
A song of Ice and Fire : The World Emperor

How would you feel when your miserable life would end. Would you feel sad? Or angry, or maybe you would feel happy because God gives you another chance at a new life in your favorite universe. Castlevania and A Song of Ice and Fire.

Lukas_Blast · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
6 Chs


"Good evening my Lords and Ladies, my name is Alucard, I am...a bit lost, would you mind helping a stranger in need ?" said Alucard with a small smile on his face and his eyes who were shining like gold because of the fire

The people around the fire who were most likely family remained silent for a few seconds until the oldest of them who Alucard, imagined that he is the head of the family, answered :

"Good evening to you too, Lord Alucard, please come and sit with us by the fire" and so he did, sitting near the man and the son, opposite to the daughter and mother.

"Here take something to eat, it's not much but it should be enough to fill you for the night," said the older woman, handing him a bowl of soup with some bread.

"You are too kind with me but thank you my Lady" at that the women and most of them started to laugh and Alucard started to look confused.

"I am no Lady my good Lord, if I would have been one, I don't think that I will have to spend night's on the road, my name is Tanisha, this is my daughter Vellylla, my husband Maerrario and my son Paenos, we are theater traveling actors, and who might you be?

Well, at least now he knows that he is in the Free Cities, better than being in the Dothraki Sea and so he answered "I am a traveler, coming from Asshai" at the mention of the place he originated from, the whole family became pale just like they have seen a ghost, and the son managed to murmur something out of his shock "They say that any who are mad enough to venture in the Land of Shadow, they would never come back, how is it that you are here?" and then the father spoke out "Aye, my son speaks true, I had a friend with a rare gift, one day he said that he would go into the Shadow Lands to perfect that gift, never heard of him since then" but Alucard already had the answer, after all, the biggest advantage of the devil is his silvering tongue.

"When I was little boy, my mother grew ill, sooner or later she died...my father lost himself in grief, he drank himself to death, the only thing he has done before he died was to give me our family sword, told me to keep on this sword as my life depends on it (Alucard said while showing them his sword ), one of his friends took care of me since then, we traveled a lot, and our last stop was in the Shadow Lands, where he wanted to teach me magic, told me that I have a rare affinity for it, there I learned Magic and Swordsmanship. After I've come of age, I left to travel, to know the world.

After the family heard his story, they began to have mixed emotions, they were sorry that he had been without his parents since he was a child and yet they were skeptical of his story about magic, so they asked him if he could show them magic. He nodded and reached for the flames, and in less than a few seconds, the fire was extinguished, shocking everyone present, but what was even more shocking was that after he took his hand from the fire, the fire broke out again.

"To think that magic exists in our times is a scary thing and yet...amazing," said the father, to which Alucard replied. "People are afraid of what they can't control. Think about how much magic could help us. How many sick people could be healed, how many crops we could have each year, in the hands of the right person the world could flourish more than ever"

"Aye, you speak true lad, but there's no such person in this world, nor would ever be, everyone care's about their own needs, in the end, many are making promises, to few are actually keeping them," said Maerrario and at his words, Alucard did nothing but only kept staring, he would change the things around here, why? Because he can.

After speaking to them for 2 hours or more, he knew that they were good folk, trying to win their place in the world, poor souls, one with a good soul would never succeed in this world, they were lucky to be alive simply because they were from Braavos, but now it seems they are near Myr, one wrong word, one wrong move, and your throat would be cut, they knew that too, that's why they asked if Alucard can be their Guardian, for a fair price, of course, everything has a price.

"So tell me Alucard," said Paenos, "How do you use that sword of yours, it's too long and I think that before you unsheath it, your guts would be on the ground already"

"Paenos !! What did I've told you about that language of yours ?!" exclaimed his mother with furry on her eyes, a thing which made her son cower behind his father, the poor man looked pale when his wife turned her eyes on him, giving his son a look ( Sorry boy, better you than me ) and the look on the son's face was but a simple one ( How can you betray me ?! ), but the tension was broken when Alucard started to chuckle, a thing which made all of them look at him.

"There's nothing to be angry about, in fact...I'm getting this question a lot of times (Lie) but I've given a truthful answer to only a few of them", he took his sword from the side and then kept his hand on the middle of the sheath, then he unsheathed the sword with the sheath himself not the blade, the shocking thing about that was that the sword kept staying mid-air without being kept by his hand or anything at all, everyone was mouth agape, especially Paenos who got closer to take a look, " this is incredible! Can you make it fly or something like that? " Damnn he was just like a kid, but he could understand, the same happened to him when he tried the trick earlier that day, so Alucard said "Ask and you shall get" and then the sword started to fly around the camp, doing all kind of tricks, even hitting a tree and passing right through it, then the sword returned back in the sheath.

A round of applause came from the family, making Alucard smile for the fact that he could bring a smile to their faces, then a question came like a bolt from the daughter " Did you ever killed someone Alucard ?" at which her own brother answered right away " Of course he killed dear sister, I am sure that Master Alucard slew a lot of bandits in his travels", but did he? No, the question was, could he? He never thought of himself as a killer, but he wanted to conquer, he wanted the whole world to be on their knee's when he would pass, he wanted the mountains to shatter when his name would be pronounced, the gods to tremble, yet here was the biggest question, could he? Take a life for his purpose? He shall see.

"No...I have not, mostly hurting them" that brought a smile on the girl's face and a frown on the brother's one.

"Hard to take a life, many people are not thinking about this, but every life is precious and sacred, given to us by our merciful gods, we are only bringing their fury upon us," said the mother, of course...very merciful gods, most likely they are planning how to kill me right now, he thought.

"Enough of this, the night is already short, we've got a road on our faces, Master Alucard, as I am seeing you don't have anything on you besides your sword and your clothes, a blanket is all we have, but we hope that it would help you sleep well," said the Maerrario

"It would do just perfect, thank you for your kindness" and after they had powered the fire a little longer, the whole family fell asleep, except Alucard who was staring at the sky and the stars, thinking of all the things that would follow, all the lives that would be taken, all the battles that would be fought, but he also thought about how much this world could progress under his command, but he will have to wait and see because right now he was feeling sleepy.

The ground was arid like no water has been in that place for centuries, the smoke in the air felt and smelt poisonous, the sky was dark and red, and in his face, all he could see were only bones and death. This is what Alucard dream world looks like, "what is this place?" he asked, and walking more and more among the bones of men, animals, even dragons, a shadow appeared before him and in a thick, even sinister voice he whispered "The future, because your fight with the gods brought this place to ruin, even the smallest piece of life in this world has been completely annihilated and it's your fault ( said the person, pointing his finger at him, but there was no piece of flesh on its hand, only bones ), because your greed, you are an outsider, BEGONE FROM THIS WORLD! BEGONE !!! Said the being while grabbing Alucard and in that time, it revealed its face, a demon, half of his face was only bones while the rest was a putrified red skin "You shall die a painful death Adrian Tepes, son of Vlad Dracula Tepes, such a horrible death that even the gods would shiver when they would hear your screams !!! But it seems that even these thing, nor even his curses, nor his threats seemed to affect Alucard, his eyes became red of color, not even the blood was so pure in color, and he only asked "Are you done ?" the demon only made a noise(Hmm?), like he didn't understand the question."If you think that this pathetic show would be enough to scare me, you are terribly wrong( He said while grabbing the demon ), this would be my world, sooner or later, you can go and tell your gods that no matter how hard they would try, they would not stop me, I shall rule this world! Not them, not you! But meee !!! I shall be the emperor of the whole world! NOW BEGONE !! BEGONE YOU FOOL AND TELL YOUR STUPID GODS, TO MAKE THEIR PRAYERS BECAUSE I AM COMING FOR THEM !!! BEGONEEE !!!!!!! And at that moment the demon was lighted in flames, screaming for mercy from Alucard, but he would give him none.


"Damn...that was a dream huh? Not a pleasant one...ahh! My head hurts" exclaimed Alucard with a hand on his head, and looking around, everything was normal, "Just a dream it seems, if they started to infest my dreams in my first night here, it would not be any longer until they come after me...(and with a smirk appearing on his face, he said ) let them come, see how big their godly balls can be.

Waking up from his place and packing his blanket because of "Mannerism" he started to go towards the chart of the family, he found them all eating and said "Good morning to everyone" with a smile on his face, returned by the family ( Not by the son tho, most likely disappointed that Alucard was not that badass warrior he imagined ) and then the father spoke, "Good morning to you too, how did you sleep ?"

"Not quite good, I had a nightmare," he said while taking the bowl with soup from Vellylla, thanking her and giving her a wink, which made her blush, a thing that didn't pass so quickly from her mother eyes.

"You were screaming a lot, do you want to talk about it?" asked the mother, maybe he still has dreams of his parents? Or another trauma from the past? She could not know.

But Alucard refused, saying "No thank you, I wish to keep it for myself" and continued to eat, but it seems that Vellylla would not let the things like that "But maybe if you tell us, we could help you pa..."

"Enough Vellylla !" said the father with a voice that left no room for argument, and then with a calmer voice he said "If he doesn't wish to speak about it, we should respect his choice, now come on eat, wee need to get on the road, you should eat a bit more Master Alucard, you are to guard us until we reach our destination, we can't have a bodyguard who is not well fed" nodding he took another bowl, not the best food, but better than feeding on the poor people...lucky for him, and for them, of course, he was a hybrid, he could satisfy his hunger with normal food.

After 2 hours

They finished eating, bathing, to pack the things, and they started on the road while,and he had to say walking towards Myr was interesting to say at least, the road was not the fanciest, nor the snakes he has founded on it, but the daughter from the family and the boy, they still kept him occupied

"Tell us, Master Alucard, where have you been?" asked Vellylla with a happy look on her face, truly a beautiful girl this one was

"Have you ever been to the slaves' cities? Have you Alucard?" asked his forever loyal fan-boy

"I've been to Mereen a few times, and Astapor, beautiful cities, the stories about their beauty are making them no justice," said Alucard with a small smile on his face

"Have you seen the Unsullied?! Is it true that they are the best soldiers this world has ever seen? That they don't have any fear?" asked the brother with an excited look on his face

"How big are the pyramids? Did you ever fight in the fighting pits?" asked the sister

Goddamn these two kids, can't they just shut up for a second*sigh*. But before he could give them the answers, he starts hearings small whispers coming from the long distance, guess that you could say thank you to the superhuman abilities.

"A chart is coming boys if I see any mistake, I swear that I gut you myself, did you understand?" and then smalls' whispers after whispers came, saying "Yes sir". Bandits thought Alucard, and from what he could understand, there was 7 of them, it seems that the question from the last night, about killing...he would need to answer to it today

"You better wait here, something is wrong," said Alucard who started to walk faster towards the father and mother who were driving, leaving the two siblings, with a questioning look on theirs faces.

"What's the matter Alucard," said the man, but before he could continue the conversation a bolt was shoot, the target was Maerrario head, luckily for him, Alucard sword was already drawn, and the bolt was dismissed. "Take your wife and kids and stay behind me" the man didn't need to be told twice, he took the 2 swords, one given to his son who looked as pale as milk, and they both stood guard in front of the girls.

"Did he just blocked the fucking bolt? Who the fack is that guy?" asked one of the bandits

"Hmm Westeros accent, but here? In Myr as bandits? Maybe they worked as sellswords?" but he didn't have time to think, because another bolt came in his way, and like the other before it, it was deflected perfectly by Alucard.

"Who the fuck is that guy?" asked the same bandit, but then another spoke, a more rough voice came this time " I don't know, I don't care, get out and kill him, the other 2 fools too, take everything they have and the women, we are going to have some fun smiled the bandit with his yellow rotten teeth showing.

"Get out! All seven of you!!" said Alucard and then he whispered something, more to himself than the others. "You are not going to need my name, my name would not mean anything for some corpses" and then, slowly he started to walk towards the bushes and trees which the bandits were using as cover, sadly for them...they didn't know that a butcher, was walking towards them.


I hope that you liked this Chapter, guys, I am already working on the next one, maybe late tonight or tomorrow I can post it.

Lukas_Blastcreators' thoughts