
A Summoner In Apocalypse

One day, mayhem descended on earth as dimensional gates transporting monsters appeared all over the worlds and along with them crystals that brought unknown powers. Cities fell with millions of deaths all over the world. Those who survived would try to survive in their own way. Some would try to continue society and build back. Others would try to build their own utopia. But this was only the beginning as new civilizations came on the new battlefield. Hao Kennen was in vacation in the Bahamas with his friends when hell came down upon them but power was also given. Kennen received the power of summoning creatures. Vacation ruined, danger at every corner and the power of summons, Kennen and his friend will have to navigate through the dangerous situations in order to survive in this new apocalyptic world.

Bailin · แฟนตาซี
31 Chs

Chapter 26: Again

Kennen, Frank and Enzo went on their own little expedition while the rest of their group babysat the embassy's team.

Their objective was to get Enzo to 50 crystals and they accomplished it albeit it took them a lot of time.

"Finally! Going last sucks!" Enzo exclaimed after finally getting his fiftieth crystals.

"What did you get?" Kennen asked in curiosity.

"Curve Shot!"

Enzo spent the next thirty minutes testing out his new skills, it was a bit of a tradition in their team to do that whenever they got a new skill.

The skill enabled Enzo to curve his arrows to the direction he wished but it didn't mean that the arrow could turn 180 degrees to suddenly strike someone's back.

It wasn't impossible for the arrow to come back and pierce someone's back but it needed space and time for the arrow to turn.

Curve Shot could also be used at the same time as Power Shot, Enzo named it the Power Curve Shot.

That shot was like a homing missile as it had power and precision.

"Damn, I wish I had a skill like that." Frank whistled in amazement after Enzo killed a mini cyclop from a blindspot.

"You'll get a great skill soon, don't worry." Enzo tried to comfort him.

Kennen wanted to express his doubts but kept it to himself.

Frank's power was a passive and even if he got another skill, it would also be a passive, this was at least what Kennen thought.

The trio hunted a few more before going back to the embassy when it was noon.

Jordan and Nina were also in the embassy as his conserve powers would help them greatly with the food stockage.

Kennen gave the four extra crystals they got to Jordan.

It was only right they showed their appreciation of his work by giving him more crystals.

He and his friends helped the embassy out a lot but it wasn't completely out of kindness.

There was an hint of selfishness in wanting a friendly group where they could ask for help when needed to, it also helped that they seemed to be more trustworthy.

Maybe people in official jobs were more helpful and different from how they were generally depicted in fiction?

Anyways, Frank also wanted to know if they knew a way to leave the island and go back to the US.

Frank was really in a hurry to rush back home compared to Kennen, it almost made him feel guilty that he was less worried about his family.

However, his family was too far away and there was no way for him to join them unless someone flew him there on an aircraft.

He would always have them in his thoughts but he couldn't overly worry about them as it would start affecting his mood and that could lead to bad decisions.

Only thing he could do was to trust his brother to take care of them and as his mother always said, take care of yourself before worrying about others.

As for Frank's parents, they seemed to be in an achievable distance, this was maybe why he was in such a hurry.

His other friends were also eager to get back home but to a lesser degree.

That was their other reason for coming to the embassy today.

The embassy's team also came back from their expedition and got a few crystals to increase their own force.

Kennen and Frank went to talk with Ambassador Rogers and asked if he planned to leave the island.

"We're going to bunker down here until help arrives."

"Didn't you say you lost contact with everyone? How would you know that they'll come to help?" Kennen asked in confusion.

"Well, the internet is down and signal is non-existent with the power being cut but we still have a chance to establish contact with our radio here."

Kennen saw that radio but it didn't look that strong to be able to contact someone that far away.

"How can you be sure they will come help us even if you reestablish contact?" He asked again.

Ambassador Rogers chuckled and said, "Maybe you're unaware but America has the greatest military on earth. An invasion like that may submerge a little country like the Bahamas but certainly not America."

"I just fought those monsters this morning, they do look scary but do you really think they're a threat to the US military? I'll give them two weeks before they take care of everything back home. Then it's only normal for them to send help to the less fortunate countries and the Bahamas are quite close to the US so help shouldn't take long."

Kennen couldn't say anything against that.

The US army was indeed the best on earth as they have more than 700 billion dollars in budget, who knew what kind of secret weapon they were hiding?

Shit, a team of seals with a lot of munitions could probably clean this whole island of monsters by themselves, what were the pig orcs going to do against ARs?

Even the shield conjured from the mini cyclop wouldn't be able to withstand a bullet.

"If your folks back at home were fine after the surprise invasion, then they should be even safer than us. As I said, you should focus on how to survive in these hostile lands until help arrives."

Ambassador Rogers was trying to reassure them.

Kennen thought that what he said made a lot of sense. He wasn't sure what was happening in America or other parts of the world since they were cut off from the rest of the world but it wasn't a stretch to say that America was the safest place to be right now.

However, he could see a frown on Frank's face and that didn't look like him being worried about their own security.

"But if you insist on trying to leave, well, it would be like before, you either take a plane or by boat. However, we don't have anybody who knows how to drive a boat or plane on our side so that's something you should take into account for."

"Thanks." Frank expressed his gratitude.

"Don't do anything rash, guys." The ambassador advised them as they left his office.

"What do you think we should do?" Frank asked Kennen after closing the door.

"I think we should take his advice and chill for a week or two to see if the situation improves or not. It's not like we can drive a boat or a plane."

He was in the mind that things should be taken slowly for now and they should continue to grind.

"A boat can't be that hard to drive, right? We're on water with no obstacles." Frank said.

"Until you're in reverse gear without knowing and smash the board into the port." Kennen joked.

He did believe that learning to drive a boat was certainly easier than driving a car or even an aircraft, the risk of death was near nil.

"Haha, but we can always go take a look at the port. I remember it was east of the island."


The next zone of exploration for them was decided but Kennen and his friends weren't going to set out without getting their fix first.

He and his friends were all gaming addicts as they all bought their gaming consoles with them on vacation.

They were unable to get their fix for ten days straight, the longest drought for Kennen since he took up gaming.

Although he was too busy struggling for life to feel an addict's withdrawal, playing some games in these tough times would certainly relieve some stress.

That was why they brought their gaming console to the embassy since there was electricity there.

So they finally played a few rounds of their favorite games to appease their withdrawal symptoms before they went out for another expedition.


Kennen and his friends returned to the hotel at the end of the day.

They went to the dock east of the hotel as it wasn't that far away and did see some yachts that could potentially make the trip here to Miami.

The only problem was the yacht was anchored to the dock and they needed a key for the anchor as well as another key to get into the cabin where the control was.

Maybe they could break into the cabin but the anchor was a whole nother matter.

So they gave up for the time being and would try to look for keys during their apartment rummaging in the future.

Back at the hotel, a woman approached Kennen and his friends just as they came back.

If Kennen's memory was right, that woman was one of the last additions to Michael's team.

"Hey, guys!" That woman greeted them in a friendly manner, "This is the crystals Michael owes for the week."

She handed it over to them.

Frank took the bag and saw it was filled with red crystals.

"Oh, okay, thank you." Frank gave her a friendly smile.

At least Michael paid before the deadline and didn't try to wiggle out of the deal.

Maybe he felt they were serious about their threats.

Kennen didn't want a conflict to arise but wasn't afraid of it either. It wasn't like he would have to dirty his hands.

The crystals were split up between them and then they went to get some food.

Kennen hung out with his friends for a bit before he went back to his room and played a bit on his switch.

He called in for the night at the suitable time and prepared for bed.

This was the sixth day since the invasion of the hotel and nearly two weeks since the monsters came to their world.

Time passed quickly and hopefully, they would one day have a peaceful life again.

His thoughts slowly started to slow down as he fell asleep.

But he was soon woken up again,

By the sound of a horn.