
New World IV.

Ichigo did what he planned and it went mostly as he thought it would, the difference was that at the end of the fight, he let his gurad down thinking that the lizard was done and got hit and the one to finish the lizard was the strongest man in the city. After that, Ichigo pretended to be hurt and completely exhausted, so the soldiers carried him on a strecher back to the city. He was assigned his own house with some attendants and many soldiers. He knew that the higher ups of the city were being cautious since he was stronger than their strongest.

Though Ichigo couldn't talk to them, they used gestures and hand signs to communicate with him. He finally had a proper bath with some sort of scented soap and hot water. The soap wasn't very good but it did its job. All the dirt and grime he couldn't remove simply by water was washed away. Ichigo felt very good after cleaning himself so thoroughly. He stayed in a large tub of hot water until it cooled down.

He trimmed his nails and combed his hair. Surprisingly, he hadn't grown any facial hair even after spending so much time in the void and even after that it had been more than two months. The clothes he was given were similar to kimonos so he was very comfortable wearing them.

After he was given some food, he was escorted to the castle in the middle of the city. He met someone who was clearly the king of the city, sitting on a high chair, wearing a crown and all that stuff. Ichigo was surprised by the fact that the king was quite strong. The ones escorting him all knelt down except him.

Some of the officials were angry and were shouting at him but he only released a small amount of his reiatsu causing them all to shut up and start shivering. In the end nothing really happened. They couldn't communicate with each other. Ichigo was led to a room in a secluded part of the castle and was motioned to rest there. After that Ichigo started to live there. Everyday some sort of scholar would come and teach him how to speak in their language. He was given luxurious food and took hot baths nearly everyday.

Before he knew it, he had spent a month in the castle. In this month, his body mass started to increase but his muscles only grew a small bit but were even further compressed. Ichigo felt his bones getting stronger. All of his senses were strengthened. Due to all the luxury items he had consumed, his powers also returned quickly.

Right now he was back to his peak strenght and had started to grow stronger. He also learned the language spoken in this city, though he was not proficient enough to have a proper conversation, he could understand what he was being told. Not many people got close to him. He had heard that this was according to the order of the king. All he had to do was concentrate a bit and he could hear all the conversations happening in the castle.

At this point, he still didn't know what to do. He didn't know anybody from this place and he also scanned the whole city to find anything he was familier with but he didn't find anything. Nowadays, he was always lost in his own thoughts thinking about what to do with his life. The only thing he could think of was travel this world and go to all the other places he saw in the desert.

He also wanted to explore the desert to find out why the spiritual energy there was so empowering. The next day, when the scholar came in to teach him, he asked if he could get a bag to put some stuff in. The scholar didn't think much of it and gave a small bag capable of holding a few clothes. He didn't waste any time and the moment the scholar left, he packed some of the clothes he was given and used shunpo to simply bypass all the security and left the castle.

He first went towards the desert to find out the empowering nature of the spiritual energy there. But the biggest reason was a strange feeling in his heart. He felt like he would achieve some kind of breakthrough in his power if he went to the desert. It was just a feeling so he didn't know whether anything would happen or not. He reached the barrier very quickly and passed right through it and once again finding himself in a desert.

Meanwhile his disappearance from the castle and the city did not have that much of a negative effect. Most of the officials were glad that such a strong person decided to leave by himself and they didn't have to do anything while some were angry that he didn't join their faction. Even the king was slightly happy but he was also more disappointed that he could not pull such an individual to his side.

The moment Ichigo entered the desert he felt all the spiritual energy in the surroundings being pulled towards him. He was very quickly enveloped in a sort of white cocoon. He wasn't alarmed because he felt his powers increasing once again and this time his spiritual energy got refined and rather than radiating outwards, it completely merged with his body. He felt much lighter, more agile and powerful.

Right now he felt like he could contend against Yhwach with only his physical body, but he also had mixed feeling about this sudden increase in his strength. If he had this strength before, he could defeat Yhwach more easily and save his world. He was completely lost in his thoughts that he didn't notice the white cocoon around him hardening and going up with increasing speed.

He finally noticed when he felt an extremely familiar feeling of rejection from the world that he had felt when he was rejected by earth. 'Orihime!!'. It was exactly like orihime's power. He shouted at the top of his lungs,

"Orihime! Where are you. Please answer me. Please, I beg you, let me see you, I just want to see you. PLEASE! ORIHIME!"

But he didn't get any answer. He slowly started to calm down. Once he was calm, he realized that even with her strange powers, she couldn't simply send him to other worlds and the world he was sent to was clearly for him to recuperate and get stronger. No matter what, he couldn't believe that Orihime would hurt him. He didn't know where he was being sent to now but he knew that right now he had to follow whatever plans Orihime had for him.

Ichigo crash landed in another place. He didn't know how much time had actually passed but to him it only felt like a few hours. The cocoon around him broke and he let his eyes get adjusted to the surrounding and after a while he saw himself standing in a rocky place. He looked around, the sky was dark purple and he saw a large moon. He sat down and started to meditate. He felt the surrounding spiritual energy, it was dense but not as pure as the previous place.

He got up, looked at himself and saw that his clothes were still intact and he also had the bag on him. He once again looked around him and saw a hill not far from where he was standing and went towards it. Once he was at the top, he saw a brightly lit city not far from the hill. He went towards it and saw big walls surrounding the city. He easily jumped over the walls and found a secluded area of the city, sat down and started to spread his senses. It was harder than before due to the lower purity but it was still doable thanks to his recent breakthrough.

As he was listening to different conversations happening around the city, he was surprised and excited to find out that the people were speaking in japanese. He really wanted to run to the nearest person and ask him questions but he calmed himself. 'First of all, this is not earth. The spiritual energy is denser, most people on earth would probably not be able to breathe in this pressure. The gravity is much higher than it was on earth. Nearly everyone is radiating and releasing reiatsu but most of all, they are freaking beautiful. Its like all the models on earth gathered in the same place.'

This is the end of the Prologue. After this he will be sent to different worlds for different 'reasons'. The most I can say about the reason is to gain strenght.

DrDreamscreators' thoughts