

This is a Short Prologue. I will try to keep the canon Personalities as I create them. But there may be changes or the characters may end up not being what you expect, and I will use valid reasons for this.

I'll avoid following the Original Story and make my Course, so don't expect it to just arrive and let everything happen as normal. By the way, my main language is not English s2


In simpler terms, I'm one of the types of Characters that are called [Reincarnated] in this world. But there is a little difference between 'this' and 'that'.

Contrary to what most works are saying, I'm the [Special] type. A Character who once died and ended up being reincarnated in a World where his world was previously purely fictional.

That was a big reality check, you know? Discovering that my entire History was a Script for many and that there was no way I could have changed my Fate, even though I was supposed to be the Child of Fate.

'' This is frustrating no matter how much I think about it. ''

I thought to myself as I took in the view from the Balcony, doing a little 'Review' about who I am, making sure I would never forget it.

I have no idea what Reincarnated me, or if I had any specific condition, but I still find it strange. Mainly if two factors are considered: I kept my abilities and my appearance.

As 'famous' as my work might be, it was far from being the most famous of all. But still, it was extremely strange that no one on the streets could match my appearance with that of a certain person from a Manga named [Magi].

'' These writers' sense of nomenclature sucks. ''

I let out a heavy sigh as I watched something that was supposedly on my side. That something was a bluish Window that in some works, it was called [System], but not the kind of simple System or anything like that.

It appeared in my Reincarnation and simply spoke...


[ It has been detected that the Host is already too strong, the System type will be changed to one that matches the Host and its needs in this world. ]

[The Grand Summoning System was the chosen option after countless calculations. Its functions are simple: Summon beings, people, and Items and use them in battles, in which they will appear. ]

[ There are three functions: Fusion, Erase, and Summon. ]

[ Fusion: Allows you to Fuse Items or Summonable Character Cards to bring something better. ]

[ Delete: Sacrifice the Item or Character Card in exchange for getting free spins. The deleted Character Card will not kill the Character, it will just disappear from the card. ]

[ Summon: Allows the User to choose a World and through this, summon Items, People, Monsters, and various things. They will always remain neutral according to the User, with exceptions (negative and positive). ]


This was the first and last time I saw this ''System'' speaking, and after that never again.

Once I even asked about the inconsistencies in my appearance in this world, next to my data, because nothing made sense. But still, no response.

Let's be completely honest...what's the point of being Named [Sinbad] at birth, and being born in Korea where the common name there seems more like a summoning ritual than a Name?!

( Autor Note: These are Sinbad's Thoughts, although he is not very wrong. 0 Prejudice with any nationality, Ok? Don't hate me for this. )

But well, I shouldn't get so caught up in simpler things like that. I hadn't tried to summon anything until now, as I wanted to familiarize myself with this world first, and somehow, I did.

In this world there are 'Hunters' and 'Portals', through these: Things happen. After all, a Portal breaks and the monsters leave, or you enter the portal and die to an ally who betrayed you, sometimes the monsters are even innocent when the Groups in the portals are murdered and few come out alive.

Can't decide on a Pattern. The only curious part is the fact that the portals give me the feeling that something else is about to happen in the not-too-distant future.

As I kept my abilities, I can still be called the 'Child of Destiny', with my intuition bordering on the impossible...wait.

Oh shit, I forgot about the rice in the Cooker.

( POV change )

Sinbad ran off the balcony and into his house, before heading down to the kitchen at high speed (moderate to not destroy anything). When he got there he saw a lot of smoke and quickly turned off the stove while fanning the smoke away.

''Damn it, I had to go into this monologue right after I put the rice to cook?! ''

He yelled indignantly, feeling sorry for having to throw the rice away. He lived in this World for a few years now and living in such a different world needed adaptations.

He took the pot where the rice was being cooked and threw the rice on a plate while putting the pot in the sink. He placed the Plate on the table and grabbed some cutlery, ready to eat.

''Well, I'll eat this even if it's burnt. Throwing food away is a big no. ''

He nodded as he took a forkful of rice, popping it into his mouth.

Tears burst from his eyes and a dark aura surrounded him.

''This is so fucking bad...''.




Lunch was over and now, Sinbad was sitting on the sofa watching television. He liked to watch TV and preferred to watch the news, as he didn't want the only house he managed to buy after so much suffering to be destroyed by some monster.

On the television, he could hear the journalist.

'' It has been announced that the Exam for new Korean hunters will take place within a week. The sudden reason for such an announcement is because some other countries ended up getting good lots in the past exam. ''

Sinbad stared at the Television in silence.

''Can she say that kind of thing on TV? ''

He asked himself before seeing the woman looking nervous as if someone behind the cameras was quickly waving her off as what she said had gone to shit.

'' Apparently no. ''

He turned off the Television after hearing the closure.

''The Hunter Exam, eh? '' Sinbad looked out the Window while uttering this word. ''Maybe I should join? This may end up making my financial situation a little easier. '' He got up and went towards the Room, lying down.

{I thought a lot today} It was the last thing that came into his thoughts before he threw himself on the bed and fell asleep immediately.


Well, this plot isn't the best. But I had fun writing it and I have plans to improve it.

Sinbad has a reason why he didn't become a hunter sooner (reasons that don't specifically involve 'script reasons'), so oddly enough: he hasn't become one yet.

I don't intend to nerf him, as he definitely wouldn't be happy knowing he was nerfed.

And About the World, he's in...well. He's in Solo Leveling, I believe he would be ''balanced'' in this world. Or is this what I'm saying to try to convince myself that he definitely wouldn't One-Shot most characters, with the only exception being Ashborn and Antares...