
A bad morning

A pleasant morning , she was in her bed sleeping peacefully and dreaming something ...

Suddenly she woke up and started crying as she had saw a very bad dream ...her parents came running and calmed her ....her mother hugged her tightly to give her comfort (as world's best comfort is in mother's embrace) ...

After she stopped crying her mother asked ,"why did you cried so badly like this ? and that to being suddenly woke from your dreams?" adding with concerned voice she asked "Did you saw something bad?"....

Ultimately mother was the only one who understood her ....and would know everything without her telling ...

She smiled and hugging her mother said ,"I saw you and papa leaving me forever in a beautiful mansion..."

Her mother laughed and said ,"So what was to cry in that? "....knowing she would be teased added ," you said we left in a mansion ... you should be happy with that ... isn't it ?" behind them her dad was listening to both mother - daughter conversation and laughing ...

She got teased with her mother's statement and said ," You both gifted me a mansion as a birthday gift and said now all this is yours , all the property and empire is yours ...now as your duties are fulfilled we are leaving you...and you wen....!!!" she ended in a slow and soft voice

Seeing her innocence in her face ...her mother and dad immediately hugged her and asked ," It means you love us more than anything else ?" ....

With a wholehearted smile she said, " more than anyone , more than anything " and hugged them more tightly ...

This was happy moment for their family bt still there was actual atmosphere hence to be revealed...