

"I told you not to come" said Natasha as she sighed and she shook her head.

"Ha" said Pete as he closed the door of his Police car as he looked at the surroundings.

"Like I would listen to you" said Pete as he walked towards Natasha.

In a matter of a few minutes, three police cars had surrounded the area, and their sirens made noise as they all parked the police cars .

"Are you alright?" asked Pete as he stood in front of Natasha.

"Yes I am alright Pete" said Natasha as she smiled and she shook her head, she knew that Pete would never listen to her.

"What happened here??" asked Pete as he looked around and three other police officers behind him went to check out the area, and they arrested the other three men who were still alive but in pain.

"Well I was on why way from dropping Joy at school, and then I noticed that this strange black car was following me" said Natasha.

"I think we passed by a black car with its windows tinted that was parked weirdly on road on our way over here" said Pete.

"Yes that is the car" said Natasha.

"After my car crashed into a tree, the four men came out of the car, and they had guns with them" said Natasha.

"Luckily Michael, Charlie and Nine were with me, and we managed to escape and run here" said Natasha as she looked at Charlie, Michael and Nine and Pete looked at them.

"Well things happened, and I had to use Michael's gun, and I shot the men" said Natasha.

"And you killed the last one?" asked Pete as he saw his men carrying the dead body of the man as they wore gloves in order not to get their finger prints on the gun.

"No, I didn't" said Natasha.

"I only shot him in his leg and shoulder, he shot himself" said Natasha as she sighed and she looked away.

"I see" said Pete as he felt like there were some loopholes in Natasha's story.

"Hello" said Pete as he walked to where Michael, Charlie and Nine were Standing.

"I am sure that we have met once before" said Pete.

"I am Commander Peter Lawson" said Pete as he shook Michael's hand.

"Michael White" said Michael as he smiled and he shook Pete's hand.

"Charlie White" said Charlie as he smiled and he shook Pete's hand.

"Nine" said Nine as he shook Pete's hand.

"You all are Dominic's friends, am I right?" asked Peter as he smiled.

"Yes we are" said Michael as he smiled.

"I am truly sorry that we meet in such conditions" said Pete as he smiled.

"Well what can you do about it, it is what it is" said Charlie as he shrugged it off.

"You are right about that" said Pete as he smiled.

"Well if you all would not mind, you all would have to come to station and write your statement of the accounts that happened" said Pete as he looked at Natasha.

"This is a very serious case, suicide is involved" said Pete.

"Of course we will give our statements" said Michael.

"Right guys?" asked Michael as he turned to look at Nine and Charlie.

"Of course" said Charlie.

"It is the law after all" said Nine.

"Commander, we found a phone on the deceased, and we have seized the guns of the other men, they will be taken to the hospital first" came the voice of a Police officer as he walked to Pete.

"Alright then, go ahead and follow the men, we need them alive" said Pete.

"Yes Commander" said the Police officer as he walked away and an ambulance arrived in that moment.

"Alright then, please follow me, we need to go to the station" said Pete.

"But what about my car?? I cannot just leave it here, I just bought it" said Natasha as she shook her head.

"Alright, I will call the towing company to take your car to the mechanic" said Pete.

"Yes that sounds better, Thank you Pete" said Natasha as she smiled.

"Anytime" said Pete as he walked away and he dialed a number on his phone.

Natasha rummaged through her bag and she brought out her phone as Charlie, Michael and Nine were all watching her and she dialed a number.

"Hello" came a cheerful voice from the other side of the line.

"Oh Hello Chloe Good Morning" said Natasha as she smiled as she heard Chloe's happy voice.

"Good Morning Natasha, are you on your way to the farm?" asked Chloe as she smiled and she sighed something on her desk.

"Well no, that is why I called" said Natasha.

"I will not be able to make it to the office today" said Natasha.

"Can we reschedule our meeting for tomorrow morning??" asked Natasha as she looked at Pete who was also talking on the phone.

"Oh of course, that is no problem at all" said Chloe.

"Thank you, Chloe," said Natasha as she smiled.

"Don't mention it at all Natasha" said Chloe as she smiled.

"But are you alright Natasha?" asked Chloe as she sounded worried.

"Oh I am just fine Chloe, it's just that some crazy driver came out of nowhere and hit my car" said Natasha as she sighed and she shook her head.

"No way, what was wrong with that driver?" asked Chloe as she sounded very angry.

"My same question exactly" said Natasha.

"Oh my, gosh" said Chloe.

"I am on my way to the police station now, and I also need to go to the mechanic, and that is why I cannot come to the office right now" said Natasha.

"Oh well Natasha, I am so sorry, I am just so glad that you are alright" said Chloe.

"You do not need to worry at all, we can have the meeting tomorrow, just take care of yourself alright" said Chloe.

"Alright Chloe, thank you, you are the sweetest" said Natasha as she smiled.

"Thank you Natasha, anyway, let me leave you to focus on the matter at hand" said Chloe.

"Okay Chloe, Bye, see you" said Natasha as she smiled.

"Bye" said Chloe as she smiled and Natasha ended the call.

"Hey Nat, do you still use the same mechanic?" asked Pete as he walked over to Natasha.

"Mhmm, the same one you use" said Natasha as she nodded her head.

"Alright then, I sent the tow truck driver to the right garage" said Pete as he smiled.

"Thank you Pete" said Natasha as she smiled.

"Alright, let's go to the station" said Pete as he smiled.

"Please follow me, we will use my car" said Pete.

"Alright then" said Michael as they walked with Pete to the Police car and Pete opened the door for Natasha and she smiled at him as Michael, Charlie and Nine all sat in the back.

"I never thought that I would see the day when I would have to write a police statement" said Charlie as he cracked his neck and he sighed.

"Tell me about It" said Michael as he sat down next to Charlie, and Nine sat down as well.

"Today was…" said Nine as he just had to say something.

"Oh you said it Nine, you said it" Said Michael as he sighed.

They had just finished giving their statements, and now they were sitting in the main hall of the police station as everyone else went on with their business.

"Where is Natasha?" asked Charlie.

"She is in Peter's office, she gave her statement before us" said Michael as he sighed and he rubbed his eyes.

"How long do you think we will be here??" asked Charlie.

"I honestly do not know Charlie, I do not know" said Michael as he sighed, to think that all this would not have happened if they did not follow Natasha, but Michael did not regret following Natasha, he did not know how she would had been able to survive if they were not there with her.

"Well Pete, I really need to go home, Michael and the others must be done giving their statements" said Natasha as she sighed as she sat across Pete's desk.

"Are you sure that you are okay Nat?" asked Pete as he asked once again.

"*Sigh* Pete I am alright, you have asked me that over and over again, and my answer remains the same" said Natasha as she smiled and she sighed.

"I am just checking" said Pete.

"Well I am sure that they are tired, and my car it totally destroyed" said Natasha a she sighed, to fix her car would be something else.

"Well I brought my personal car to the station today, you can use it to get where you need to" said Pete.

"Oh really Pete??" asked Natasha.

"Of course" said Pete as he smiled.

"Oh thank you, Thank you Pete, you are the best" said Natasha as she smiled.

"Yes I know" said Pete as he opened the drawer of his desk.

"It's the grey car parked in slot A1" said Pete as he threw his car keys that had a yellow keychain in the shape of a gun.

"Thank you Pete" said Natasha as she smiled at him as she caught his keys and she looked down at them.

"That's the keychain I got you for your 25th birthday" said Natasha.

"I didn't know you still had it" said Natasha as she laughed and she looked at Pete.

"I always carry them Nat" said Pete as he smiled.

"Oh Pete" said Natasha as she smiled at him, he was very sweet, no wonder he was her best friend, she never regretted meeting him at all.

"I don't think you should keep those guys waiting, they seemed very tired" said Pete as he laughed.

"Oh you are right, I will see you later Pete" said Natasha as she stood up.

"See you Nat" said Pete as he smiled at her as she left his office.

"Alright, let's go, Pete gave me his car for us to go home" said Natasha as she stood in front of Michael, Nine and Charlie.

"Alright then" said Michael as he stood up and Nine and Charlie followed after them as they walked out of the police station.

They walked into the parking lot of the police station, and just as Pete had said a grey car was parked in the parking slot A1.

Natasha pressed the button on Pete's car keys and the car opened and Natasha got into the driver's seat as this time Michael sat beside her in the front and Charlie sat with Nine at the back.

Natasha started the car as they drove away from the Police Station.

Thank you to Tiphe_Olaoluwa for the power stone haha.

Two days till Christmas hehe

Dan_does_it_allcreators' thoughts