
A spetznaz detachment in another world

We found ourselves outside of reality. We weren't in earth anymore. We were sent by the G.R.U the investigate an anomaly in space time. We were part of a division inside the Russian G.R.U called the anomaly department. We investigate and study dangerous anomalies that can harm the motherland so we could make counter measures for them. Can we go back or should we be worried? I asked my comrades as they go around screaming, and panicking as the anomaly disappeared. Well shit.... Writer: If you enjoy this please follow or leave a star on the chapters. it really helps me a lot. Note I am the only one that makes this chapters and don't be worried if I'm late on my schedule. Also the source of the pictures seen here are from creator night cafes. They are a site that makes A.I generated art for free. Thanks please enjoy this story about a spetznaz detachment in another world as they find a way back to their world.

ComradeoftheGRU · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

Chapter 8: operatasiya partizanskaya part one

We found ourselves in another world. It's been almost a month since we have arrived and yet we have lost 8 men including a high ranking officer. Lieutenant yeshua volkov. A former staff Sargeant of mine in the 2nd russo-afghan war not to be confused by the first one specifically the Soviet-afghan war. He was once feared by Taliban forces because of his crackhead tactics. The Taliban feared him so much he had a $5000 bounty in his head and was called the hashashin in Arabic if translated in English is crack head or user of hashish or basically a drug user because of uncanny similarities of his tactics and the tactics of the order of the assassin's which were reportedly used hashish (it was a type of dried canabis). He had over 240 people in his body count. His enemies feared him because of his unpredictable nature, and getting paranoid at how easily other officers or Taliban religious leaders were murdered, and made them restless. After a disaster in one of his daring assassinations or should I say assaults to a religious leader (And did some warcrimes that didn't get documented were he tortured a high ranking leader to get info on the whereabouts of other religious and radical islamic leaders) he was captured after trying to assassinate a high ranking officer and maybe do a massacre his way back. He escaped after a few hours by stealing a pen from one of the guards who watched him and brutally dispatched them off from their lives by sticking a pen in their jugular over and over again. He arrived at the base a few hours later with a bloodied pen, bloodied clothes, a pistol with blood on it, and a bloodied bayonet. After that he got reassigned and I got recruited into the GRU temporal anomalies department. We met again after three months of working for the temporal anomalies department turns out he got assigned to this department of the GRU, and was assigned to my company after finishing training so easily. He was assigned here just 2 ½ years ago and yet he died. In my time with him he would do extra work even if he wasn't even needed. He would even help new recruit's specially the logistics personell in his free time. He even became the logistics personell manager because of this.

Well that's enough of that, and let's just focus on the current situation. The remaining food supply will only last a week from now tops in a worst occasion 3 or 4 days from now. The water problem was fixed but now the problem is we are unemployed, and don't know what jobs are needed in this world. Well time to ask Schmidt the commander of the regiment of a country we barely know about that we currently are in contact with.


I have an idea.... We are gonna start a business or a company perhaps. I mean we either starve or we do barters using medicine or perhaps sell our services to the highest bidder's like some sort of PMC (Private military corporation/contractors).

I have an idea how to do it. I need to start a syndicalist system. Made out of different syndicate's like workers, farmers, doctors, scientists, I.T, and soldier syndicate's. People can join the different syndicate's. These syndicate's will have representatives, and the people will vote on who will be their representatives. The syndicate's will have their own autonomy, and can trade with anyone. The workers will work in the mechanical industry, and strive to further industrial power. The farmers will produce perishable products that we need for vitamin's to feed/keep our solders healthy. Doctors produces medicinal products, or research more effective ways to treat diseases of this world. We may need it or we will perish in this world. While the scientists will create or research ways to make more easier ways to harness power, and maybe start a syndicalist revolution. The people themselves have power to vote for rules, they can vote for good leaders and not charismatic leaders by having examinations for competency, independence from the state, the state being subservient of the people, and each syndicate has autonomy and the only purpose of the state is to unite the people, and not lead into complete destruction of society and technological stagnation or even technological degradation. Syndicalism only wants the people to be helpful with each other and do trade by contracts and trade. Knowing what the west was like I doubt this thing wouldn't go so well in western Europe, eastern Europe, northern america, and some parts Asia since governments can be so greedy. Each syndicate will focus on their goals, and local chapters will be called cartels. These cartels produce stuff and give them to people these people are not forced but they are just doing what they see as right. They see this as public service Kinda like volunteers doing what they see as serving the public. Everyone will be a part of the syndicate's, and can have time on which syndicate will they join. Kinda like marx put in the communist manifesto except more realistic. Extra products will be used in trade with other nations to increase relations, for money (because we still need them to finance rebellions, get food, or get allies.), and plain old putting them to area's where food, and Essential products is small. Any syndicate official specially the farming syndicate that abuses this will be executed but firing squad. Corruption will be purged. If I go to far with my power if I was to create such society I would put in the constitution before forming it a law if a leader were to do misdeeds/abuse their powers not tyranny because in historical sense tyranny originally means not a democratic state like where the people vote on who is on power but a tyrannical one is where revolutionaries are the ones taking over that improves quality of life, improving infrastructure, improving the economy, and abolish laws that are so corrupt or damaging to the population that originally started the revolution on the first place and also taking matters by their own hands. There were also two types of tyrants. Benevolent ones who help the people in times of peace time, and crisis or the malevolent ones who abused their power. In ancient Greece and heck even Rome had this types of constitution and leaders. Heck multiple of times leaders where tyrants who led their people to greatness. Some lead them in times of famine, some campaigning for territory for their people, some one was even forced by the people to be a Caesar because of a war and then left the seat of power after the war ended 16 days later to work in his own farm, and some even led Rome to further hight's by introducing philosophies that helped people in times of great distress, plagues, and even wars. If you asked a man in the past in let's say... In the times of the Roman empire, and ancient Greeks that there are so many tyrants in this world they would've agreed, and would tell you the goodness of benevolent tyrannical rulers. Heck Corinth a Greek city state that used to be a backwater city state became the most important trade centers because of a tyrannical ruler. Not all tyrants are bad. Some are good some are bad.

The next day...

I woke up to chatter from some of the soldier and heard the captain's voice.

"Ivan. I need you to come with a few soldiers. Also bring the notebooks. Be ready."

The captain left. I was confused and asked to other corporals, Sargeant's, and privates on what was going on.

"Anyone knows what going on? It's too early in the morning. The sun isn't here to be seen. "

I checked my watch and it's 3:00 AM.

What the fuck. It's too early for this shit.

"Yeah it's really weird. We usually get woken up in 5:00 AM but it's too early."

"Yeah some of us are hung over. last night we drank some of the few remaining vodka. We also used some of the ice you made for the perishable goods."

"Wait is there any alcohol left?"

"Eh.... Yeah but it's only one box."

"Well shit.."

I noticed some of the soldiers were still struggling with hangovers.

I sighed as some of the hanged over soldiers were dragged by the corporals and some of the Sargeant's.

I walked to the captain's tent and saw Schmidt and some of the researchers and physician's already in the tent. I bet this is some plan to probably do a diplomatic mission or gather funds, and supplies from selling medicine or probably sell our services given this was a medieval world and in history class back in Moscow state university. In history the medieval period used to be fought with mercenaries, and local lord's/knights given this is some medieval world with fantasy element's, and medieval elements. I wonder if there is something like unfair trials like what happened in the HRE where there are two leaders something like a pope and a emperor. Either you submit to the pope or the emperor either way you die if you didn't choose in the cities where the people are either loyal to the emperor or the pope.

"Ah ivan. You must be thinking why did I woke you up so early? Well. I have a job for your and some of the men who weren't hanged over."

"Let me guess. Your gonna ask me to do a diplomatic mission, a research and assessment mission, a hunt and forage food, or your gonna ask us to do something like sell our services like some sort of mercenary forces."

"Ah I see. You remembered your history classes."

"So could you do a diplomatic mission and a supply run?"

I sighed and accepted it.

I accepted it because if I don't we either starve or accept this mission. We might get allies or at the very least we could get merchant allies where we could probably trade our way to influence.

Either way we can make our life a lot easier.

I gathered some of the men who didn't drink last night and let the mechanics check the BTR's if they had any problem. I noticed that the captain was going near me and I asked him why was he following me.

"Oh I forgot to give you a book of rules that you need to follow. I can't just let you roam freely and just terrorize the locals."


I accepted the small booklet and read it.

2 hours later.....

The mechanics are now finished. I asked one of them if they are road ready.

"Yeah just don't get damaged. Currently the logistics team have a few parts. It's the only parts we have."

I nodded and called in some of the men, researchers, physicians, and logistics personell.

The logistics personell brought some crates and cans of 7.62x39, 5.49x39, 7.62x25, a few bags of food, clothes, 2 kilo's of laundry detergent, and water bottles.

I brought some of the men who can manipulate water and can use water molecules from the air to be drink. It's due to the familiars.

Wait.. Oh..

I came back to my tent and woke up my familiar. Might as well bring this thing with me. Maybe I can used this a meat shield.

The familiar growled for crackers.

I fed it with some crackers from my breast pocket.

30 minutes later....

The regiment of airborne troops who greeted us used their airship to go first because we don't know where the hell are we going and was basically our guide to this world.

We entered the BTR's and 2 transport trucks and left the camp to follow our guides.

To be continued....