
A silent power

A journey to became something

GhostDost · แอคชั่น
1 Chs

The academy (1)

On a snowy field, a shadowy figure silently observed thousands of grotesque creatures rushing about, until after five minutes, it spoke a single word and the creatures transformed into dust particles, leaving the figure to ponder before vanishing.

Two years later,

Alex, stands nervously outside the entrance of the superhero academy, clutching his acceptance letter and trying to calm his racing heart.

The academy's imposing structure looms before him, its sleek lines and gleaming spires a testament to its cutting-edge technology and prestigious reputation. As Alex takes a deep breath, the sound of energetic chatter and the distant hum of machinery fills the air.

Alex approaches the entrance, where a pair of burly guards stand at attention, their eyes scanning the arrivals with a mixture of curiosity and suspicion. As they approach, Alex can't help but feel a sense of intimidation wash over him. They glance down at his acceptance letter, double-checking the details.

Alex's mind is racing with thoughts of what lies ahead. Will he be able to keep up with the other students? Will he make friends? And what about the rumors about the academy's secret society? The thought sends a shiver down his spine.

As Alex approaches the guards, one of them looks him up and down before nodding curtly. "Name?" he asks gruffly. Alex takes a deep breath and responds, his voice steady but slightly shaking. "Alex Chen. I'm here to enroll in the superhero academy."

The guard nods, typing something into his console. "Ah, welcome to the academy, Alex Chen. You're right on time for orientation. Follow me.

As Alex bypassed the academy's entrance gate, he was struck by its sheer scale. The sprawling campus was even bigger than he had imagined, and after running around in circles, he finally stumbled upon a group of four students engaged in an intense battle.

The students' superpowers were on full display as they clashed in a spectacular display of light, sound, and fury. One student wielded lightning-fast strikes, while another conjured up icy blasts. A third student manipulated darkness and shadows, making it seem like they were everywhere and nowhere at the same time. The fourth student, clad in a suit that seemed to be made of flames, unleashed waves of heat that melted the snow and ice around him.

The students' movements were fluid and precise, as if they were performing a choreographed dance. Their martial arts skills blended seamlessly with their superpowers, creating an awe-inspiring display of strength and agility.

As Alex watched in wonder, he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and trepidation. What would happen next? Would he be able to join in on the battle?

Alex was approached by a female student.

She raised an eyebrow, her gaze piercing as she examined him from head to toe. "You're a new student, I presume?" she said, her voice dripping with skepticism. "And you're standing here, lost in thought, when you should be in your first class?"

The female student's eyes narrowed slightly as Alex explained his situation. She seemed to be sizing him up, her gaze flicking from his face to his clothes and back again. "You're a new student, huh?" she said, her tone still stern but with a hint of curiosity. "And you got lost on your way to the entrance gate?"

Alex nodded, feeling a bit self-conscious. "Yeah, I guess I took a wrong turn somewhere. I'm really sorry about the trouble."

The female student nodded once, her expression softening slightly. "It's okay. I'm Mei, by the way. And you are...?"

Alex introduced himself, and Mei nodded again. "Follow me," she said, turning to lead him away from the battle scene. As they walked, Alex couldn't help but notice the way Mei's hair seemed to shimmer in the light, or the way her eyes sparkled with a hint of mischief.

As they walked towards the crowded auditorium, Alex's eyes widened in awe at the sea of students chatting and laughing with each other. Mei led him to a section where a group of students were already gathering, and she gestured for him to take a seat. Alex sat down, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves as he scanned the room, trying to make sense of the unfamiliar surroundings.

As Alex glanced around at the students in his section, he couldn't help but notice the mix of reactions to their classification. Some students looked relieved and even proud to be in Section B like Alex, while others seemed disappointed and anxious. Mei, who was standing beside him, leaned in and whispered, "Don't worry, Class B is still a great section. You'll have plenty of opportunities to make friends and learn from your peers."

Mei's eyes sparkled with pride as she mentioned her own section, Section A, and Alex couldn't help but feel a twinge of admiration for his classmate. He had already sensed that Mei was a standout student, and now he was reminded of the impressive academic achievement that had earned her a spot in the top-tier section.

The students made their way to their respective classrooms, with Section A heading towards the north wing, Section B to the east wing, Section C to the west wing, and Section D to the south wing.

As Alex slipped into the window seat, he felt a sense of relief wash over him, grateful to have secured a spot near the glass that would allow him to gaze out at the campus quad while he took notes.

Ten minutes later, a massive, middle-aged figure strode into the classroom, his imposing presence commanding attention as he halted at the podium, his silence a palpable entity.

The teacher's eyes scanned the room, settling on each of the 50 students in turn, as he launched into a scathing critique of their physical appearance, his words dripping with disdain as he ridiculed their lack of strength and vigor.

The teacher's verbal assault concluded, he introduced himself with a smirk, revealing his name to be Randy Orton, a self-proclaimed expert in the dark arts of melee combat and fire manipulation, his very presence seeming to darken the room with an aura of malevolence.

The teacher's menacing tone hung in the air as he glared at the students, his words dripping with malice: "I don't want weaklings in my class, and I won't tolerate anything less than perfection. By the time the first semester ends, I expect each and every one of you to be able to break a 25-ton steel rod. If you fail, I'll make sure you're all expelled from this academy. Do you understand? You're all nothing but weaklings, and I'm the only one who can help you become something worthy of my attention."

The students, still reeling from the teacher's intimidating speech, nervously began to introduce themselves, sharing their powers and aspirations. There was Emily, a gentle soul with the ability to control plants, who hoped to use her powers to heal the sick. Next was Jake, a rugged boy with superhuman strength, who dreamed of becoming a hero to protect the innocent. Maria, a shy and reserved girl, possessed the power of telepathy, and wished to use it to help those in need. As they spoke, Randy Orton listened intently, his eyes gleaming with a mixture of curiosity and calculation.

As Jordan stepped forward, his eyes gleaming with an otherworldly intensity, Randy's gaze narrowed in interest. "Ah, Jordan," he said, his voice dripping with anticipation. "You possess the power of lightning and darkness. That's a rare and potent combination. Tell me, Jordan, what do you plan to do with such abilities?" The classroom was silent, the students' eyes fixed on Jordan as they waited for his response.

The classroom was silent , the students' faces pale with shock and fear as Jordan's words echoed through the room. Randy's laughter had stopped, and he was now staring at Jordan with an intensity that made his student feel uneasy. "You're a curious one, Jordan," he said, his voice low and serious. "You want to kill all demons and bad people. But what about the good people? The ones who just want to live in peace?"

Jordan's expression turned resolute, his eyes flashing with determination. "There are other heroes who are better suited to handle such tasks," he said firmly. "I have my own battles to fight, and my own demons to conquer." The students looked at each other nervously, unsure of what Jordan was hinting at, but Randy's eyes narrowed with interest. "Go on," he said, his voice dripping with curiosity.

Jordan's response was curt, leaving Randy with a sense of disappointment. He had been hoping to dig deeper, to uncover more about what motivated Jordan's sudden declaration of independence. But Jordan seemed to have said all he was willing to say, and now the conversation was at an end. Randy nodded, his eyes never leaving Jordan's face. "Very well," he said finally. "I suppose we'll just have to wait and see what the future holds for you, Jordan."

Randy's eyes, which had been scanning the room, finally came to rest on Alex, who was fidgeting with his hands and looking down at the floor. Randy's gaze was piercing, but not unkind, and Alex felt a surge of nervousness as he met the older man's stare. He hesitated, unsure of what to say, but Randy's expression seemed to encourage him to speak.

"Alex started telling that he possesses powers of luminescence, hydrokinesis, spatial manipulation, and supernova energy."

Randy's eyebrows shot up in surprise, and he leaned forward in his chair, his eyes locked intensely on Alex's. "Supernova, you say? That's...extremely rare. I've never seen anyone with that level of power before. Tell me, Alex, what exactly does your supernova power do?"

"My supernova power unleashes a devastating blast that incinerates everything within a 500-meter radius, including space, time, and matter, leaving only a void in its wake; however, I struggles to control its destructive force. Mr randy"

"Randy's excitement is palpable as he congratulates Alex on his incredible abilities, and the other students can't help but gaze at Alex in awe, envisioning the unprecedented power that will arise when Randy's own supernatural abilities and his training combine with Alex's."

"Randy's booming voice cuts through the chatter, commanding the students to return to their seats as he announces that it's time to discuss the curriculum, his intense gaze scanning the room to ensure everyone is ready for the briefing."