A man unwittingly reincarnates to a new world. A world where humans hold no kingdom nor title. As the powers that be vie for dominance, watch as he crawls his way up and build an empire that will lead the world as it's HEGEMON.
Athan Geldstein, Month 11, Day 13, Year A.F 652. The city of Rosalia, Kingdom of Rosalia.
I walk towards the office as the sounds of shouts ring through the hallways. The absolute panic and chaos haven't dissipated and along with the economic downturn the chaos left, the once prosperous city has turned chaotic.
I walk past the rooms here as I hear the various foreign guests shout out expletives, fighting guards to escape the city, about to turn into the center of a war.
Uncle has left the most important guests here as hostages, "for their safety" as he calls it. Though the various affected Principalities have raised their protests.
He remains staunch in reminding them of the current situation, one which remains highly volatile and any movements they do will incur their own rival's participation and spread the chaos throughout the continent.
He has certainly bet everything he had on this gamble. There is no longer a way for him and his house to lose peacefully. Then again, Lenard would probably have done evrything in his power to crush him, even without doing something like this.
It matters little now, what's done is in the past. Either he wins this or we lose everything. As I finish my walk, I end up in front of his meeting room. The various noble that took part were inside as the men debate our next moves.
As annoying it is that no one informed me of such a meeting. It is understandable, since I hold no significant military experience or political influence. Then again, uncle has everything to gain if he stops me from participating in any effort to win the throne.
I'll just have to show my face there and at least understand what he plans to do next.
That thought ends as I open the door. The men inside stop their talk as I enter. Their eyes bore upon me and I spoke, it seems uncle has not arrived. "Hello, I hope I haven't been interrupting."
The various Lords stood up in respect as they bowed. They'll at least give me the bare minimum of respect.
"Of course not, My Prince. We were merely discussing our next moves." A man stood up before bowing, his red aging features signifying who he was.
He was Duke Dunsten, one of the few men which I have held hope to keep my uncle in chains, is now nothing more than another ally because of his machinations.
Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if his fortune wasnt stolen from him. Or his industries not snatched by my brother's allies.
I smile at him as I sat in one of the free seats. With a wave of a hand, I gesture for them to continue on their discussion. "I see, go on then."
They look at one another in hesitation, "Uh, my Prince, how about we wait for Duke Rivider first."
I raise an eyebrow at his words, "Should we? And why is that?"
He looks around as his fellow nobles try to find a reason before one spoke up hurriedly, "The Grand Duke could contribute significantly on such matters."
"Then how come I heard some of your discuss?"
I was about to continue asserting my authority, to at least gain a semblance of leadership. Until the door opens and Grand Duke Rivider steps in.
His appearance was that of a normal clothing, contrary to the recent trends Lenard has been pushing. He enters in with pride and elegance as all the other lords bow their head in submission and reverence.
He notices me and smirks, "Oh, nephew, I wasn't aware you planned on joining us today."
"Of course not, how could I plan on something I wasn't aware of," A glare was all I could give to his smug expression.
He walks to the middle chair and sits down, "No matter then, you are more than welcome to stay here in this discussion."
"Now gentlemen, the situation is in our favour. The recent assassination of King Avares has turned into quite a stir. And with the Crown Prince gone and King Avares incapacitated, it is our duty to stamp out such revolts."
The various nobles around us nod with a smile, their expression more than aware of what was really happening. I guess they plan to stick with this pretensions of virtue.
Arthan leans back before he nods to the soldiers, and they immediately laid out the map, displaying the Kingdom's entirety.
"As all of you are aware, the Rebel's have been combining their forces near city of Ivern, one of the rebel lords, Lord Mirs, has joined their cause, declaring for the rebellion."
He points to the distance, "With an army of twenty thousand assembling there and our ten thousand coming in along with the supply coming in now, we can hold the capital for at least a few months."
He gestures to the soldier before they lay down their symbols, each one signifying an army, "I'm sure you are aware of the other alternative."
He spreads the army through the south. "They could decide to raid the south and consequently lose us some valuable land and supply."
That sounds terrible to him. The consequent whispers and murmurs of worry made it more than obvious what the consequences of such actions be.
"Though with more men coming from the south, we could minimize such damages." The intent of nodding made what would happen next more apparent.
"Or they could decide to hole up their defenses and wait for the reinforcements coming from the Kingdom of Arasel." He spoke in a grim tone as all the men looked down in thought.
"So, from conditions like this, our choices are severely limited."
He spread out the armies, "We could send our twenty thousand men to counter any raids they might have and with our advantage in knights, any engagement can be a win. Though something like this would require them to make the first move."
He moved them all towards the capital, "Or we take all of our men and force them into battle. Increasing our chance of winning from numerical superiority. Though with a plan like this, we would leave behind the capital defenseless. Though with battle in mind, they would be a bit more worried in avoiding us than heading to the capital."
He spread out our men, "Another option, would also be the riskiest ones." He pushes them men from the capital towards the northeast, "We would send our men from the capital to push forward to the northeast, sieging down and raiding their richest cities."
"Whilst our twenty thousand men shall head towards the capital for its defense."
He rearranges them once more as he raises his two fingers, "They could only react in one way. They would capitalize on our vulnerabilities and take down the raiding force, an opportunity we can use to pinch them in between our forces."
I spoke up interrupting his next words, "Isn't that optimistic? I'm sure that they could see a force such as this coming from miles away."
He shows me a grin back to me and I look back in trepidation, "I'm quite glad you asked nephew, since these concerns you."
He takes out a piece of paper, "Our brethren of Bruncia have sent a contingent of twenty thousand men, under the banner of their princess."
The words make my brain grind to a halt, "You don't mean."
"Yes, I do. You are to be married with the Bruncian Princess under the eyes of of Deia. You are to be wed."
He takes out another army as he places it in the northeast. "Their army shall arrive in boats and ships, a fact most useful once the siege of Aster begins. "
I look at him in shock before I feel an icy rage. How could he? How could he decide something without my approval?
I release a breath, as the rage subsides, there's no time for something as inane of thinking about my marriage. As things stand, I cannot be picky about whom to marry. As long as I survive this, it'll be fine.
"Now you have been all debriefed. Is there anything unclear?" Uncle spoke in a commanding tone as everyone nodded their assent.
He looks to me, "Then me and my nephew have something else to do. I believe Duke Dunsten can take of it from and once I return I hope that all of you can come to a decisive conclusion by then?"
Everyone nods as Duke Dunsten nods to his words, accepting the post assigned to him by uncle. I look to him as he stands while gesturing me to follow. I grit my teeth as the realization of what he just did settles..
I stood up as I walk to the door in hesitation, the men around looking at me as I feel their eyes mocking me. I follow behind him as the door closes and the men start their debate.
"Why?" I murmur to him.
He raises an eyebrow, looking unassuming. "What do you mean?"
I glare at him, "Why would you do all that and drag me away to the actual conversation."
He smiles at me, "Well, there's more for you to think about."
"What else is there than taking my vassal's respect."
"Well, a coronation, of course."