A man unwittingly reincarnates to a new world. A world where humans hold no kingdom nor title. As the powers that be vie for dominance, watch as he crawls his way up and build an empire that will lead the world as it's HEGEMON.
nMichael chuckles to himself as the call ends, their conversation was always a great joy for him.
Mary was always a delight to mess with and even with her chosen aesthetics, one cant even help themselves to see such a cute reaction.
Then there's Madelaine, he did not think much of what would happen when he assigned her to find seamstresses.
But the competence and efficient way she had done it was more than something, he thinks anyone could accomplish.
He never really thought, that he could do so much in so little time.
He certainly didn't think the two girls will be one of the few people he could trust in his life, well without taking into account the sigil of loyalty.
'Maybe I could remover theirs? As a sign of trust?' He thought to himself before shaking the thought off,
"I can't do that especially when every move requires the utmost trust," He mutters to himself in disappointment.
He chuckles, "I really do have trust issues." He said as a depressed mood swallows him.
He shrugs as he tries to reason with himself, "Or maybe it's just too early to do so, Right?"
He leans back to his comfortable cushion, the reminder of his new position in life, "Maybe, one day I'll actually have the guts to do it."
He yawns, 'Maybe I could take this time for a rest.' He closes his eyes, planning to rest on the hour trip to Ivern.
Michael yawns, he rubs his eyes as he thought, 'The trip was nice, sure it took half an hour more than anticipated but I got my rest.'
He looks to the street to see a carriage of moderate size and with less than luxurious condition.
Michael looks to Alfre, "I believe that's our ride."
Alfred nods as he whispers in a bit of fear, "Are we going to those bandits, SIr?"
Michael glances at him and smiles, trying to ease Alfred's tension, "Yeah though, it probably won't take as long as last time."
He steps onto the carriage, sitting next to where Alfred will seat, he looks back to see the cloth, he feels the underneath with his hand as he smiles, "Yeah those are the goods."
Alfred laughs and chats before he waves goodbye to the coachman that brought it here and looks at Michael, "Shall we go sir?"
Michael raises his finger, "Give me a minute,"
The sounds of clacking stones can be heard as a seemingly endless pile of stones was poured inside a box.
Alfred looks in confusion, from the seemingly endless amount pouring out his jacket.
Michael smiles, "We gotta make sure those bandits remember who I am, Yes?"
Alfred nods before whipping the horse forward.
The silent road ahead once again results in a bored Michael. He looks around to see pine trees, he looks at Alfred who's driving attentively.
He pokes him taking him out of his concentration, He then speaks "So, how has life been treating you?"
Alfred shrugs, "It has been the same as before,"
"Truly?" Michael replies with a smile.
"Yes, though there have been raises in prices. But with the salary I have, it tends to mean little."
Michael laughs, "I see, then you better keep driving with attention, we don't want you getting fired now, do we?"
He chuckles back, with a bit of panic, afraid of losing such a good-paying job, "Of course, Sir. I'd rather not starve."
He laughs at the joke, "Yeah," He looks around as a sinking feeling catches his attention. Noticing nothing he shakes his head.
"So tell me about these grain prices, you were talking about."
"Oh, ah yes. There has been a shortage of grain lately. So the prices spiked."
Michael raises an eyebrow, "I see, Do you know something about that?"
He rubs the back of his head, "I don't really know sir, but there were rumours that the nobility was changing their crops to cotton."
Michael grins, "I see," 'Then my decision to buy farmlands and buy grain from them were right calls."
He laughs with amusement, 'I always knew those nobles would follow profit but I didn't think they'll do it this fast.'
Alfred looks at him with confusion, "Sir?"
Michael notices his expression as he immediately explains, "It's just that, I'm quite glad I bought those farmlands. After all, it seems that grain has become more expensive."
He sighs, "That's a relief sir, I was afraid that the prices might stay like this."
Michael raises an eyebrow, "I thought you had enough money as it is."
He smiles, "Yes, well. I was hoping to start a merchant company. And the grain prices have been making a dent on my capital,"
Michael smiles from the news, "Really?" He reaches for his neck with excitement, "Then you wanna work with me!?"
He nervously spoke, "Sir? Are you sure? I don't think I am deserving of such trust."
Michael dismisses his concern with a wave, "It's fine, but do you know anyone willing to work for you?"
He nods, "Yes, sir! I've been in the business for years now. I know all the routes in Rosalia and all the men that go through them."
Michael nods before he realizes something, "How are you going to deal with the nobility then? Their businesses already have their own carriages and I believe some has started their own merchant company."
He replies with excitement, "I plan on delivering what they want, for free."
"Free? Isn't that a bit expensive for you?"
He nods "Yes, sir. It should be, but you see. I plan on delivering their packages, free of charge, by using a new policy."
He takes out a paper, "I have this plan on having an outpost for every city in Rosalia and a strictly followed schedule,"
He excitedly explains, "They'll have a spare coachman and a spare carriage for delivery, and with whatever nobles ought to send, we can just squeeze them in with no cost."
Michael taps his chin in thought, "That sounds feasible with enough customers,"
Albert almost exclaims before being interrupted, "But that doesn't remove the threat the nobility poses," He lowers his head in disappointment, a bit disappointed at someone pointing out the flaws in his painstakingly crafted plans.
He notices this and coughs, "Well, that doesn't remove its viability."
He taps his chin in thought, "How about this, I give you around ten thousand gold and you start your business."
He points to himself, "I take forty percent of the profit and I try to sell some nine percent to Prince Lenard, lets hope you can at least start with minimal intervention."
Alfred looks to Michael as tears up and bows, "YES SIR, I won't FORGET THIS SIR!"
Michael shouts as he pushes him up, "WOAH! Look back at the road, geez. If you arent careful we might not even reach that point."
He hurriedly looks back to the road as tears fall down his eyes wiping it to his shoulder, "I'm sorry sir, it's just I'm so happy for giving me this chance."
Michael rubs his dry shoulder as he shakes his head, "It'll be fine, just make some results then it'll be fine."
An hour passes and Alfred returns to normal as they continue down the road, Michael looks around trying to remember where it was before calling Alex, but he was interrupted when an explosion rocks the carriage.
A smoke rises not far from where they are and Michael speaks in shock,
"What's happening."