
A Second Chance That's Better Than The Last.

Haise, the MC, dies and gets reincarnated into another world of fighting and Mages. Basically Magic and Swords. He would never have hoped or thought about being a chess piece on a board playing 'Up for Grabs' with Gods. Follow the MC on his journey of annoyances and just life, because isn't life just an annoyance?... BL? probably. If there is, it won't be the main point of the story, don't worry, you will probably barely see any.

Blank_Et_Pillow · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

A Friend.

Once Haise came back to reality he felt annoyed. His annoyance was caused by the fact that he had completely forgotten to ask some questions about something he was curious about. A sigh escaped his lips before he stood up and stretched. After fixing his hair, he leaves the room. He needs to find the sect leader since she said to ask her for help. There was no sign of the sect leader as Haise searched through the halls and rooms.

As he turns a corner he bumps into a tough surface, and before he completely falls, an arm is wrapped around his waist, holding him up. Purple and red eyes stare at each other for a moment before Haise gets out of the guy's hold and quickly apologizes. He slightly feels embarrassed. He can't believe he didn't see the guy let alone know he was there.

Kinda like dissipating your aura to a certain point where it seems like you're not even there. The guy chuckled, a deep voice resounding in the quiet hallway. "It's fine, no harm done, just a silly little accident" he spoke the last part slow, which made a shiver go down Haise's back. Which he didn't know was possible.

Haise laughed nervously before a voice was heard.

"Alexander, leave Haise alone." Haise recognized the voice.

The Sect Leader stares at Alexander who stares back, before the guy places a playful smile on his face.

"Alright~ Sorry" and he takes a step back.

Haise smiles gratefully, "It's fine"

The Sect Leader smiles and looks towards Haise, "Were you looking for me child?" she asked and Haise nodded.

"What for?" She asked curiously.

"Oh, well, I looked over the books that were given to us for our starter bag, and I just have a few questions."

The Sect Leader was surprised because not many would look over the books that were given to them. They would rather have the teachers explain to them instead of reading it themselves. She was glad that at least some disciples took the initiative to look over the books.

She smiles and ushers him to continue,

"Is there any more information regarding the last portal?"

The Sect Leader was quiet, seeming to look over her choice of words.

Alexander was intrigued by the question but it was a question that was asked frequently.

"Well," the sect leader stated, "The last portals, also known as the white portals, are unknown. Not many know what is held in them let alone know where they lead to, so there isn't much on them except for what I just told you"

Haise nodded in understanding. It's understandable since there was also little information about the red portals.

"Hm. Well, thank you for answering my question sect leader" Haise thanked her with a small smile.

The sect leader frowns, staring at Haises' face. She noticed the pale color of his skin and the transparent bags under his eyes. His eyes also sported a slightly red color. Like he had been crying.

"Are you alright child? You look a little unwell," she asks in concern.

Haise looked at her in slight shock before smiling at her, "I'm fine, just a bit tired is all."

It was true, he was tired, but having bad memory flashbacks wasn't something he should concern her with.

The sect leader stared at him with a scrutinizing gaze before she sighed and just decided to let it go for now.

"Is that all the questions you need to ask, child?" she asked, wanting to know if he had more to say before she left to deal with more errands.

Haise pondered for a moment but in the end, he shook his head, "Not any I can think of right now."

The sect leader smiled and nodded.

"Well, if you need your questions answered, and if I am not available, then you can ask Alexander here for some help, he is quite knowledgeable in some areas." Alexander raised a brow, wondering why he was chosen for the job but he nodded anyway.

"Well, I must be going now, I'll see you two on the departing day" She spoke before quickly leaving out of sight.

Haise stared at the back of the sect leader until she disappeared behind a corner. Haise turned, bringing his attention to Alexander, who was a little close.

"So, what are you gonna do now?" Alexander asked Haise, a grin on his face.

Haise stared at the man who was a few inches away from his face, before responding truthfully.


Alexander stared at him with a brow raised.

"What do you mean by 'Nothing'?" he asked, to which Haise responded simply,

"I mean nothing, there isn't anything for me to do"

Alexander nodded his head in understanding before quickly grabbing Haises' wrist and dragging him off to some unknown place. Haise was confused and a little surprised by the sudden wrist grabbing and his being dragged to some destination he didn't know about. He knew he should be on his guard but that felt too much work, so he just let the guy drag him around.

He should have asked questions about where he was taking him, but he never really got the chance to because every time he tried opening his mouth, he was told not to worry about it. But he was a little worried though.

Alex suddenly stopped and Haise crashed into him. He felt hands be placed on his hips so he looked up and was met with a handsome face. He wasn't able to pay attention before, but he has Black hair and red eyes. The colors felt familiar to him. The eyes especially, but he doesn't know where he has seen them.

The guy was staring at him and he could tell that he was staring right back. He felt something creep up his cheeks but before he could understand what it was, he looked away from the deep crimson eyes and was met with blue.

His eyes widened. A blue serene lake. It sparkled as the sun's rays reflected off of it. The water swayed with the wind. The sky was empty of any clouds and there were birds. They were different than the birds he knew but they acted like birds, be it a little different than their nature.

The scene was breathtaking. Haise didn't know that red eyes stared at him with unknown emotions swirling within them. The eyes continued to stare at him as Haises' eyes glowed and sparkled beautifully with the glistening water. They also watched as his cheeks became dusted with a bit of redness, giving back some color that he had lost when his face was close to a sickly pale color.


Red eyes narrowed in on purple eyes that continued to be entranced with the scene before them. Alex's eyes continued to stare at Haises', his playful smile becoming more genuine. How curious. This young adult who was maybe a year or two younger than him, made him a little frightened. Terrified even. This person is something that is to be feared.

The aura that surrounds him is not human but more akin to something beastly. It's not on par with anything he has ever seen before or felt. Far above that. Alex felt happy that he had only met Haise now instead of then because he was sure that, if he had ever met this person in his years as a young teen.. he was sure to have run away.

Alex had unconsciously tightened his hold on Haises' waist. Haise felt the shift and looked away from the lake towards red eyes that were filled with fear and curiosity.

The person before Haise, when he had first met him, felt like someone he couldn't read, and yet. His eyes betray his true feelings.

"What is it that you're so curious about?" He wanted to see if Alexander would be truthful, if not then it's whatever, he tried. 

Alexander didn't flinch when Haise called him out, all he did was smile and tilt his head.

"Curious? Of course, I'm curious, you're one of a kind"

Now it was Haises' turn to tilt his head but confusion overwhelmed him.

"What do you mean by that?"

Alexander didn't respond to him. He only looked away to stare at the blue lake before them. Haise felt slight frustration because he genuinely wanted to know. What about him made him 'one of a kind'?

Haise couldn't dwell much on the present when he already felt tired and drained. He talked to two people today and he felt like he had too much human interaction. It's not like he felt overwhelmed, he just felt like his meter for how much human interaction he can have has depleted to the point where he wants to just sit alone in a corner at a family gathering.

The effects of being an introvert. Haise could only lean his head on Alex's chest. It might have been weird and maybe a little too touchy for them both because they had only just gotten introduced to each other twenty minutes ago, maybe more. He doesn't how much time has passed.

The only thing Haise acknowledged was the fact that Alex didn't say anything but move his hands up his back a bit and bring him more into his embrace.

Like it was mentioned before, yeah, it was a little weird for two strangers to be really touchy, but Haise didn't really care. His exhaustion and complete selflessness for whatever happens to him ruled over every other thought and action his body wanted to make.

His rational thoughts were wanting him to back away and stand ten feet away from him while his emotional thoughts just wanted to be embraced with affection and just sleep. But he couldn't. If he slept then he would have to remember every single thing they did to him. If he couldn't have that then he would just have to take this.

Haise felt like a teen again in his old body. His emotional self. His touch-starved self. Himself in general. Nothing has changed since then. Sure he got older then but, he still has the same problems he grew up with and has to deal with on his own now.

Sure he grew up to be an adult. Sure he got mature, but nothing will ever change the fact that he never got the childhood he should have gotten. Nothing will ever change the fact that he was sensitive and emotional. Nothing will ever change the fact that he felt almost every single negative emotion in his life, and he probably has. Every single negative emotion one would feel in their miserable life, Haise could make a whole presentation about, because he knows how they feel, or how they felt. He understood.

He thought that he might never get a second chance to change himself but now. He got the opportunity. He has the opportunity. Now with no restrictions, he can have the fun he never had. He could be emotional and vulnerable whenever he wants. He could be himself but, old habits die hard right?

It will take a while but he had hope that he will become more of himself soon. More of his true self. But he now has to focus on the present instead of the past.

Haise takes a deep breath and hesitatingly raises his hands to Alex's back. He hovers them, unsure if he should hug Alex. Suddenly, Alex shifted his hold on him and he stiffened. He felt Alex wrap his arms around his upper body and place his chin in the crook of his neck. He felt the hot puffs of air that Alex was letting out on his nape. He didn't do anything but stand there.

He didn't know what to do, he didn't expect Alex to do this, but he couldn't deny that he felt kind of safe. It made Haises' beating heart calm down and he finally placed his hands on Alex's back. After a few seconds, he felt like he wasn't hugging him right so he wrapped his arms around his shoulders the best he could and rested the side of his head on Alex's shoulder.

The both of them stood there. Embracing each other in front of the serene lake that continued to sparkle in the sun. Haise felt safe and warm. He never had a hug before and now that he is experiencing it, it feels very safe. Physical affection feels comforting and assuring.

Haise started feeling his eyes droop. In the back of his mind, he felt scared. Scared to fall asleep and fall deep into his memories. But, he felt safe. And that safety is what is making him lower deeper into his own comfort than his thoughts. To let go of his exhaustion and just sleep it all away.

But that nagging feeling in the back of his mind is telling him not to, but he wanted to, he felt so tired that he felt his legs might give out if he stood any longer. He tightened his hold on Alex, wanting to make sure that he kept some part of his body occupied enough so that he didn't have to fall asleep. But it didn't work.

His eyes continued to droop and his tight hold started to loosen. He felt panicked but, he was so tired that his body couldn't express that panic. He vaguely registered Alex's arms tighten more around him. He didn't know why.

He blinked, once, twice, three times until he couldn't physically keep his eyes open anymore. He felt sluggish and so very tired. He didn't- no, couldn't register much of what happened after his eyes closed except for his mind shutting off and finally letting him sleep.


When Haise awoke, he felt a little better than he normally did. Instead of feeling guilt, dread, and sadness, he felt warm and safe for once in his life. As he looked around the room it looked very familiar to him but he knew better than to assume that this was his room. He has keen senses that can very much tell that this wasn't his room.

Haise sits up in the bed and leans back against the headboard. The room was dark but early morning was starting to poke through the drawn curtains. Haises' eyes snapped to the corner of the room. No one was physically there but he could sense it. Someone was there.

"Why am I in here?"

He questioned the open space. He got no answer right away but after a minute of just staring at the space, he felt the presence of someone move closer to him. He soon heard a chuckle as a person faded into view.

"Someone I am curious about"

Alex said as he sat on the side of the bed near Haise's legs. Haise raised a brow and tilted his head a bit. He still didn't understand his curiosity. Haise only sighed before looking Alex in the eyes.

"Why am I here?"

He repeated his earlier question. Alex just smiled before answering.

"You fell asleep right in my arms. I had no choice but to pick you up and bring you to my room"

Haise felt a little embarrassed at the fact that Alex had to carry him but he felt a little confused on why he didn't bring him to his room.

"Why didn't you just bring me to my room instead of yours?"

"Maybe because I don't know where your room is"

Haise inwardly smacked himself in the face, how could he forget that? Of course, he wouldn't know where his room was because he never told him. Haise sighed.

"Right, sorry"

Alex watched as Haise lowered his head. Alex had a bunch of time to spare so he might as well use it all to be a little playful. Alex moved onto the bed in a quick motion and laid his head right on Haises' lap.

Haise stared wide-eyed at red rubies that held a bit of playfulness. 

"What are you doing?"

Haise watched as Alex smirked before answering his question.

"Laying down, why?"

Haise raised a brow, unsure why Alex was doing this. He wants to know why but he bets Alex will avoid answering truthfully. Haise shook his head and leaned his head against the headboard. It was a while of silence and unconsciously twirling something soft in his hand that when Alex spoke he slightly flinched.

Alex didn't get a word out before he started chuckling. Haise looked down at him with a slightly pouty look.

"It's not funny so stop laughing"

"Pff! Okay Okay, sorry! Hahaha!"

He said he would stop laughing but he didn't until two minutes past. Haise was grumbling the entire time. Although it was a little uncharacteristic of him, he felt like this was a moment he should remember for a while. He unconsciously smiled with an eidetic look in his eyes. He wants to remember this moment.

Alex stared at dark Amethyst eyes and he slightly smiled. Happy that he did something good for once.

"What's your favorite color?"

Haise was a little taken aback by the question but he answered regardless.

"Blue, why?"

"Just wanting to get to know you"

Haise stared at Alex with a confused look on his face while Alex just stared back with a genuine look of curiosity. It's always curiosity with him. Haise thought it over. He heard that this was a way of getting to know future friends and since this is a second chance he is getting, he is definitely gonna make new friends.

"Okay, but I also have to ask you the same questions"

Alex nodded, "Alright then"

"Okay, so what is your favorite color?"

Haise saw Alex go into thought until he spoke his answer.

"Purple, like your eyes"

Hmm, Haise didn't know what he was feeling when Alex said that, but he didn't feel anything bad so he only smiled.

"What is your favorite food?"

Haise had to think about this one because he couldn't really say anything that would raise questions. He will have to look through his hosts' memories for the answer. He saw a few foods his host had had but he mostly ate bread.

"I don't think I have one... Do you?"

Alex narrowed his eyes a bit before answering.

"Yeah, it's waffles"

Haise raised his brow as he chuckled.

"Hey, what's so funny?"

"Hahaha, sorry, but I did not expect that from you, haha"

Alex raised a brow as a playful smile donned his face as he watched Haise laugh genuinely.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

Haise calmed down a bit as he looked at Alex with watery eyes.

"Well, you exude an aura of authority and seriousness, but I just didn't really expect you to be like this"

Alex felt a little unnerved. He felt like he was a book whose first page was being read. Alex decided to ask more questions.

"You didn't expect me to be what?"

Haise momentarily stopped all movement, drawing Alex's attention. He leaned his head back and breathed in deeply. He closed his eyes for a minute, thinking over his thoughts and his words.

Alex looked at Haises' face upside down because of his position. Alex raised a brow wondering why he was being quiet. He didn't know why Haise was thinking so much about it, there were easy words people used to describe him. Weird, touchy, has way too many mood swings, and is just confusing.

Although Haise and he have only met today, he is sure that Haise is one to pay incredible attention to others, whether he wants to or not. He may have already linked the words he had just thought of about himself to him.


Shortened this chapter.

Blank_Et_Pillowcreators' thoughts