
A Second Chance For All

Tragedy strikes, but Drey Edward and his classmates are given a second chance. What will they do in this new life, will they follow the will of others in this dangerous new world to save it from destruction, or make their own way through the uncharted.

MadOrbGaming · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

A Second Chance Before Lunch

Everything felt slow today, like watching life through a thick syrup. I slouched further into my chair, my notebook open but forgotten, the doodles in its margins a testament to my disinterest.

The history lecture, a monotonous drone, barely registered as I daydreamed about anything but the present. I couldn't wait for the final bell, envisioning the escape to my video game console, a world away from this tedium.

Jenna sat in front of me, her hand a constant up and down motion, eager to answer questions I hadn't even heard.

To my left, Marcus made a sport of stealthily launching crumpled paper balls toward the bin, his silent chuckle a sharp contrast to the room's dullness.

And there, just across the aisle, was Lily, engrossed in a novel beneath her desk, her occasional cautious glances towards the teacher almost comical.

The classroom, a capsule of our daily lives, felt particularly claustrophobic today. Its walls, lined with historical timelines and faded world maps, seemed to close in.

Outside, the distant laughter and shouts from the schoolyard teased me with the promise of freedom.

Distant sounds now seemed to be drawing to a close. Perhaps PE had ended; the laughter faded, and a hush fell over the school, as if in anticipation. 

It was in this quiet, the mundane suddenly giving way to silence, that everything changed.

An abrupt, jarring noise shattered the stillness, confusing at first. Firecrackers, perhaps? A prank gone wrong? The classroom, a sea of heads turning to see their classmate's thoughts.

However, the confusion swiftly turned to terror as the reality of the situation dawned on us. A chilling cacophony of screams began, that underscored the severity of the moment.

Frozen in my seat, a statue of disbelief, my mind reeling to make sense of the chaos. My heart hammered against my ribcage, adrenaline surging, yet a bizarre detachment overtook me.

The world seemed to blur at the edges, time stretching and compressing in a disorienting dance. The screams closed in as if surrounding the classroom.

My thoughts raced to my family, the petty quarrels, and the unvoiced affections that suddenly seemed so precious.

The video game awaiting my return home felt trivial, laughably insignificant in the face of such dread. I found myself wishing for a rewind, for a chance to express the unspoken, to appreciate the overlooked moments of joy.

The classroom, once a haven of tedium and daydreams, was transformed into a scene of unspeakable horror. As I lay there in a pool of crimson, I gazed around the classroom. A silent echo of what it once was. No questions asked, no fooling around, and no solace found in the pages of novels. 

And then, amidst the turmoil, an inexplicable calm enveloped me. A bright, gentle light filled my vision, muting the terror and the screams. It was like being wrapped in a warm embrace, foreign yet oddly comforting, a sensation of being lifted from the nightmare unfolding around me.

As the light intensified, the horrors of the classroom faded into oblivion. My last conscious thought was a fervent wish for a second chance—not just for myself, but for all my classmates ensnared in this tragedy. A silent plea cast into the engulfing light, yearning for redemption, for a new beginning.

As the engulfing light finally began to recede, I braced myself for what was next—darkness, silence, oblivion. Instead, my eyes fluttered open to a vista that seemed pulled from the dreams of a poet or the canvas of a visionary artist.

I was standing, inexplicably, on a platform amidst an endless sea of clouds, the sky above painted in hues of gold and azure that no sunset back home could ever hope to replicate. This wasn't the afterlife I had been taught about; it was something far more breathtaking.

The platform underfoot bore the marks of ancient craftsmanship, its stone surface etched with symbols and patterns that whispered of old, forgotten tales. Around me, my classmates were stirring, their expressions a mirror of my own wonder and confusion.

We had been in a classroom, ensnared in a tragedy that promised nothing beyond pain and darkness. Yet, here we were, standing in a realm that defied logic, surrounded by clouds and light.

Standing before us, radiating an aura of power and serenity, was a figure that seemed to embody the very essence of the divine. A goddess, if ever there was one, with flowing robes that glimmered like the morning dew under the first light of dawn.

Her eyes, deep and knowing, held the calm of the storm's eye, and her voice, when she spoke, was the melody that underpins the universe—a sound both comforting and commanding.


she began, her voice enveloping us in warmth,

"to the Aetherial Plains, a realm between realms, where souls are given the chance to reflect, to grow, and to choose their paths anew." 

"If you are yet to realize, I shall confirm"

her gaze sweeping over us, a collection of lost teenagers standing dumbfounded in a world beyond worlds. Her words were a balm, soothing the raw edges of our fear and confusion.

"All of you"...

"Are dead"

The goddess's words fell upon us like a winter's frost, chilling and undeniable. "All of you are dead." The simplicity of her declaration, devoid of any melodrama, cut through the lingering haze of disbelief and shock.

In that moment, the ethereal beauty of the Aetherial Plains, the surreal peace we'd momentarily felt, twisted into something more poignant, more grave.

A heavy silence enveloped the platform, the kind that follows a thunderclap, deep and resonant with the unsaid. My heart, if it still beat, seemed to pause, the world around us holding its breath.

I glanced around at my classmates, their faces a mosaic of realization. Eyes widened in shock, mouths agape, the truth of our situation settling upon us with the weight of eternity.

Jenna, always so composed, had tears brimming in her eyes, a stark testament to the vulnerability we all felt.

Marcus, the class clown who could find humor in the bleakest of moments, stood frozen, his usual smirk replaced by a somber frown.

And Lily, sweet Lily, looked as if she were searching for the words, any words, that could refute the goddess's claim, her gaze flitting about as though the answer might be written in the clouds.

The silence was oppressive, each of us trapped in our own tumult of thoughts and emotions. The finality of death, something we had never truly considered at our age, now claimed us with an irrefutable grip.

I wanted to deny it, to scream against the injustice, to wake up from this dream that had turned into a nightmare. But the serenity of the goddess, the undeniable reality of this realm, offered no escape from the truth.

I felt a surge of panic, a visceral reaction to the concept of my own death, and the deaths of those around me. It was a tidal wave of grief for the life I would never get to live, for the dreams left unfulfilled, for the goodbye I never got to say to my family. The air felt thick, each breath a labor, as if the gravity of our fate sought to crush us under its weight.

The goddess, sensing our despair, continued, but the warmth that had initially wrapped her words was noticeably absent, replaced by a tone that was cold, almost curt.

"Although you are dead in your own world,"

she began, her gaze sharp and unyielding,

"a new one awaits you. You have been chosen not despite your deaths, but because of them. In the grand design, you cost the Earth no resources, and no future potential lost to those still bound to its cycle. You are, in essence, free to be the instruments of change in a realm that desperately requires it."

Her words, meant to offer clarity, instead felt like a blade slicing through any hope that had started to bloom in the wake of our initial shock.

"This realm,"

she continued, her voice devoid of the earlier compassion,

"is under threat by a darkness that consumes everything in its path. Its people cry out for salvation, for heroes to emerge from the ashes of despair. You, who have lost everything, are to be those heroes. In death, you have been given a purpose that far exceeds the ordinary confines of life."

The concept was overwhelming. To be chosen as saviors in a world we knew nothing about, against a force we couldn't begin to comprehend, all because we were deemed expendable by the cosmic standards of resource allocation.

The irony was cruel, the task ahead daunting. Her words, though cold, carried a truth that was hard to deny. We were, in a way, unburdened by the chains that bind the living—free to risk everything because we had nothing left to lose.

In the wake of the goddess's revelations, a heavy silence settled over us, thick and suffocating, as we each wrestled with the magnitude of our assigned destiny. It was a silence fraught with the weight of a thousand unspoken questions, each of us lost in the enormity of what we had just learned.

The air around us felt charged, electric with the tension of impending decisions that could define the rest of our existence in this new realm.

It was Marcus who broke the silence, his voice carrying a mix of defiance and confusion.

"Why us? Why do we have to save them? Can't we just... do our own thing in this new world?"

His question, simple yet profound, ignited a spark in the rest of us, a blaze of questions, fears, and rebellions that had been simmering beneath the surface.

The platform erupted into an uproar, a cacophony of voices each clamoring for answers, for autonomy, for a choice in a fate we hadn't chosen. The noise swelled like a storm, each of us a wave crashing against the implacable shore of our new reality.

It was then that two figures stepped forward from the tumult, their presence like beacons of calm in the chaos. The first was Alex, his demeanor that of a born leader, with the commanding presence of a lion.

His voice, when he spoke, cut through the noise, not by volume but by the sheer force of authority it carried. Beside him stood Elara, her posture rigid, her gaze piercing the tumult with the cold clarity of an ice phoenix.

Her reputation as a student leader had always been underscored by her analytical mind and unwavering focus, qualities that now set her apart in this realm of uncertainty.

"Why us?"

Alex echoed Marcus's question, not in challenge but as a clarion call for attention.

"Because," he continued, his gaze sweeping across our faces,

"we have been given a chance. Not just to live, but to mean something in a world that is not our own. We could turn away, live out eternity in this limbo, unburdened by the cares of life or death. But then, what would be the point of this second chance?".

Elara stepped in, her voice a chilling contrast to Alex's impassioned speech. She paused, a deliberate silence that seemed to draw the air, tight around us, as if the very atmosphere waited on her next words.

"And in case you've forgotten,"

she finally continued, the weight of her own words seemingly pressing down on her shoulders before she could share the burden with us,

"we are dead. There is no going back."

Her statement, stark and unyielding, struck a different chord—a reminder of the irreversible truth that underpinned our entire situation. It wasn't just a call to action; it was a cold splash of reality, grounding any flights of fancy about what our new existence meant.

In that moment, Elara embodied the harsh truth of our circumstances, forcing us all to confront the finality of our old lives and the singular path forward offered by this new, unfamiliar reality.

Elara, after letting the gravity of her statement settle among us, turned her piercing gaze toward the goddess. Her demeanor, a blend of defiance and calculated resolve, did not waver as she addressed the divine being before us.

"So, we are conscripted into your service," she began, her tone laced with an icy clarity.

"Surely, you won't send us to battle as we are—unprepared and unarmed."

Her challenge carried an underlying demand for accountability. It was a question that, perhaps, we all harbored but lacked the courage to voice.

Elara, in her characteristic boldness, sought to bridge that gap between our mortal vulnerabilities and the monumental task that lay ahead. 

Alex quickly stepped in, his voice smooth and diplomatic, yet carrying an undertone of solidarity with Elara's bold stance.

"What Elara means to say," he interjected, offering a slight, reassuring nod towards the goddess,

"is that we hope for your guidance and support before we are sent off."

The way he managed to soften Elara's pointed remark without stripping away its significance was nothing short of impressive. It made me think, "Alex really does have a knack for this, doesn't he?" His ability to maintain the peace while ensuring our voices were heard was a testament to his skills.

I wonder, will she give us help? And what might it be?