
Chapter 30 United States Smash + Jötunheim Smash

What can I say? I finally managed to break through to the next level of my perception haiki, just like God said, these eyes are too tricky.


is energy and vitality speeds me up and strengthens me to inhuman levels, adding my swordsmanship and freezing power, I'm sure I can hold my own against this old bastard.

--Winter Demon Arts: Snow Rain.

Armed with two swords and ignoring minor damage, I carelessly stabbed into the enemy's torso and neck, drenching both of us in our respective blood.


--Kurogane-shonen...so this is your strength...

Repelled by the ice storm unleashed by the youngster, All Might found himself relegated to a secondary role, stepping in only when he saw an opening dealing heavy damage to All For One while retaining most of his strength, though his health still suffered. strongly affected, since the blood did not stop flowing from his mouth and the old wounds had opened bringing great pain to his spent body.

--But even this here... PHILADELFIA SMASH!

Temporarily changing into his muscular form, All Might leapt up and delivered a powerful left jab into All For One's skull which avoided the young swordsman Ymir's decapitating sword.


--You are very annoying Toshinori~

All For One's smooth black helmet shattered revealing a completely burned and scarred face with no eyes, nose or ears, only a smiling bloodstained mouth, releasing a strange pressure, All For One's body began to heal and change into a form even more grotesque than the previous one.



Feeling the pressure coming from him, the two heroes could only frown and curse as they reasserted their position and began the next assault.


--All Might!

Crowds of people stopped in front of the giant screens in the streets, in front of their televisions, telephones, computers and others, everyone was watching the fight between the symbols of good and evil of this society of humans with super powers, only that no one expected a young man to get involved in this fight and manage to turn the scales.

In one of the many streets of the city, a group of young students dressed somewhat out of place looked at the screen with fear.

--Is that Kurogane-kun?

None of them knows who said his name first but they all couldn't help but feel a primal fear when they saw the viciousness and cruelty with which he attacked, each cut, sweep and stab were clearly to kill, the carefree, cheeky and narcissistic classmate he was nowhere to be seen, he could only see a god of freezing death unfurl his wrath on the screen.

--I-I-Is it really him?

Two of the girls, one with short brown hair and the other with long black hair, tried to escape from reality but their ideas were denied by one of their classmates.

--Yes, it's him... this is his true form, don't worry, he won't die.

Astonished by the words of their companion, they could not help but reply.

--Wait, Todoroki like this is his true form. Is he a Henshin?

--No, Kaminari, I don't think that's what Todoroki is referring to, correct?

--Yeah… Yuuji usually holds back… should they remember the Nomu's attack on the USJ?

Everyone nodded at the mention of that event.

--Well, Yuuji only used his brute strength and a bit of ice at the time but now...

Everyone turned to the screen where a young man wielded two swords while controlling an infinity of weapons to attack creating a storm of ice and snow.

--He's using his full arsenal, swordsmanship, martial arts, ice, brute force, all along with his insane resilience...

The students remained speechless at their partner's explanation, but refused to accept that one of their peers was at such a level of strength at their age.

--Todoroki but that wouldn't say that Kurogane is on the same level as All Might.

A girl with elongated earlobes carefully asked.

--I don't know if he's on All Might's level but he's on the same level as Endeavor or if he decides to ignore his own safety.




Landing a strong blow to the torso, All For One sent the young swordsman flying.

--Damn boy, Toshinori is one of your students, the youngsters these days are scary, don't you think?

Giving a little mockery, All For One wiped the blood that was dripping from his mouth while cautiously looking at the symbol of peace that throughout the fight since the intrusion of the young swordsman has been giving him strong blows as soon as he lowers his guard.

--He is one of my students but I can't say that I have taught him anything, that is his own ability and strength... and yes, young people are scary.

All Might was tired but there was still a burning flame in his eyes, a flame that showed no signs of going out, thanks to the intrusion of the young hero, he had been able to manage his strength better. He was still tired but his enemy was in the same condition, the youth's horribly vicious and deadly attacks consumed much of All For One's strength, making him see a solid hope for victory but this has been somewhat dimmed by seeing his young student being sent flying just now.

--Looks like your little helper won't wake up soon~ so why don't we have a little chat~ there's something I've been dying to tell you~

All For One showed a wide smile before starting to tell him about the identity of the son of a certain person very close to both of them.


--Uhg...that hurt...Ga...ha...*Throw up*...geh...I'll have to go a bit more...I'm falling short...

Spitting and vomiting a good amount of blood and part of my internal organs, I got out of the hole where I ended up buried, the Avalon was constantly healing my wounds but the sense of pain and tremors continued to haunt my body and mind.

--At times like this I really appreciate old Endeavour's hellish training... but it still hurts...


After cracking several of my bones and repositioning some others, I could only laugh when I saw my state, my hero suit is in tatters, stained with blood, earth and ice, at some point during the fight I was stabbed in the heart luckily the Avalon was able to repair the damage in time, just like in the legend, the Excalibur "Avalon" Sheath made its wearer invincible, the only reason King Arthur (or Arthuria) died was because the idiots lost the sheath , while the Excalibur is ridiculously powerful, it's just a sword borrowed from the lady of the lake and if we're going to be honest the Rhongomyniad spear is several times more powerful than the blissful sword of promised victory, but that's not important right now.

"I've got to get this over with before old Curco kicks the bucket..."

Gathering and compressing all the freezing energy into a single point as well as all the energy from the Avalon I prepared one last move.

--I hope All Might-sensei can give me an opening.



That must have hurt...

"Nah…that guy is still fine.

-- How can you say that Todorki-kun?!

--I've seen him lose an arm and part of his torso and come back like nothing... he won't die for something like that...

--Aren't you exaggerating a bit Todoroki?

Everyone was amazed, anguished, fearful but above all full of doubts about the words exposed by Shoto.

Look, he's back.

Everyone turned their gaze to the screen, where it could be seen that the end of this battle was approaching.


--Me~ guys~ third round?

--Hahahahahaha~ You're tough boy~


A laughing but clearly tired All For One and an emaciated All Might looked at the young man who seemed badly injured but still maintained a sober and mocking attitude, only now the young man had a pair of ice horns on his forehead along with ice armor. purple over her body, just like a cruel smile formed on her face.

--Sensei... I think it's time.

The young man winked at his teacher before charging at All For One.


Fists of ice and metallic flesh collided creating a vacuum forcibly.

--Strength, regeneration, ice, and a terrifying combat sense~ If you were born in my time you would be perfect to command my forces, Kurogane-kun~

All For One commented while trading blows with the young demon.

--Bad luck then~


Landing an uppercut right on All For One's jaw, the youngster continued his combo by connecting a barrage of jabs with his now more dagger-like gauntlet.

--Winter Demon Arts: Close Combat.


Throwing the symbol of evil into the air, the bloodied youth shouted, as he took a stance.


-- HAI !!!


Sensei is ready and All For One has already marked the last ones, although he is technically immortal with his longevity and regeneration he is an old man of God knows how old he is, his mind wears out and his movements become clumsy and slow, although I am not there Better, I ache all over, my vision is blurry and the damn voices are driving me crazy but I can still fight.


Coordinating my action with All Might's we both charged and jumped at the enemy at the same time, as if it were a choreography our two fists drew the same trajectory from opposite directions and screaming with all our hearts and souls, resonating the space with our pure intention and will.




The two fists crashed into All For One's body, one hitting him square in the face and the other right in the heart, burying him deep into the earth.


--… Shit!…

Before I could finish off the symbol of evil, my legs gave way and my mind fell into confusion. The hundreds of voices could not be suppressed and they led me directly to fainting, the last thing I could see was All Might saying a few words to his enemy.