
A Series Of Unexpected Life Events

Young adult, kind, bold, and often sleepy, Mey Lin finds out her fathers getting remarried. Suddenly ice cold Lu Wei, Arrogant, Mischievous, and hot Lu might start to change. Note: This book contains Sex, bad words, and such so if you are a younger audience please watch out!

Layla_Roof_ · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs

Chapter 2: An Unexpected First Meeting

I woke up way later than expected and realized that it was already 12:30 in the afternoon. Oh no. I am supposed to meet up with another companies CEO over lunch to discuss a financing proposal at 1:00. I was hoping to make them our partners for future business. Since my dad is already in his sixties I became the CEO of our company last year and have been fulfilling all the companies business. I have been doing a good job and even started building a few hotels overseas. But we need to make a partnership with this company in order to grow. Our company is Li hotels, and we are hoping to make a deal with the real estate company Wei industries.

I took the worlds fastest shower and quickly got ready. I wasn't sure what to because I usually wouldn't wear anything flashy, but we REALLY needed this partnership. I ended up picking a azalosie wrap dress that was white with bright blue flower print that went down to my ankles. I had on T-strap heels and a COACH Callie foldover chain clutch with metal tea rose purse. It was a too overboard for my taste but I did look stunning I ended up leaving my long pink hair down. I put on my favorite pair of earrings, Tiffany solitaire diamond earrings. They were the ones my dad bought me for my 6th birthday after the business was taking off and just before mom died.

I checked the time, it was already 12:57 and I was late! "Shit!" I can't believe I'm going to be late with our first meeting with Wei industries! They are Asia's #1 real estate company they also do other things on the side. They are known for being quite picky with the other company's that they work with and this is my only chance to be able to expand Li hotels. I ran outside and hopped in one of my families cars and told the driver the restaurant address, and to step on it.

I arrived five minutes too late and ran inside, not taking the time to admire the beautiful restaurant. I went to the front desk and told them I was here to meet Wei Industries.