

Wow, I got hit by a truck. There is some weird old man suddenly appearing in my vision. He apparently claims to be a god. So, naturally, I would never doubt this and I easily accept the fact that I'm dead. I also just so happen to have no friends, no family, no loved ones, and no one I care about.

He suddenly asks me what world I want to go to. Apparently, anime worlds exist. Not even going to question it. I could go somewhere creative like a Hunter x Hunter world or a Fairy Tail world... Nah! Fuck being creative, I'm going to a Naruto world cause that's what is hot and trending right now. Totally not overused or anything.

This god said that he would give me a system. Why? Who cares, it's part of the plot. Deal with it. Why is it a system? Everyone will immediately eat you alive the moment you say that, so you better not say a single word as to why it is a system.

God asked me one last question. He asked who I wanted to take over. Naturally, being the unique guy I am, I choose to be Naruto. Super unique, right?

God just sent me to the Naruto world with just a 'Hope you have fun.' I arrived in a Naruto world an apparently I'm a fetus. Apparently, my brain transferred over too. I dunno why. Let's just scream 'PLOT!!' and tip-toe around that question.

Wow, I can cultivate chakra!? While I'm a damn fetus? Without any explanation at all? Oh yeah! I have a system! Let's just blame it on that. Even though training while your that young can impact your growth, let's just say that system helped. Can a system automatically do anything? Yes, yes it can.

Let's now do a time skip of 5 years. I am now 5 years old and, of course, I am the most handsome man on Earth. I never do describe how I am that handsome, I just am. I already am so unfairly strong, I could even fight the Hokage and win. I also have made sure to seduce every single Naruto character except Sakura. Fuck Sakura. Sakura can go die in a hole.

Timeskip a few years. I am now totally peerless. I don't think anyone has reached an end to a fanfiction novel so I'm just going introduce Kaguya and easily beat her. I now live with all my wives and I live peacefully. Yay!

I need to stop doing this. I puked a little in my mouth when I typed that he took over Naruto. Sure, he's possibly the best choice but he's so god damn overused. I want to see someone reincarnate as Orochimaru but, you know, make him less disgusting and less of a pedophile. THAT'S unique!

TheGentlemenWorldcreators' thoughts