


Haula's POV.

/"Hey,/" I say after sighting him from afar and having no doubt that he is the


/"Hey you came,/" Didn't he expect to see me or did he think I was going to bail?

/"Did you think I wouldn't?/" Theo is wearing a light gray shirt and a chinos

looking really nice. Now that I look at him I see how handsome he is.

/"Of course not, well maybe,/" Is he nervous it? Sure looks like it.

/"Well here I am, I wouldn't think of bailing,/" I smile making him feel relived.

/"You look really nice,/" he compliments while staring at each at me making me

fall my face blushing, and if not for my dark complexion you would definitely

see the pink cheeks.

/"Thank you. You look nice also,/" I return the compliment. I do get compliments

and I always appreciate it a lot cause it makes me so happy and coming from a

guy I have a crush on certainly doesn't help matters.