
A School Boy Fantasy

Are you looking for a thrilling high school story that explores the dangers of fulfilling wild fantasies? Follow the journey of a teenager who discovers mysterious superpowers and uses them to fulfill his desires, but soon realizes the heavy responsibilities that come with such abilities. This captivating read is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat and leave you pondering the consequences of taking power into your own hands.

LiL_A · วัยรุ่น
10 Chs


"Could we grab some paper towels or something?" she asked, approaching the teacher's desk and indicating towards the floor. I responded affirmatively, grateful for her quick thinking. She located a stack of paper towels meant for cleaning up spills during biology experiments, which seemed fitting for our current situation.

As she attempted to pick up the time-frozen paper towels, I walked over to Jennifer and offered my help. She expressed her frustration with the situation and her eagerness to return to normal life. "This is so annoying," she complained. "I can't wait to be done with this nonsense."

With a chuckle, I touched the stack of paper towels, causing them to become tangible once again. She was impressed by the trick and picked up a few of them to clean up the mess with her feet.

As she started to speak, I walked over to her. "You know, you're really cute," she said.

I responded with a grin, asking, "Is that so?"

"Your appearance is just... disarming. You seem like a sweet guy to talk to, but sometimes you can be a real dick to deal with."

I let out a contented sigh and smiled, nodding my head. "I think now is a good time for me to apologize," I said. She turned to me, her eyebrows raised with curiosity. "I realize that sometimes I can really get under your skin. It's not my smartest move, but I do have respect for you, Jennifer. You're a person with a lot of personality, and you're way cooler than most of the other girls in school."

"Thanks," she replied, smiling before returning her attention to the cleanup. "It's pretty cool of you to own up to that."

I clapped my hands together and rubbed them, grinning. "Great. That means we're all good now, right?"

She chuckled at my enthusiasm. "Maybe we are," she said. "I feel like I understand you a lot better now than I did before."

I was extremely satisfied with the response and breathed a sigh of contentment. "It was incredibly unbelievable, amazing... I don't even have the words to describe it." She laughed in amusement. "That was quite a memorable first experience."

Suddenly, her head lifted up from the ground and she turned to face me. "First time?" she asked, sounding confused. "What do you mean?"

I looked her straight in the eyes and explained, "That was my first time... you know, having sex, doing it, the thing we just did together."

She was speechless. "Are you serious?" she asked, incredulous.

"Yes, I'm not joking," I replied with a laugh. "That was my very first time."

Her head shook in disbelief. "Wow, damn... you're pretty skilled."

I felt overjoyed to hear her compliment. With a grin, I grabbed a couple more paper towels and went to assist her with cleaning up, just as she was doing.

"With a little practice, you could become an exceptional lover. However, treating women with respect as individuals rather than objects to provoke is a vital aspect. If you can learn how to communicate with women in a regular manner, you'll be astounded at how much success you'll have. I mean, I just had sex with you."

I looked up from cleaning the floor and responded with a mischievous smile, "Well, it's because of my charming and irresistible personality." Jennifer laughed as she picked up the paper towels around her feet, walked over to the nearby bin, and tossed them in.

"You have a bit of that too," she replied with a smirk. "Remember to compliment girls on more than just their appearance, but also on who they are as individuals. You need to be confident, take charge, and go for it."

I grabbed the paper towels at my feet and threw them away as well. "You make it sound like a documentary."

"Well, we are all just mammals, aren't we?" she chuckled. "Just keep in mind that girls can't resist a good distraction from the stresses of their relationships. Even if they're happy with their partner, there's no harm in adding some spice to their lives. All you need to do is master the art of flirting."

"That sounds easy enough," I replied before adding with uncertainty, "...I think."

We stood together for a moment, and I took the opportunity to admire her. She was amazing - intelligent, attractive, and kind. Simply put, she was awesome. All I wanted was to stay there with her.

"I have to say," I commented, "you're really great to talk to - like a regular person, that is."

"You too," she responded. "I'm happy I got to see this side of you. You're pretty cool when you're comfortable being yourself."

I gave in to the urge to spread my arms wide, causing Jennifer to chuckle and come towards me. I welcomed her into my embrace, and she reciprocated. As we held each other, we shared a few moments of peace, capping off my first time with a girl perfectly.

After a while, Jennifer spoke up. "I don't want this to change things between us," she confessed. "You were right earlier. I sort of... like... when you bother me. It feels normal."

"If that's how you feel," I replied, "then I can't wait to get back to annoying you and messing up your day."

"Me neither," she said with a smile, pulling away slightly to meet my gaze. "Promise me you'll never change who you are, okay?"

"You're very convincing," I quipped, making her laugh. "Okay, I promise."

"Good," she said, rubbing my back. "Now, can we get back to reality?"

"Sure thing."

We let go of each other and made our way back to our seats.