
A Second Chance : I Will not waste it

After 10 years of a Loveless Marriage, Natasha Was Mysteriously killed by an unknown murderer, she is given a second chance at life, and she goes back to 5 years before it all happened, will she be able to change her fate and protect the ones she loves or will she succumb just like her previous life? Natasha White, she was wrongly accused of committing an unforgivable sin, with no one ready to fight for her innocence and believe her, she ends up dying in the worst possible way, now with her given a second chance, she is ready to stand up for herself. Dominic White, he hates his wife with Passion, after what she did to him, he never thought that he could forgive her, he had trusted her, and she took that trust and broke it, now with his Wife Slowly changing, would he give her a second chance? or not even care at all. Dive into the past, present and future with A Second Chance; I will not waste it.

Dan_does_it_all · สมัยใหม่
558 Chs

The other person

"Oh my princess, it's late what are you doing down here?" asked Dom as he walked to where the sleepy Joy was as she tried to walk towards him and he picked her up, he did not want to make her worried by seeing her mother like this, it would only make her feel bad.

"Daddy, I was waiting for you and mommy" said Joy as she yawned and she rubbed her eyes.

"Oh Young Master, I am very sorry, I tried to put her to bed, but she must have woken up while I was in the laundry room" said Alfred as he looked very apologetic.

"That is alright Alfred" said Dom as he smiled, even he knew that Joy could be a handful on her own, she was always so adamant, and she would not rest till she got an answer.

"Daddy, where is mommy???" asked Joy as she yawned, she wanted to see her mommy.

"My princess, your mommy is very tired, it is late, and you should be sleeping now" said Dom as he smiled and he spoke gently to Joy, it was currently 10pm, and she had school tomorrow, so he could not let her stay up any longer.

"But I want to see mommy" said Joy.

"You will see her in the morning my love, but for now, you need to go to bed" said Dom as he smiled and he rubbed Joy's cheek.

"My princess, please be good, and let me put you back to bed, okay?" asked Dom as he smiled.

"Okay Daddy" said Joy as she rubbed her eyes that were red, she had never woken up this late, but she wanted her mommy, she did not get to say goodnight to her mommy.

"Good girl, let's get you to bed now" said Dom in a calm, peaceful voice as he spoke to Joy and he walked up the stairs to her room.

"Goodnight now my princess, sweet dreams" said Dom as he smiled and he tucked Joy into bed.

"Goodnight Daddy" said Joy as she yawned and she closed her eyes that were already heavy, and before long she drifted into sleep.

"Sleep well my princess" said Dom as he smiled and he gave Joy a kiss on the forehead as he smiled and he walked to the door as she switched off the lights and he closed the door softly behind him.

"Young Master, is everything alright? You do not look well" said Alfred as he saw Dom looked very tired.

"Oh Alfred, Natasha's father just passed away" said Dom as he sighed, for a moment he forgot everything, but now that he was no longer with Joy, he remembered that Natasha was still in pain, so much pain.

"Oh dear God, how? He was such a healthy man, Larry is gone??" asked Alfred in shock as he could not believe this, Larry was his very good friend, and now he was suddenly gone.

"He had a heart attack, that was why I asked you to take care of Joy, he was taken to the hospital" said Dom as he sighed and he put his hand on his forehead.

"Oh my, how is the madam now?" asked Alfred as he was truly sorry, he knew that Natasha loved her father very much, and he had been her only parent since her mother had died when she was very young.

"She is not good Alfred" said Dom as he sighed.

"But you do not need to worry about that now" said Dom.

"You have taken care of Joy well, and thank you for that, I am sure you mut be tired, so you can go and rest now" said Dom as he looked at Alfred and he smiled, Alfred always did beyond what he was supposed to do, and that was why Dom was very grateful for him.

"You do not have to thank me young Master" said Alfred as he smiled, he found it a joy to take care of Joy.

"Please send my condolences to the Madam, I really hope she recovers from this soon, because the death of a loved one is not easy at all" said Alfred as he sighed.

"Thank you Alfred, I will" said Dom as he forced a smile and Alfred smiled at he walked away.

Dom sighed as he walked down the stairs to check on Natasha, he could not just leave her like that, she was not in a good place right now.

Dom walked back to the living room, and that was where he saw Natasha, curled up into a ball on the couch as she was still crying.

"Natasha, please listen to me, I know it's hard, I know is horrible, but you need to be strong, and I know that I am not the best person to tell you that, but please believe me when I tell you that it hurts me to" said Dom as he sighed and he spoke to Natasha gently as she sobbed.

His words seemed to have backfired because instead of Natasha to calm down and stop crying, her crying increased even more, Dom did not know what to do at all, she was in grief, and he could not let her continue on like this, he had never seen her in so much despair like this before, his heart truly ached to see her like this, to hear her cries, to see her tears, it made him feel bad, and all he wanted to do was to make her feel better, he wanted to make her feel lighter, but he could not even do that at all, he was sure that she wanted nothing to do with him.

Dom sighed, he had no other choice, nothing he said or did could make Natasha calm down, so Dom took out his phone, he had to call the only person he knew that would be able to handle this situation.

"Please come over now quick, please I beg you" said Dom as he pleaded and he ended the call, he could not bare to see Natasha like this so broken.

An hour later.

The front door of the house was opened as footsteps could be heard, a man walked in the direction of the living room as he caught sight of Dom who was leaning on the wall as he looked in total hopelessness.

"Oh I am so glad that you are here" said Dom as he sighed in relief.

"Where is she?" asked the man.

"In the living room" said Dom as he walked and the man followed after him as they walked into the living room.

"Natasha" called out Ernest as he saw Natasha on the couch crying.

"Oh Grandfather, Grandfather, Grandfather" said Natasha with more tears as she immediately stood up from the couch and she ran to hug Ernest like a little child.

"Grandfather, my father… he's… he's dead" said Natasha as she cried bitterly as she hugged Ernest and she held on to him.

"He died…and he left me all alone… he left me all alone" said Natasha as she cried even more, she did not care if she looked like a child right now while she was a grown woman, she did not care at all, right now she just felt so broken, she just felt so hurt, like this was a bad dream that she was supposed wake up from.

"Oh hush my child, hush" said Ernest as he hugged Natasha and he rubbed her back as she cried.

"Let us sit" said Ernest as he walked while Natasha held on to him and they sat down on the couch together as he placed his walking stick right beside him.

"Grandfather why??... why??... why him??... My dad… my daddy, I did not even get to say goodbye properly, he left me why?? Why?? Tell me why?" asked Natasha in between sobs.

"Oh my child, the word Why, can not always be answered" said Ernest as he sighed and he rubbed Natasha on her back as he let her cry, she needed to let out all her emotions, it was better for her than for her to not.

It was a very painful experience she had been through right now, and if she did not cry at all, he would have been worried.

"No Grandfather, that is not an answer, please tell me why?? Am I a curse?? Am I bad luck??" asked Natasha as she cried.

"My mother died and she left me, and now my… my daddy… my daddy left me as well, I am a curse" said Natasha as she cried.

"Don't say such things my child…" said Ernest.

"You are not a curse, you are a blessing" said Ernest gently.

"You are a blessing to your parents, and to me as well" said Ernest as Natasha cried, she was crying out all her emotions, all her frustration, all her anger, it was just all coming out in the form of heavy, hot tears, and yet Natasha felt like no matter how much she cried, she would never be able to feel better at all.

Thank you to Tiphe_Olaoluwa for the power stones haha!

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