
A Royal Obligation

In a realm of four kingdoms... Two kingdoms were close to war, Prince Eirik, the fourth prince of Valeidio, a Ferre with a beauty that could rival the gods, was thrust into a marriage alliance with Prince Kaelix, the strong and proud heir of Zephyros. Both princes where determined to fight against the fate forced on them. But as they clash in a battle of wills, the lines between duty and desire begin to blur. Will they find a way to accept each other, or will their resistance tear them apart? Will their hearts ever align, or are they destined to remain enemies bound by their obligation? The answers lie within the chapters, but be warned: once you start, you might not be able to stop until the last secret is revealed. in *A Royal Obligation* somethings are not as it seems. ------------ Excerpt: Eirik's breath slowed, his heart beating a steady rhythm as he grasped the delicate fabric of his veil. He could feel the tension building in the room, thickening the air as every eye fixed upon him. Even before the veil was lifted, he was aware of the whispers circulating through the hall. Curiosity, skepticism, and a hint of malice swirled in the minds of those present, none more so than in Prince Kaelix, whose demand had set this spectacle into motion. As the veil began to slip from his fingers, Eirik's mind was a flurry of thoughts. *This isn't about me,* he reminded himself. *This is about the alliance, about Valeidio, about preventing war.* His resolve solidified, and he let the veil fall, revealing his face to the entire court. The collective gasp that followed was almost audible. Silence descended upon the hall like a heavy curtain, as if time itself had stopped. The musicians halted their playing, the dancers froze in mid-step, and the servants, previously bustling around the room, stood motionless, their eyes wide in shock. For a long moment, nobody moved. Even the ever-composed Prince Kaelix found himself momentarily speechless. ----------- Warning! THIS BOOK CONTAIN N.C SCENE! THIS IS THE ONLY WARNING YOU WILL GET FROM THIS AUTHOR, ANY CHAPTER COULD BE AN ADULT SCENE! HAHA

Linda_Wilyuhm · LGBT+
131 Chs


Eirik's breath slowed, his heart beating a steady rhythm as he grasped the delicate fabric of his veil.

He could feel the tension building in the room, thickening the air as every eye fixed upon him.

Even before the veil was lifted, he was aware of the whispers circulating through the hall. Curiosity, skepticism, and a hint of malice swirled in the minds of those present, none more so than in Prince Kaelix, whose demand had set this spectacle into motion.

Eirik had never enjoyed being the center of attention.

The world always seemed more interested in his looks than his capabilities, a fact that frustrated him deeply.

Though his appearance had been a gift from his mother, Queen Morgana, he often wished it were otherwise.

Her ethereal beauty was renowned, and while Eirik had inherited her long, white hair, alabaster skin, and delicate features, he had also inherited the unwanted attention that came with it.

As the veil began to slip from his fingers, Eirik's mind was a flurry of thoughts. *This isn't about me,* he reminded himself. *This is about the alliance, about Valeidio, about preventing war.* His resolve solidified, and he let the veil fall, revealing his face to the entire court.

The collective gasp that followed was almost audible. Silence descended upon the hall like a heavy curtain, as if time itself had stopped. The musicians halted their playing, the dancers froze in mid-step, and the servants, previously bustling around the room, stood motionless, their eyes wide in shock.

Eirik's deep purple eyes, framed by his long white lashes, met the stunned gazes of the court. His alabaster skin, flawless and smooth, seemed to catch the light in a way that made him appear otherworldly.

His lips, full and soft pink, stood out against his fair complexion. The sheer beauty of his features was both delicate and striking, an unsettling blend of masculinity and femininity that left many questioning whether such a person could truly exist.

For a long moment, nobody moved. Even the ever-composed Prince Kaelix found himself momentarily speechless.

He had expected something else entirely, an opportunity to humiliate Eirik, to prove that the prince from Valeidio was hiding some flaw beneath his veil. Instead, he found himself staring into a face so captivating that it nearly disarmed him.

Kaelix was trained to keep his emotions in check, to maintain a facade of indifference regardless of the situation. But now, he could feel cracks forming in that facade.

His mind raced as he tried to process what he was seeing. "This can't be real," he thought. "No one looks like that." A flicker of doubt crept into his mind, one that he quickly crushed. He couldn't afford to be distracted, not by the weak prince of Valeidio.

Queen Elena's reaction, however, was less restrained. Her initial hostility evaporated like morning mist under the sun.

She had prepared herself to dislike Eirik, to support her son's plan to humiliate him, but now... now she saw something different.

Her eyes sparkled with a new light, one of approval, of desire even. This was the person she wanted to marry her son, not out of duty, but because Eirik was simply too stunning to let go. "Imagine the grandchildren," she thought, barely able to contain her excitement.

King Reagan, observing the scene from his throne, managed to maintain his composure, though he too was taken aback. He had heard rumors of Eirik's beauty, but rumors could never have prepared him for the reality.

He nearly dropped his goblet in shock but steadied himself just in time. His eyes narrowed as he studied Eirik, trying to discern any weakness beneath that perfect exterior.

Draven, sitting near Kaelix, was the first to break the silence. He let out a low whistle, the sound cutting through the tension in the room like a blade. "Well, Kaelix," he drawled, "I'd say you've outdone yourself this time."

Lysander, lounging casually beside him, smirked as he looked from Eirik to Kaelix. "I always knew you had good taste, cousin, but this... this is something else entirely."

Kaelix's expression darkened at their teasing, but he couldn't deny the truth in their words. He forced himself to regain his composure, his voice cold and dismissive. "So what? We're here to forge an alliance, not host a beauty pageant."

The words were meant to sting, but Eirik met them with calm indifference. He had heard such comments before, the attempts to belittle him because of his appearance.

He simply raised an eyebrow and spoke with quiet confidence. "Have you now confirmed whatever you wanted to confirm, Prince Kaelix? May I cover my face again, or would you prefer to keep staring?"

A few of the courtiers exchanged nervous glances, unsure whether to laugh or stay silent. They had never heard anyone speak to Kaelix with such directness, especially not someone who had just been subjected to his scrutiny. But the way Eirik delivered the line, with such poise and subtle challenge, left them in awe.

Kaelix bit back a retort, waving a hand in a gesture of dismissal. "Do whatever you want." The words came out begrudgingly, his irritation barely masked. He wanted to be in control of this situation, to show Eirik who was truly in charge, but somehow, the Valeidio prince had turned the tables on him without even trying.

As Eirik slowly drew the veil back over his face, a collective sigh rippled through the room. Many of the nobles had been captivated by his appearance, wishing for just a few more moments to admire the prince's features. But now that the veil was in place once more, they had to content themselves with the memory of what they had seen.

Queen Elena leaned forward in her seat, her voice warm and affectionate as she addressed Eirik. "You are truly a sight, Prince Eirik. I am delighted to have you in Zephyros. I hope you find our kingdom to your liking."

Kaelix's eyes widened slightly at his mother's words. Just moments ago, she had been planning alongside him to discredit Eirik, but now she was speaking as though he were already part of the family. He couldn't understand what had changed so quickly. "Mother..." he began, but Elena silenced him with a glance.

"Kaelix, you must be proud to have such a remarkable betrothed," she said firmly, her tone leaving no room for argument.

Kaelix clenched his jaw, forcing a smile that didn't reach his eyes. "Of course, Mother. Prince Eirik is... impressive." He didn't know what was more infuriating: the fact that Eirik had managed to upstage him, or the fact that his own mother was now clearly on Eirik's side.

Eirik inclined his head slightly in acknowledgment of the queen's words. He knew they were meant to smooth over the awkwardness of the situation, but he wasn't naive. He could feel the tension simmering beneath the surface, the animosity that Kaelix was barely keeping in check. But he wasn't about to let this rattle him.

As the evening wore on, the atmosphere in the hall slowly shifted back to one of celebration, though the undercurrent of tension remained.

The musicians resumed their playing, and the dancers, though still slightly dazed, began to move again. The guests turned their attention back to the feast, though many of them couldn't resist sneaking glances at Eirik whenever they thought he wasn't looking.

Eirik remained composed, though the intensity of the evening weighed heavily on him. He had hoped to keep a low profile during his time in Zephyros, but it was clear that his appearance had made that impossible.

He answered the nobles' questions politely, accepted their compliments with grace, but inside, he felt a growing sense of unease. He had been thrust into the spotlight against his will, and now he had to find a way to navigate the treacherous waters of the Zephyrian court.

Sadiki, ever vigilant, stood behind Eirik, his eyes scanning the room for any sign of mischief. He could sense his prince's discomfort, though Eirik's outward composure never wavered. He wished he could do something to ease Eirik's burden, but he knew that all he could do for now was remain by his side, ready to act if needed.

Queen Elena continued to engage Eirik in conversation, her demeanor now completely changed. She spoke of Zephyros' traditions, its strengths, and its hopes for the future.

Eirik listened attentively, though he couldn't help but notice the subtle shift in the queen's attitude. Her initial hostility had vanished, replaced by a genuine warmth that made him wonder what her true intentions were.

Meanwhile, Kaelix, seated beside his mother, struggled with his own thoughts. He couldn't deny the impact Eirik had made, but his pride wouldn't allow him to admit it.

He watched as Eirik navigated the evening with ease, his every move graceful and poised. *Why does he have to be so annoyingly beautiful?* Kaelix thought bitterly. His eyes followed Eirik's every move, a mixture of frustration and admiration warring within him.

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