
Chapter 416 The Conscience of the Forensic Expert

Normally, the forensic expert would not smoke, which would affect his sense of smell and taste.

But he was really upset today.

Not only did the captain sit in front of him, but also what Noelle had just said made him very conflicted.

The captain lit a cigarette for him and said after taking a puff.

"Did you hear the voices on the Internet? Did you hear the wails of LeBron and his wife and the pleading of Sophie?"

"No one with a conscience will be blinded by temporary benefits, not to mention that the hands of the God of death are shining in your eyes!"

Hearing this, the forensic expert was even more confused. He took the initiative to ask the captain for another cigarette after smoking it.

He sighed while smoking.

"I really can't stand this kind of suffering. After all, I have never done such a thing in my life. I thought I could retire, but now it seems that I am wrong."