
The Beginning 2

" Ike I hope all preparations for the event this night are all ready and in order"? Luthenna ask

" Yes your majesty I have made sure that all is in order including security, I have assigned the warriors to their various post and I assure you everything will be fine". Ike says

" Ok that's good" Luthenna says as he pats Ike Shoulder. " you are more than a general to me you know you all are families including the citizens, so I would not want anything to go wrong".

"Eze Luthenna it would not I assure you and thank you". Ike says as he smiles

" Alright at dawn let the merriment begin"!

Luthenna says.

" Nnunu please cheer up hmmm" I say as I do the pleading face.

Nnunu stares down to the ground.

" Uhm ok I will make Ur favourite dish and we will do race to see who climbs faster hmmm" I still plead.

Nnunu still stares down to the ground.

" Hmmmm if agreeing to go the party is going to make you happy cause am tired of this mood, I guess....."

Nnunu raising his head looking anxious

" it's a... yes then".

Nnunu happily flap his wings and flies around me whistling

" ok ok ok calm down". I say as I do my hands In a "slow down" way.

Nnunu calms down.

" So what will I wear for the party? you know I can't go there looking like this.. right"?

Nnunu shakes his head

" So.... have any ideas"?

Nnunu nods

" Okay.. then let's start and not to forget we will just be quiet and even not noticeable in the party agreed"?

Nnunu nods

" Okay... then let's start for real now".

After some minutes, I and Nnunu came back with bunch of leaf and lean stem we will use in making the outfit.

we kept on making but none felt right , until.....

" Nnunu this feels perfect". I said grinning

Nnunu nods and flap his wings too

The outfit was crump off shoulder top with flair short skirt which was way above knee but still modest. simple and nice for a party but when I touched my hair...

" Ehm I think we are still missing something my hair do"

Nnunu stares

I kept touching it till an idea popped up in my mind

" Yesss I've got and idea". I said smiling

I packed my black thick full long hair at the centre with the remaining lean stem.

" Yep am done". I smiled

Nnunu happily flap his wing then all of a sudden flew outside

"Nnunu where are u going to".? I asked

After 20 seconds he was back with an hibiscus flower, then he fixed it at the side

"Nnunu... thank you muah you are the best". I said as I pecked him

Nnunu flew around me happily.

I went outside my thatched house and saw its already getting to dawn.

" ... well this is it". I said I took a deep breath in and started my journey towards the village as Nnunu flew above me.