


/"I'm not feeling so good,/" I tell mom as my insides turn and I feel as if my

intestinal walls are shrinking.

/"How do you feel? Where do you have the pains?/" I hold my stomach tightly as

that's where it hurts .

/"My stomach feels like its shrinking and my head really hurts,/" I roll about on

the bed.

/"Do you think its your period? Should we see the doctor,/" Mom asks caressing my

back to help soothe the pain.

/"No we shouldn't, I guess its just cramps/" I say as the pain seems to die down.

/"Are you sure?/" Mom asks again. I stand up sitting upright, as my phone rings

and I nod to my mom telling her I'm okay.

Its Theo. I look at my mom and then to my phone.

/"I have to take this, sorry, its Theo./" I smile shyly and pick the call.

/"Hey,/" I pick the call.

/"Hey. Are you okay? You don't sound so well,/" Even when he's not seeing me he

can detect that something is wrong.