
A Soft Kind of Home

Jaskier learns a lot about the witchers the first winter he stays at Kaer Morhen

Egg_Company · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
2 Chs

A Soft Kind of Home

The first year Jaskier stayed at the keep he learned quite a bit about the Witchers of Kaer Morhen.

He learned that Eskel likes to read out loud but was taught that it's "childish" so he offers to read books for Jaskier. Eskel likes to read by the fire and he likes to hold Jaskier in his lap. Eskel likes to listen to music and loves Jaskier singing this and that, trying to figure out new songs. Eskel is very smart and can talk and talk for ages about almost everything.

He loves talking about embroidery, sewing, spinning yarn, anything that has to do with making pretty things or art. He also loves talking to the viscount about food. He tells the bard about the disgusting things he's choked down on the path and how the food at home is so much better. Jaskier tells him that when he returns next year he'll bring along spices and herbs from Oxenford and recipes from Lettenhove.

Jaskier learned that Lambert is a big softy when he gets used to you. He learned that storms scare Lambert and he had a quite soft side to him. Lambert likes to cuddle and be close to Jaskier or the other witchers when it rains or storms. Lambert loves sitting in laps and loves being held. Lambert really just craves some form of affection and love. Lambert likes chewing on stuff especially his own hands.

He learned Geralt is the... Well there isn't quite a word he can think of for what Geralt is. Eskel comes to Geralt when he doesn't feel well or scared. Lambert is almost always hanging on Geralt when it's stormy outside. And Geralt takes care of them.

Jaskier learned that there's one room in the keep that all the wolves sleep in when they get lonely and sad. Geralt usually leads the other wolves by their hands to the room when sadness hangs too heavy over them.

Jaskier learned that all the wolves liked to nuzzle and snuggle when they sleep and he always ends up in the middle of a puppy pile. He learned Geralt can talk in such a low and gentle voice that it instantly calms the other two.

Jaskier learned a lot