
A Sea of Sorrow and Stars

After a normal childhood and normal adolescence, Wyatt Sightseer continues to live a life of no living. A simple routine haunts his life. Wake up, get ready, go to work, have lunch, go home, sleep, wake up, and so on. Sure, to some that may seem normal or average; but Wyatt always has an empty feeling, as if his life isn't his. On an unsuspecting day, while Wyatt was going to work, the blue sky split and the darkness seeped into the clouds. An androgynous silhouette with a starry cloak emerged. The cloak flowed miles behind the figure and wrapped loosely around its head. "From this point on, the authority over this solar system will be seized by me. However, there are far too many of you. So I'll propose a game: I'll gift you with extraordinary characteristics that you are to fight with until a goal is reached. You will learn to play over time, otherwise, your loss is guaranteed. Good luck, and may the stars have mercy on your lives."

omnivolent · สมัยใหม่
20 Chs

Preparing for the End [II]

The entire night I remained awake. My energy was replenished by the sleep that showed me Ava's location. Pushing through the glass, the pink and orange hues of the sun's rising light spread out across the room. Both Khai and Ava were still calmly sleeping; well, Khai was calmly sleeping. Ava's mental torment continued even in her sleep as proven by her depressed expression.

Khai's movements tightened the fabric of his shirt and it made him seem uncomfortable so I helped loosen it. It reminded me of how whenever I wore something around my neck while sleeping I'd feel short of breath in my dreams. There was one remaining question, how would Khai react to Ava? Although he gave up quickly when it came to my unforeseen stubbornness, I didn't expect him to do the same for Ava. Caring for an adult was one thing but caring for a child was another.

「 A B-tier creature, Crystallised Wolf, has entered your vicinity. 」

"B-tier? Shouldn't be too hard then, I guess I'll try it out."

I pulled the small star-resembling object out of my pocket and crushed it, unleashing Cosmic Slicer. The clanking sounds of the creature's steps sent shivers down my spine as it sounded like knives scratching against the cement. Would Cosmic Slicer cut through it?

Exiting the clinic, I saw the wolf constructed of gems and crystals roaming the street. It was sniffing the ground until it sensed my presence and looked up to make eye contact.

「 Crystallised Wolf used Dazzling Eyes Lvl. 1 」

The eyes it had were mesmerising and I easily got my mind lost in them, literally.

「 ■■■■■ has nullified the effects of Dazzling Eyes Lvl. 1 」

"Even you guys have abilities?"

Like Lexinus' tiger, the wolf pounced at me. Its coating of different gems distorted the light in its area and altered it to colours differing from the sun's gradient. I swung Cosmic Slicer with my right arm in response and it perfectly collided with the side of the creature's body. The armour of crystals prevented any physical damage but it still sent the wolf flying to the left.

「 A new game is starting! 」

Swordsmanship Trial

Rank || Quaternary

Difficulty || B

Task || Eliminate the B-tier Crystallised Wolf using the Cosmic Slicer and your Stellar Aspect.

Success || Swordsmanship Technique Lvl. 1 (Evolvable)

Failure || None


While the wolf got back onto its legs, I accepted the proposed game as I wanted that ability if I was going to use the Cosmic Slicer throughout these games. How was I meant to kill the wolf if I wasn't even able to cut through its coating?

It came running back at me so I swung Cosmic Slicer at it again but from the other side - the wolf wasn't thrown as far as last time though. The position it took became more tense and defensive plus it bared its teeth and snarled. Even the teeth it had were made of diamond that had been sharpened more than Ervant's pearly whites.

「 Stellar Form, Cosmic Sight, has activated. 」

「 Duration = 30 minutes. 」

The stardust spread out in time to help me evade the wolf's third attack. As it missed its target, it landed right on the ground and slid a bit across the concrete with its sharp claws leaving deep marks. That might as well have been my flesh.

A piercing warcry came from the wolf and its crystals broke away into spikes. Cosmic Slicer scraped against the spikes and clashed with the wolf's body. The collision made me stumble back and almost fall but Cosmic Sight caught me and helped me up as the wolf tried to scratch me.

I felt Cosmic Slicer fill with energy and the visible constellations shifted.

「 Cosmic Slicer aligned with the minor constellation Phoenix. 」

「 The alignment granted Cosmic Slicer the Blazing Fire enchantment. 」

Orange and yellow fires sprouted around the blade of Cosmic Slicer accompanied by bright sparks.

「 The minor constellation, Phoenix, grants you immunity to its fires. 」

The wolf tilted its head at the sight of the fires surrounding my blade but that didn't prevent it from going for an attack. Were we just going to keep repeating this over and over?

I swung the blade in response but it didn't hit the wolf; instead, it phased through it. The blade dispersed into flames which dug through the wolf's crystal coating and burned its insides. Its body was tossed against the ground as it struggled with the internal flames.

「 Crystallised Wolf used Full Crystallisation Lvl. 3 」

「 Full Crystallisation failed due to severe internal damages. 」

Its body slowly gave up and the flames burst through the external coating causing all of the gems to fall off and reveal the burnt organs. The minor constellation abandoned Cosmic Slicer and the fires ceased.

「 You have completed: quaternary game 'Swordsmanship Trial.' 」

「 Swordsmanship Technique Lvl. 1 (Evolvable) has been awarded. 」

「 25 EXP has been awarded. 」

「 Level 2 [175/300 EXP] 」


I inspected Cosmic Slicer and twirled the handle in my hand. It was more powerful than I expected.

"Good job."

Turning around, I saw Ervant standing with his hands hidden behind his back.

"Oh, hi Ervant."

"Hi Wyatt."

"While you're here, I have a question."


"Since our personalities are affected at the moment, what will happen with Khai and Ava after?"

"I don't see why you expect me to have future sight but I do not know."

"What about you then?"

"I'd describe myself covertly sadistic and somewhat nice at the same time. Don't go thinking we're friends though."

"Got it."

"Ok, I have to go now, see you soon Wyatt."

"Bye Ervant..."

Once again, he disappeared through the mysterious liquid. I was starting to question if it was liquid aether. What sort of thing even was aether? Astral Wanderer explained it weirdly and didn't go into detail as to what it was composed of.

Oh my god, I forgot I left Ava with Khai. He had no idea who she was so his reaction could be anything if he found her. Fighting with the wolf forced me a bit down the street so I jogged up to the clinic and walked through the door.

Khai was still sleeping, thankfully, but Ava was awake looking at him. How much aether did he use from his aspect to stay asleep this long?

"Hey Ava, how you doing?"

She turned around quickly, spooked by my sudden entrance. The clinic's door was fairly quiet so she didn't realise I was there.

"I'm... I'm ok..."

"It's alright if you're not, but how about we visit your aspect?"

"My what?"

"Your aspect, imagine a holographic screen in front of you saying your name and then it'll appear in front of you."

She closed her eyes and visibly tried very hard to imagine it.

"I can't.."

"Don't stress too much, keep your eyes open and just imagine it as simply as you need to."

She succeeded.

"Congrats Ava!"

"What now?"

"Tap the unlock button next to the thing that says "Stellar Aspect" and prepare."

Her finger moved down to the 'UNLOCK' button and her head shot up to the sky. Is that what I looked like? I laid her down on the chairs and Khai started to wake up right after.

"Ugh, I feel like I'm dying."

"Did you get in trouble with your aspect?"

"Yeah and damn can they do a lot."

Khai rubbed his forehead and slowly sat up.

"I doubt mine has forgiven me yet."

"Um, who's she?"

He pointed at Ava's unconscious body and I turned my head to follow his finger.

"That's Ava, I found her while you were knocked out."

"How many people do you expect us to take on?"

"Whoever needs it."

Yeah, I see the personality alternation right now.

"Great, we're gonna be a daycare."

He put his hand up and I high-fived him. Ava awoke at the clap and I automatically checked her aspect, skipping through the other data.

Mistress of Twilight (COMPREHENSIVE)

A manifestation of all that is trickery and illusion, the incarnation of confusion itself.


Stellar Form 1 || Stage Conjuration

Cover a 10 metre by 10 metre area around you in an illusionary stage which is under your control. You can freely summon any illusions, however, they are not entirely physical constructs. Those inside will be able to feel, see, hear, taste, and smell your illusions but they're all as durable as paper, even a punch could break through the illusion. Any broken illusions, depending on the damage, will regenerate or entirely collapse. The maximum achievable size is 100 metres by 100 metres.

Stellar Form 2 || Body Projection

Clone yourself or create another humanoid-appearing figure, any characteristics counted as not human will be automatically corrected. You have full mental control over these clones and the moment you give up the control they will collapse and wither away. There is no maximum amount of clones you can summon, however, all of the clones have their own aether consumption. Their physical aspects are equal to yours so a balanced stat distribution is recommended.

. . .

"Did you like the star?"

I asked like a parent eager to know how their child's first day at school went.


"What star?"

Khai and Ava asked in unison, making me look like an idiot.

"The stellar aspect, the star you see when you talk to it."

They looked puzzled.

"Mine's a man with a staff and a straw hat, not a star."

"And I saw a pretty woman."

「 Stellar Form, Aspect Insight, has activated. 」

「 Direct communication bridge is forming. 」

「 Direct communication bridge has been established. 」

Huh, what's this?

「 Direct communication is now available with Mistress of Twilight. 」

「 Mistress of Twilight chuckles at her human's sweet comment. 」

「 Stellar Form, Aspect Insight, has activated. 」

「 Direct communication bridge is forming. 」

「 Direct communication bridge has been established. 」

「 Direct communication is now available with Divine Warrior of Heavens and Deities (Divine Warrior). 」

「 Divine Warrior scoffs at the bland description provided by his human. 」

I guess Astral Wanderer evolved Aspect Insight for me, but I also became jealous that their aspects had humanoid forms because at this point mine was boring.

「 Astral Wanderer ties you a starry noose. 」

Jeez, I'm sorry.

"Mine's a star."

"What's its name?"

"Astral Wanderer."

"Makes sense I guess, stars wander space."

「 Astral Wander is taken aback by Khai's apparent intelligence. 」

Me too, me too.

「 Your Stellar Aspect wishes to talk to you. 」

"I'll be back soon-"

My speech was cut short by my immersion into the infinite expansion of Astral Wanderer's starry sky. Astral Wander ripped its essence out of my body and formed its shape.

"How can you insult me like that?"

"I didn't say anything bad out loud."

"But you thought it, and that's worse."

"Is it?"

"Yes it is."

"Then I'm sorry."

"Why do you want me to have a human form anyway?"

Astral Wanderer started to float around me, circling like a vulture.

"Seems kinda cool. I mean, don't you have one?"

"I used to, I lost it long ago."

"Lost it?"

"Yep, soon enough I just gave up and took this form. Then, by the time I got my will back, I already lost that form and couldn't come back to it."

"What are aspects anyway?"

"Aspects are unknown entities, even to ourselves. We were once participants in these games in case you were wondering, but now, no idea. Our memories of those times faded quickly and only a faint idea remains."

I felt bad for Astral Wanderer. That's a horrible fate; knowing you used to be something else but not remembering what.

"Is that all?"

"We bind with new participants, give them powers, watch them grow or die, and then move on to the next participant."

"That must suck."

"It does but no point in worrying about that, just like humans who live and die, aspects move on. Any other questions?"


"Actually, I have a question. What is this mysterious force around you?"

As if I knew.

"No idea myself."

"Being with you feels more challenging than binding with any other person as it keeps trying to push me out or fight for dominance. It's strong and useful, I'll give it that, but still a bit annoying."

「 A mysterious force feels hostility towards Astral Wanderer. 」

"I see what you mean."

"At least it saved you and even tried to save you when Khai almost died."

"It did?"

"Mhm, but for some reason, it couldn't take over your body like it did last time."

"Last time?"

"When you were in that secondary game with Khai for the first time."

"Wait, you saw that? What happened? What did I do? What did Khai do?"

My bombardment of questions continued until Astral Wanderer shouted.

"Shut up! Damn you talk a lot."

"Sorry, I just keep forgetting and remembering but still getting no answers."

"Have to burst your hope then because I don't have any answers. When it took over I was locked out. I mean, it was more like my vision became clouded to the point I could see nothing. It did speak to you, but again the clouded feeling stopped me from hearing it."

So still no answers, that's great.

"That sucks, ugh I'm annoyed. I doubt Khai knows anything either since he was corrupted. Time to give up on that then, now, what about these principles?"

"The Principles of the End, hm... I saw that notification and it didn't ring a bell. I have no idea what they can do but I feel like whatever force is protecting you will manage to save you from the corruption one since, well, it did already."

"So how do I prepare for it?"



Was I meant to start planting carrots and potatoes in the street then start a shop for the principles?

"I meant games you buffoon. Get EXP, coins, stats, and abilities. Also, train the new ability you got so you can evolve it. You have a few days left so focus on quaternary games as they're the quickest. I'm nowhere close to my next level as I can't gain aether till you reach level 10. Now, go do that."

"Wait, will you ever get your form back?"

"Maybe one day."

Astral Wanderer fused with me once more and the distant stars around me sunk into the abyss, bringing forth boundless darkness which soon broke away to reveal the dental clinic and my two new teammates. If I was to protect them, I'd have to gain skills quick.

"So, what now Wyatt?"

Ava was obviously worried after seeing someone essentially break their neck to stare at the ceiling rapidly while becoming practically unresponsive.

"We have to get stronger."

「 Mistress of Twilight raises an eyebrow at your statement. 」

「 Divine Warrior cringes at your attempt to be inspirational. 」

「 Astral Wanderer sighs. 」