly record as much data on Dr, banner, in his Hulk form as possible" said a bald headed, eye patch wearing man.

"Yes, I'll send an agent right away, I think we have a few near by. Let's hope their already on the scene" said Coulson.

"Good. Now how is Tony Stark getting along" Fury said.

"From what we found out he seems to have a low case of Palladium poisoning" Coulson said holding another document.

"Good, let's leave it for a while and get the suppressant ready, for when we meet him" said Fury.