
A strange place like 'HELL'

It's on you , How you see the world. it's hell if you see as. and it is heaven if you see as

Arshlan_khan · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs

CH6#7.) A MAN

In hope of finding some friendly humans here. I started wandering. After a lot time passed, I gotta see a little crab only. The crab went into the small river or drain but totally pure.




I followed that river . I get to see nothing. And I started feeling hungary also. So, I sat on a big stone. It's about 8:00 clock according to me so it's dark now. After sometime thinking about my father, and my childhood friend my amusings.




In short of time, I listened some foot steps crossing the river but at a small distance of me. So, I hide myself beyond the tree. I see a person drinking water from the river. I was at some distance from him. So, I am unable to watch his face clearly. I didn't go to him. Because if he will think me as his enemy. He will attack me. And I even don't know the culture and language of this place. Now I should catch some fish for my supper.