
Chapter 5. Entrance Exam.

The remaining days passed quickly and the day of the entrance test finally arrived. Wearing a pair of jeans and a hooded jacket, I walked calmly towards UA.

Many other applicants were here, unfortunately I did not make plans with Uraraka Ochako to go together this day so I will only see her inside the test or later.


The written exam was a bit of a headache but I was able to answer most of the questions correctly and now I just have to wait for the fitness test.

The Professional Hero and English teacher, Preset Mic entered the auditorium and began to give the explanations full of references, I listened to the entire explanation fairly well since I still vaguely remembered the content of this test "Hit the most robot-villains in 10 minutes , any unheroic or dangerous ability will be penalized"

Bad luck for me I ended up in a different training room than Ochako but it's better for me, all the protagonists are in area B so I have a whole buffet of robot-villains to myself.

--Let's see how long the big boy can last~!

With that in mind, I followed the group to testing area D.



--One more~!

--I will enter the AU!

I watched as a cast of background extras ran and screamed as they unfurled their Quirks while I enjoyed the special effects show. He obviously broke one or the other robots by impaling them with ice icicles and helping other students when they are about to be pummeled by the robots.

That was the slowest 8 minutes of my life, until the jackpot hit.



-- What is that?!

Shouted a girl with wings on her back and claws, she looked like a harpy I noticed her for two reasons, number one I'm pulling her out of some rubble and two her curvaceous and not at all modest bust, which brings me the next question, how the hell can you fly with those melons? Harpies weren't slim and modest, you know that about aerodynamics? Either way, it's time to act.

--Sorry cutie but I need to hit Godzilla's robotic cousin, so~ see ya~

I created a series of pillars and supports out of ice and left the harpy girl to her own devices, while she sprinted towards the villain of Zero Points.


I screamed and for the first time in a long time I stopped holding back.


Surveillance room.

--And here it is~ the applicants are showing their true selves right now…

--Everyone would act the same in that situation, don't be so hard with the children.

--No! This is the entrance exam for the UA, the largest hero academy in the world, I will not pass any coward, our motto is PLUS ULTRA!

Said one of the examiners with an eccentric tone while the rest continued to look at the screens, until one of them spoke.

--Hey, did you want a hero? Look at this boy.

Several examiners looked at the screen where a young black-haired man with purple eyes was shown running directly towards the giant robot but that was not what was strange or impressive, what was impressive was the speed and force with which he was approaching the robot.

--Who is that? What is his Quirk?

--Let me check…

--Here Kurogane Yuuji-kun, 16 years old, orphan, Quirk: Cryokinesia.


Doesn't it improve physically or something?

--No, the data only says that he is an ice user, ah!


--That boy is under the guardianship of the Endeavor pro hero agency.

Said the examiner as he showed the folder to his companions.

--I heard a rumor that Endeavor had taken in an orphan a few years ago to think it would be this boy.

Let's see how it goes...

--Yes, let's see what the little one plans to do-


All the examiners screamed when they saw the screen.



A ripped sword-axe from a certain Berserker three times my size formed out of the ice, using the momentum of the run as the weight of the ax to propel me upward with a clean hammer throw, pinning me and the ax right in the face. base of the robot's head, shaking it slightly.

--At times like this I wish I could fly~ nonetheless! ICE CLAW!


Swipe through the metal casing with the ice claws and quickly climb into the chasm.

--Okay let's get this over with~ ICE AGE!

I put my hands on the robot and...


The shattering and explosive sound echoed through several of the areas as one of the giant villain robots was shaken and thrown to the ground by a powerful explosive punch.

--Damn~ I'm late too long, that seaweed hair earned me the achievement~

I finished freezing the robot three seconds later and descended in a simple free fall towards a makeshift ice slide.

--I wonder how Ochako fared?


I ended up meeting Uraraka a few hours later as she stayed behind to help a certain seaweed hair along with a square guy, beautifully ignoring my good friend Todoroki Shoto and escorting Uraraka home.

A week later I received my acceptance letter and explanatory video with Principal Nezu-sensei, followed by a couple of calls from Uraraka, Shoto, Fuyumi, and Endeavor's secretary in that order.

Since I had nothing else to do for the next few days, I dedicated myself to training and training, relying on the Migeiko to refine my fighting style and further improve my ICE MODELING.

With that in mind, the days flew by and it was the big day, the day where I would take my first step to be a professional hero for fun.


I arrived quite early for my first day since as Midoriya Izuku said in the original material, the facilities are ridiculously large and it is easy to get lost or be late for class, luckily you can shorten my room which luckily was the class of the protagonists the 1-A.

As I arrived a bit too early, I found my assigned seat which for my good luck is at the back by the window, which has a wonderful view of the spring sky. Lying lazily on the desk, I placidly gazed at the clouds while keeping an eye on my new classmates.

Well, someone asked for the English version of my work and here it is... constructive, destructive criticism and other toxic and non-toxic comments are accepted, I am NOT going to rewrite this story. I will only publish it in English, but criticism is still accepted. For future projects.

Luixto_Mirokucreators' thoughts