
Arriving at Noxus

 "Peace of mind is a journey, where you hold every shade of yourself up to the light."~ Hwei, The Visionary

If you are wondering, canon will be changed. Katarina's story is fine but I want to change the ending to suit my needs.

Gimme a Spiderman fic where the MC does not get an AI or is not a harem.


"What I think about Noxus?" She repeated, trying to digest his words. A few seconds later she replied, "A land of merit."

"What do you mean by that?" Gregori asked.

"Land of merit. It means only those with individual skills must be appreciated. Legacies of the past must remain in the past, future generations have to show their caliber to be accepted. The Trifarix is the way of the future. The Grand General has made it clear that only individual merit will be rewarded. This is the Noxus I BELIEVE in."

Gregori shook his head. "That is a sad view to have."

Katarina looked at him, puzzled, "Why?"

"Let me ask you a few questions..... why do most soldiers go to battle?"

She replied instantly, "For a sense of duty."

"No. Not a single man goes into the battlefield for something as useless as duty." He observed her changing expression. "They go into battle for their families. If it is to defend their land, they do it so their families are safe. Otherwise, they do it to earn money and reputation. Both of which can help themselves and their families."

"What has that got to do with our conversation?"

"Then imagine yourself in the shoes of someone who fought and died in war, what would you do when your family isn't looked after despite your sacrifice?"

He looked into her eyes.

"If my children are not entitled to enjoy the fruits of my labor, who is? By focusing on the merits of now you alienate and invalidate the merits of the past."

"That is a necessary sacrifice. They have to understand that. Fixing a hole in the ship now is better than trying to jump from a sinking ship." Katarina tried to counter.

"I am not trying to force you to accept my views Katarina. I am just showing you the existence of other viewpoints. Think for a moment. Why is it that people have pride in their families? Their storied histories are what make them great. If only merit is allowed, why is Jericho Swain the Grand General of Noxus. He was born into House Swain. Do you think he could have climbed to his position without the backing of his house? Do you think he could have achieved what he has done if he was born to commoners?"

He caught his breath after all the words and calmly continued, "He could have. Or he could not have. The Hand of Noxus, General Darius is an orphan. And he rose to his position through sheer effort. Do you think he would appreciate it if his descendants aren't allowed to be enriched due to his struggles? But despite all of that. Jericho Swain is the only man to have climbed up the ranks despite having failed his expedition into Ionia."

Katarina listened to him with a straight face, not letting any of her turbulent emotions through.

"Fine, you just think on this. Now why do you think Noxus invades other lands?" He asked.

"To bring peace to the otherwise corrupt kingdoms. People would be free from oppression and united under the single banner of Noxus." She spoke.

Gregori's eyebrows rose before dropping down. He started chuckling, eventually devolving into full blown laughter.

Katarina frowned at his actions, finding his reaction insulting.

"Ah haaaaaaa. Haaaaa." He took breaths to steady himself. "Oh that is funny. Is that what you were taught? Or have you seen this happen before your very eyes?" He asked.

Choosing to not reply, she stared at him with a frown.

"How much of the lands have you travelled to?" He asked.

"Noxus, Freljord and Demacia." She answered.

Gregori nodded sagely, "You still haven't seen the whole world. There is so much you haven't seen. So much you don't know. It is only obvious you would believe in this when that is all you know. In my opinion, you are like a frog in a well."

Katarina opened her mouth to reply. But was cut off by Gregori, "No. Wait for me to finish. I have been to almost all the lands. And there are far worse things than oppression. And this belief also speaks to the fact about how they have hidden certain elements from your education."

He looked at her and continued, "Noxus in the old days was barren land. No crops could grow. So they invaded and annexed other lands. For food. For survival. It was an acceptable decision. Starvation is one of the worst ways to die and trying to not die is never a crime. Nowadays wars are for profit. Profit and control. Most of the higher ups are playing these games for control. You might not understand this now but one day you will."

"Now for my final question. Who do you think represent the Trifarix?" He asked.

"Vision under Jericho Swain. Might under Darius and Guile under the Faceless." Katarina replied slowly.

"And what are your opinions on the Faceless?" He asked.

"Their identity remains hidden. Anyone could be the Faceless. They do the work in the shadows so that the people may be unafraid in the light." She answered.

Gregori nodded. "Now, your actions are done in secret. You assassinated for your country and people. Are you the Faceless?"

She shook her head, "No. The Faceless are hidden. They cause the actions. They give the orders. And above all they appear to live normal ordinary lives."

"But they don't do any of the actual work." Gregori finished for her.

She looked flummoxed at his actions but held herself back.

"Do you know what Swain did that made him shoot up the ranks?" He asked her.

"He uncovered a plot by a secret organization to overthrow Boram Darkwill." She answered. "He had personally executed those involved, even his own parents."

"Yes. But why after all the work did he plan a coup to overthrow Boram Darkwill?" He posed.

"Alliances change. Boram Darkwill made bad decisions for the nation and it was time for new leadership." She answered.

"Orrrrr. He was manipulated. Led to discover the organization. By the organization itself." He watched as surprise shot through her expression, "Oh yes! Do you think one man could uncover and put an end to an organization that has thrived in secret for years? No no. Good old Jericho was led every step of the way, like an ant following a line of sugar. The organization is still in existence. Though I wouldn't be saying their name if I was you.... they will know if you use it. But another name would work better. The third member of The Trifarix-"

"The Faceless!" Katarina finished with a gasp.

"There is a lot more that you do not know but I hope you chance upon the rest of Noxus's secrets yourself." He spoke.

Her eyes looked turbulent, Gregori understood why, he had just dropped so much polarizing information onto her and had given her much to think about. This speech he had given should have and would have shattered her world views.

Of course he did not have any great plans for the young woman but she held the possibility of becoming a good ally.

That was a welcome thought. 

Allies were always useful. He chose not to rely on his old soldier buddies but once Marko had seen him, he had relented to just accepting information. These men and women were family in a way and he couldn't use them the way he wanted to. 

They were not expendable.

He silently observed the girl for the rest of the journey. She had her eye brows scrunched up and her fists clenched.

Gregori had half a mind to go to sleep. It did not matter that she was an assassin, she wouldn't go after his head, not now at least.

Now she had her own issues to sort out.

An interesting this he had realized but did not mention to her was her vague mentions of who gave her the mission.

He had known Marcus Du Coteau had died.

But the girl mentioned no word of it. And her specific use of conspiracy led him to believe that the man wasn't as dead and buried as he had thought.

He was not sure of this but it was very possible. 

Faking one's death is one of the easiest things to do. In Noxus, it may as well be the national sport. Who could fake their deaths better?

He snorted at the thought of people faking their deaths and it pulling crowds..... the fighting pits would be out of business.

Such a moronic thought but it was just funny. Some of the utmost silliness. It took him out of the near mental hell he seemed to be putting himself through.

A couple hours later, the carriage lurched to a stop.

He heard voices around him, focusing, he caught some of the word.

"Inspection..... allow... entry...."

He sat up straight and waved a hand in front of Katarina, breaking her out of her thoughts. She looked at him questioningly.

"We are almost there. A few guards will be doing some searching before letting us in."

As he finished, he heard Arran speak, "We have sold most of our merchandise and have brought some back to sell here. Here is our ledger for the items on board."

The voice kept coming closer as Arran walked, "We have also picked up two travelers for a fee. They are around back."

He led the soldiers to them.

As the heavily armored soldier came into view, both the passengers in the back gave them nice smiles.

"Good day to you sirs." Gregori spoke.

Katarina gave them a nod.

He couldn't see their facial expressions due to their helmets but from their body language, he could infer that the men were not enthused.

"You two will have to be checked separately. The carriage will leave and once we can reach some consensus on your purpose of visit as well as your identity only then we can let you in." Spoke one of the guards with a tired voice.

"Okay." Gregori answered. He grabbed his things and got off the carriage.

Katarina followed.

As he viewed the location in front of him, his eyes fell on the large walls to the Immortal Bastion

His battle had almost began.

He was at Noxus Prime.