
A Slave To My Vengeful Lover

[Warning: This noval features Mature Content] She wanted love, but he wanted revenge! "Okay.., Thanks for saving me.." (I said, and turned around to leave his room) Mark: "It's better, If You Remove Your Undergarments".. (A sudden shrill electrified my body when I heard those words. I turn around to look at him. He is just doing his work on his laptop very casually. I didn't respond and turn to reach the door.) Mark: "Your wound will heal soon, so..." Anna: "Okay..." (What I just say? Did I actually agree to remove my undergarments? It's embarrassed me. I just rush out of his room in a hurry, but when I unintentionally imagine his words, my heart starts racing.) _________ Anna is devastated when her best friend Ria dies mysteriously. Whereas Mark, who is Ria's older brother wants to find the culprits, who are responsible for Ria's death.... Both Anna and Mark teams up to find the facts regarding Ria's case but they don't know that they fall in love to eachother... They feel like they can't live without eachother... On one fine day, both of them confess their love to eachother and their relationship leads to marriage... However, there are secrets behind Ria's death that will threaten the fragile romance blossoming between Anna and Mark and it leads Anna to be his slave... Mark wants to take strong revenge on Anna by entering into Slave aggrement... But Anna always trusts that love always Wins over revenge, so she always enjoys his sexual intense punishments out of love towards him... But to his surprise, he starts to find himself falling in love with Anna again. Revenge Wins? or Love Wins..? No matter how many fights you may get into, if you truly love someone it should never matter in the end... Love Always Blossom... Follow the book for further details... Hope you will enjoy it... _______ In the first 100 chapters Mark behaviour is a kind of Pervert and tease Anna in all possible ways... After 100 chapters, he realised his love towards her and started giving values to her wishes, He replaced Anna's nightmares with dreams, Anna's worries with happiness, and her fears with love... (Just bear his pervert behaviour of first 100 chapters and see how he will change step by step towards Anna...) _______ Anna's wish: I wish to wake up everyday to the feel of your breath on my neck... The warmth of your lips on my skin... The sound of your heart beating with mine... ---------- Once, you were my salvation My light My peace Now, you are my prison My captor My king Your once warm eyes, Are now, cold as ice... You once took my heart in both hands, Calling me the finest in all the lands... But now your stone cold, dagger-like stare, Makes me want to run away like a startled hare I’m no pet to be kept, No exotic beast to be bound... Even with all this rage against you that I hold, What am I to do except do as I am told... {By SOL (beloved reader)} ----------- Special Thanks to my content editor, ISLINDA, Who supported me in all the possible ways... I am blessed to find you as my CE... and as always a special thanks to Webnoval for giving me such a Great platform by pooling of readers and authors... And a special Thanks to my beloved readers for supporting... And a special Thanks to the co authors who always supported me and teach me many lessons... _______ Join Anna and Mark in there sweet Revenge journey of Love and compassion... Please buy me a coffee at https://ko-fi.com/annamark

AnnaMark · วัยรุ่น
751 Chs

You have a delightful chest piece

Anna's POV:

Mona and I started in the car and I don't know where we are going...

Anna: "So, what's the plan, Mona. Where are we going?"

(Mona looked at me with a smile on her face.)

Mona: "Cable car station, Anna, we will have more fun..."

we both laugh to each other and enjoying the view through the windows of the car. Actually, I feel relaxed because I need some personal time to enjoy the trip and I feel embarrassed when Mark is around me, So I am happy to spend some time with Mona.

In 10 minutes, we reached the cable car station. There are soo many couples around us. But Mona and I holds both of our hand and smile at each other and started walking towards the counter of the cable car like a couple. The climate is freezing, and we both didn't wear any warm clothes so both of us are shivering with cold.

On the way to the cable car counter, we saw the food canteen...

Mona: "Let's have some food, Anna..."

I nod my head as ok and we both lead to the canteen. It's a self-service canteen so we take the tokens for manchow soup and fried chicken and we both sit opposite to each other and waiting for our token number.

Mona: "So, how's your kiss, Anna..?"

(I blushed when I hear her question.)

Mona: "I guess both of you like each other "

Anna: "I don't know he likes me or not Mona but I guess he likes me..."

Mona: "Do you like Mark?"

(I nod my head as Yes with shyness.)

Mona: "Wowww... I am happy for you, Anna, I know Mark definitely love you and I will talk to him and arrange your marriage after our trip, is that ok..?"

(I nod my head as Ok, meanwhile, a gang of male teenagers come and sit beside our table, they are making more noise and laughing loudly. Mona and I looked at them in a disgusting way and we continue with our chit chat.)

Mona: "So Anna, do you have sex last night..?"

(I stared at her in shock.)

Mona: "it's ok Anna, you can share with me..."

Anna: "No... we didn't..."

(while saying that I got a flash that how Mark cuddles me and how he holds my boob in his deep sleep...)

Mona: "What..?

I think Mark would definitely have sex with you, but why he didn't...?"

Anna: "he tried Mona but I feel scared and shy, so I don't let him to happen..."

Mona: "It's your first time Anna, so it's normal to feel shy and nervous. But in deep down of our heart if we trust our partner we will commit to have sex with them, don't worry about it, it takes some time for you to get the habit of sex with Mark..."

she said and winked at me. In between of our conversation, the teenagers are making more noise and we can hear their discussion.

Teenager 1: "Maybe 34 or 36, but definitely D...

Teenager 2: "it's definitely C, not D..."

(we understand they are talking about bra size, Mona and I looked at them, they are 5-6 of them and all of them are starring both Mona and me and they are staring at our chest. I got scared and turned to Mona. Mona understands what they are talking about us, but she acted Normal and turns to me.)

Anna: "What about you, Mona, Is that ok for you to have sex before marriage..?"

Mona: "That's all depends on how we trust our partner and how we are giving values to each other..."

Anna: "I didn't understand what you are saying..."

(Mona is trying to explain to me with a smile on her face but we got our order number, so Mona and I went to the counter to collect our food trey. Mona holds one soup bowl and fried chicken plate, and she is leading to our table...

I am holding the other soup bowl from the counter. In between, someone keeps their hand on the counter and locked me to the counter with his hands. I feel insecure and scared, I hold the hot soup bowl tightly and looked at him, he is one of the teenagers' gang and he is pushing me to the counter...

Anna: "Excuse me..."

(I shouted angrily at him, he smirks and looked at the counter boy and asked...)

Teenager: "Do you have chest piece..?"

and he winked at me. I looked at him in shocked and angry at the same time...

Anna: "Can you please move aside..?"

(I shouted again with anger...)

Counter boy: "Sorry sir... we don't have..."

he immediately looked at me and said...

Teenager: "I think you have a delightful chest piece, can I eat both of them?"

He winked at me again, I didn't even think for a second and immediately shouted at him, "How dare you..." and I pour the hot soup on his face with angry. he immediately moves aside and screaming with pain...

I am gnashing my teeth with anger, if Mark would be here, he will definitely beat him to death. Suddenly I hear Mona's scream and I looked at her...

Even she did the same thing to another guy and I looked at the table of the teenagers, they are looking shocked at both of us...

Mona: "Anna... RUNNNN..."

(She shouted again and I immediately ran to Mona and we both hold our hands and started running. I can hear the scream of the teenager friends and understand they got angry, and they started to chase us. We are running back to our car in a hurry but we stopped our running when the teenagers blocked our way...

I am scared, I hold Mona's hand more tightly, and she holds me as well. We can see 4 of them are rounded us...

I am scared by thinking about the danger zone we are in/. If Mark is with me, he will definitely beat them to death, my eyes filled with tears...

I am really missing him, I need him to save me once again.

In-between my thoughts, somebody keeps his hand on my shoulder. I didn't scare this time, I sense secured and I know the warmness of that touch. I sense the same feeling when Mark is with me...

 Tears started rolling down from my eyes. I know it's Mark but to confirm, I turn my face to look at him and I got goosebumps when I saw Mark. Yes, it's Mark, he is looking at the teenagers with his furious face and he keeps his hand on my shoulder and tapping me to console me and the 4 teenagers have surrounded us...

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at 130 PS 1 bonus chapter.

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AnnaMarkcreators' thoughts