
Chapter 1 No Place Like Home

Get up.

Get up!

banging on the old wooden door could be heard from across the room where a young man lay in his bed.

I'm up!

he yelled springing to his feet.

Arthur! breakfast is ready!

another voice faintly heard from downstairs.

Arthur run down the stairs to find his brother Enoch and his mother Rosia already in the kitchen. his brother smiled

your always last out of bed Arthur

he laughed.

Arthur sat at the table and stayed quiet. his mother turned around and kissed him on the head.

Arthur needs more sleep Enoc, he's alot younger than you.

Arthur was 17 where his brother was now a man at 20.

Where is father?

Enoc asked his mother

I'm not sure son, he should be home soon so get ready. Father is taking you both to the forest again today.

See, Enoc loved the forest, a chance to show off his skills and survivability with his dad. Arthur was scared of the forest. sleeping on the floor of the forest with all the elements and wildlife free to roam. he hated it. Shortly after breakfast a cart could be seen coming up the road.


Arthur screamed running to the door.

Good morning son. are you ready for a big day!

father said as he patted Arthur on the head.

Of course Dad! I can't wait to show you what I can do!

Arthur replied

His father smiled and walked past him. Shortly after the boys left with their father

Goodbye Mum!

the boys yelled as the walked down the trail created overtime by their father. waving goodbye they lost sight of home pretty quickly in the trees. it was a beautiful day. the breeze was just right. not hot, not cold, just refreshing. They had been walking for about 3 hours when they found themselves on a peak. seeing treetops and beautiful blue skies. breathtaking eyes filled the boys.

the father smiled as he watch his sons reactions

Come on boys, we are almost there where we will begin to set up camp. Down that way.

the Father pointed to a narrow path downward behind a cut tree.

as they decended down the mountain side water could be heard flowing below.

Hear me are boys! Arthur go search for firewood. Enoch find us some food.

Enoch smiled as he grabbed his crossbow.

Copy Dad

Arthur took his knife and ran off in the other direction. Sprinting through the trees Arthur knew he was ready to bring back the food. He would bring back a whole feast of food. Enough to prove hes a man too and ready for extra challenges and responsibilities. A few hours had past when Arthur returned and nightfall had begun. He was dragging a huge log with about 10 rabbits strung to the chipped bark still holding onto the tree. On his back was a fine selection of mushrooms and some carrots he had found close to camp.

Father I have returned

He yelled. His father emerged from a finely crafted shelter for the night. Creating a floor and a door so it would help with Arthur's sleeping worries. He smiled

Well hello son. What do you have there!

Arthur dropped the log close to the firepit his father had set up earlier.

I found us some assorted foods for whatever Enoch brings back. Also this should be enough redwood to get us through the night. We just need some kindling.

Arthur replied as he walked towards his father. Suddenly, the ground shook! Arthur was thrown from his feet from its ferocity. smashing his head into a decent rock on the ground. he was knocked unconscious.