
A Sea of Sorrow and Stars

After a normal childhood and normal adolescence, Wyatt Sightseer continues to live a life of no living. A simple routine haunts his life. Wake up, get ready, go to work, have lunch, go home, sleep, wake up, and so on. Sure, to some that may seem normal or average; but Wyatt always has an empty feeling, as if his life isn't his. On an unsuspecting day, while Wyatt was going to work, the blue sky split and the darkness seeped into the clouds. An androgynous silhouette with a starry cloak emerged. The cloak flowed miles behind the figure and wrapped loosely around its head. "From this point on, the authority over this solar system will be seized by me. However, there are far too many of you. So I'll propose a game: I'll gift you with extraordinary characteristics that you are to fight with until a goal is reached. You will learn to play over time, otherwise, your loss is guaranteed. Good luck, and may the stars have mercy on your lives."

omnivolent · สมัยใหม่
20 Chs

The First Descension [I]

Primary Game || The Principles of the End

Difficulty: SSS+


In the beginning of times, there had always been a duality of good and evil. Yet one force always managed to overpower the other. The ending of evil's reign brought along 'The Principles of the End,' lost souls which were abandoned by good and harmony. Evil's comfort nurtured their power on the condition they rebuild its reign and cease the existence of all life.

Each principle will appear in succession after the previous, that is if this world manages to survive the previous. All participants will have a month to either eliminate the principle or bring it salvation. Only 5 worlds before yours managed to overcome this primary game as there are only two endings: the erasure of all life or the erasure of all 4 principles.

The Four Principles are:

In the order in which they'll appear.

1. Isolation

2. Corruption

3. Angels

4. Humanity

Good luck, and may the stars have mercy on your lives.

The Principle of Isolation

Rank || Primary (Sub)

Difficulty || S

Task || Slaughter or provided salvation to the Principle of Isolation.

Duration || 30 days (30 days remaining)

Success || 1,750 gold; 25 stat points; 1,500 EXP; 1 A-Grade Stellar Ability

Failure || Death and the desolation of England.

Extra Information || [REVEAL]

The Principle of Isolation || Extra Information

This principle wields absolute control over isolation and melancholic emotions. Drown in their despair and you'll never get out - but never succumb to their manor of endless isolation and you might survive long enough to witness the destruction of your home. Love and happiness will never overpower the depression this silent being spreads by simply existing.

As the first principle, it will begin its journey to the centre of England from the furthest point west of the capital city. Upon reaching an area within 1 kilometre of the centre point of the capital city, the principle will slowly break away from the equilibrium and their power will increase every day. Eternal sadness awaits.

If you have any further inquiries, ask your respective game moderator.

Good luck, and may the stars have mercy on your lives.

"That is... a lot of information."

My eyes started to get tired from reading all of that. Unlike previously, I read even the things I already knew in case the Stellar Games changed any details..


Khai responded while Ava continued to read the long notifications.

「 Awards for completing the first primary game have finished processing and will now be distributed. 」

「 500 gold has been awarded. 」

「 Gold Balance || 1,675 」

「 20 stat points have been awarded. 」

「 300 EXP has been awarded. 」

「 Level 10 [775/5000] 」

「 Stellar Patronage V1 access has been awarded. 」

「 The spectators are preparing to begin Stellar Patronage. 」

「 A-Grade Stellar Ability selection has been awarded. 」

「 Would you like to select an A-Grade Stellar Ability now? 」

Seeing the EXP counter for my next level made me sigh but this primary game will give me quite a lot of EXP so it was ok, sorta. I tapped yes on the pop-up and a list of A-Grade abilities opened up.

A-Grade Stellar Ability Selection

Tap the one you wish to receive and a confirmation menu will show up. Information on the ability you selected won't be provided till it has been awarded.


> Technology Reading <

> Astronomist <

> Aura Sense <

> Mental Shield <

. . .

The list was virtually endless so I scrolled randomly and selected an ability called Cosmic Comprehension as it seemed to fit my ongoing theme. Although I didn't really mind following this space-cosmos idea, I wish it was something else - no idea what though.

「 Cosmic Comprehension has been awarded. 」

Cosmic Comprehension

Grade || A

Description || An ability fuelled by the dying essence of a magnificent star and a sub-part to the Cosmic Arsenal. It only fully responds to those who wield spatial powers; otherwise, its potential is severely eroded. This ability allows you to call upon any constellation in the cosmos that has been discovered by your species in order to provide you with certain enchantments or buffs.

Special Attribute || When combined with a weapon that belongs to the Cosmic Arsenal, you gain control over which constellation aligns with the said weapon and the alignment's effectiveness is doubled.

Current weapons belonging to the Cosmic Arsenal: Cosmic Slicer Lvl. 6

Perfect, it even worked with Cosmic Slicer. Did everything 'cosmic' work with one another?

As I swiped the last notification away, a majestic blue beam could be seen coming down from the sky to Earth. All three of us assumed it was the principle's arrival, and that theory got proven correct.

「 The Principle of Isolation has descended upon Earth. 」

「 Estimated time to arrive at the capital city: 1 day. 」

"The agony of waiting begins."

"Does that mean when it reaches London or when it reaches the centre of London?"

I asked. If it was the latter then the principle would be here soon, otherwise, we'd have some more time as London's territory is massive. If the principle doesn't experience exhaustion then getting here in one day is understandable, but then that raises the question of how fair the fight would be.

「 Personality and emotion distortion is being corrected. 」

A string of aether spun in front of me and pierced through my forehead. I groaned in pain but it soon went away.

「 Your personality has been rebalanced. 」

Another string of aether formed itself and this time pierced through my heart.

「 Your emotions have been rebalanced. 」

Although I felt physically the same, I could no longer bring myself to speak first. Khai's eyebrows dropped down and his face became tense. Ava on the other hand became empty, her face showed no emotion. We shuffled around and stood in a circle, exchanging emotionless glances with each other. The same group who baked cookies a moment ago had now drifted further apart than ever before.

Ervant came forward with his fantastic entrance, positioning himself in the middle of all of us.

"Hello, my dream team."

"Hello, sir."

Ava was the only one to respond. The emotions she showed through her speech before were now missing and her tone became neutral.

"Jeez, you guys are awful. That gives me an idea for a game!"

Was this the sadism he mentioned? Khai's hand tightened into a fist and my body filled with terror at the idea of another game from Ervant. We had fought countless battles barely a day or so ago, was it not enough?

"No response? Ok then. I'll give you guys a special ga-"

Ervant's speech was cut short by the loud sound of an announcement.

"Good day all participants of the Stellar Games in this solar system. We will now begin the selection phase of the Stellar Patronage program, make sure to pick wisely."

The voice that spoke was reminiscent of the previous grand entity that was apparently a representative of the Stellar Games. The announcement was heard clearly even though we were inside a building as it spoke directly into our ears. A small notification came up in front of me as it finished talking.

「 Welcome to Stellar Patronage V1. 」

I swiped it away and a list followed.

Stellar Patronage Selection V1

Make sure to pick wisely.


1. Magnificent Duke

2. Grand Judge of Ends

3. The Lone Captain of a Crowded Ship

4. Lotus of the Rising Sun

With no chance of getting help from my two teammates, I could only turn to Astral Wanderer for help.

「 Astral Wanderer shares his disapproval of the patronage program with Mistress of Twilight and Divine Warrior. 」

So I'm on my own? Perfect, I guess things are slightly back to normal: doing tasks, by myself, without any willing help.

「 A mysterious force watches over your selection. 」

「 A mysterious force is saddened by its inability to help you. 」

My hand hovered over each patron and I became unable to decide. None of their names told me much about them and, since only now I knew their names, I wasn't aware of how they treated me before. Plus, how is it fair that I have to decide without any information at all?

"Come on Wyatt, we're waiting."

Ervant's pressure didn't make it easier; Khai and Ava's blank stares distracted me. It was only this primary game so why be scared of making a choice? I tapped my chosen patron and their presence became clear to me.

「 Other spectators are saddened by the fact they weren't picked. 」

"Finally Wyatt. Now, back to what I was saying. I will give you guys a game to rebuild your relationship."

"Please, no more of these holographs."

I had to complain, we had just been faced with so many notifications and tabs of information.

"Hm, I'll spare you for now but you should consider rekindling your friendship."

His demonic body melted away and disappeared.

"So, cookies?"

I grabbed the tray behind me and moved it forward, offering the cookies on top to the adult man and the young girl. Ava took a cookie hesitantly; Khai politely declined it by shaking his head. I took a cookie and set the tray back down on the counter before taking a bite.

"What's our plan for defeating the principle?"

Did the rebalancing work? I was more talkative than usual, then again, they weren't strangers to me. My memory of them remained so talking to them felt normal, but they didn't seem to have the same thought process as me.

"Not sure."

Khai finally broke his vow of silence and spoke.

"Can we even defeat it?"

"It doesn't sound too intimidating."

The frost that chilled between us started to melt from the bond that formed from surviving two near-death experiences together.

"You're saying that until it places you into its sadness thing realm."

"I doubt it's that simple. The principle of isolation is still managed by the equilibrium so its power is weakened. It will probably only be able to do that once it gets to London."

"Hope so."

「 The west of England has been submerged in despair. 」

「 The ocean of tears slowly spreads. 」

「 Your Stellar Aspect wishes to talk to you. 」

The familiar process of entering Astral Wanderer's domain began and the stars rose up from the dark void which enveloped my surroundings.

"This isn't good Wyatt."



My sarcastic comment wasn't appreciated.

"Ehem, so what do I do?"

"There's practically nothing you can do."

"What do you mean?"

"From what I've heard in the communication subspace, the principle can't be attacked from far away or close up. I don't know why, they all disappear before they can talk about it."

"So there's nothing I can do."

"That's what I just sai-"

"But they wouldn't give an unbeatable game, would they?"

"I gu-"

"I mean, how would the spectators enjoy a rigged game?"

"They en-"

"So there has to be something to do in order to beat it and entertain the spectators."

"If you don't quit cutting me off..."

"Sorry, I'm just nervous."

"Fair enough. I'm still far away from enough aether to unlock the 5th form so that's out of the question. Just get stats, mental prowess would be the best for this."

"But if I pour all my money into one stat then it'll be heavily unbalanced."

"Completing this will give you more gold than you have now and with that you'll be able to balance it out after."

"You said the mysterious force was enough to survive?"

"I did say that, but now I'm worried. We've barely seen it in use against something as overpowered as these principles. I mean, it already took up 1/4 of the country?"

The stars around us shook and both of us lost our balance, even if we were floating. A piercing screech echoed through the plane and continued to ring in my ears. The constellations and other gatherings of stars crumbled apart and fell into the dark void.

"What's... going.. on?"

"You got to go."

Astral Wanderer fused with my body and I came back to the real world.