
A royal curse

A Werewolf kingdom, A royal family, A curse As the saying goes ' never judge a book by its cover.' This was the case with Anderson's royal family. They had been the rulers of the great kingdom of Katula for centuries now. In the eye of the Werewolves, they were perfect, followed around by paparazzi but then they had a secret... A curse. Prince Percy is a part of the royal family and the next Inline on the throne. He refused to get married after his marriage was announced publicly but when he founds out that he was getting married to his enemy, he decided to use it to his advantage. A means of revenge on her. Cara is a rankless wolf who had been abused and rejected by society all her life. She had always wished to get revenge on the Alpha king for the death of her family. She got her chance when she was bought into the palace as The Royal bride but she never knew that she was a sacrificial bride for the Royal family. This is a story of power, love, lies, and secrets. Books in the Royal series The Royal Baby- Book 1 A Royal curse- Book 2 A Royal Desire- Book 3 A Royal Secret- Book 4

Temi_24 · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs

A marriage Announcement

"Harder!" A blonde lady held against the bed frame screamed out in pleasure as Prince Percy rammed into her like an animal.

"Shut your mouth you cunt," Percy cussed in a deep yet harsh tone. He slapped the lady's Ass. "Yeah, that's what I'm talking about," he moaned and then stopped. He pushed the lady to the ground and stood up from the bed towards the bathroom that was on the left side of the room.

Prince Percy smiled as he dumped the used condom into the lavatory. Another girl down but he wasn't satisfied yet. He stared at his reflection, his deep blue eyes stared back at him. He flexed his muscular arm and ran a hand through his golden-brown hair. Percy was a man of great height at Six feet, three inches tall. A perfect creation every lady wanted. To the prince, He wanted a life free from entanglement and a life of fun that could make him pick any girl he wanted since all they ever wanted was money.

Percy took a short bath in the jacuzzi and when he returned, the girl had already left like they always do. It was always a one-night thing with no strings attached.

Percy dressed in a navy blue Italian suit with a red tie and left the room. His bodyguard, Kamil escorted him from the lobby of the hotel he had lodged into and they headed towards a black limousine parked outside the 36th-floor hotel in Cuba.

"Your majesty," Kamil, his bodyguard said. "There is something I have to tell you."

"If it's bad news, wait until I get to the jet. I had a long night," Percy said to him.

The long night he referred to was not with the classless wolf he had sex with but his night filled with nothing but nightmares. It was a dream about a woman who whispered his names but he never saw her face.

"Right, your majesty," Kamil said no more until they reached their destination which was thirty minutes away from the hotel. When they've settled inside the Royal private jet, Kamil saw it as the chance to remind the prince about the news.

"What is it?" Percy groaned out in frustration as Kamil handed over the Samsung S22+ phone to him. "The king of the great kingdom of Katula has announced the wedding of prince Percy. Our eldest prince is set to get married in September and....." Percy threw the glass of wine on his table to the ground.

"What the hell is this?" He yelled at Kamil, his bodyguard. His blue eyes pierced Kamil's. He looked as if he wanted to murder someone. "I thought I asked you a question, Kamil!" He yelled again and threw the Samsung phone in his hand at his bodyguard. The tablet hit Kamil on the face before it dropped to the ground and shattered into pieces.

"Your Majesty," Kamil bowed not showing any sign of pain by the impact of the tablet. "I just found out this morning while we were leaving Cuba."

"And you decided not to tell me!" Percy stood up and rushed to grab Kamil by the throat. "You should know by now that I don't know how to control my anger, Kamil!" Percy tightened his hand on Kamil's throat.

"But, I tried to tell you as soon as I found out," Kamil said and that got him a slap on the face by Percy.

Kamil didn't blink an eye and he showed no sign of pain as the prince continued to strangle him. They were almost the same height but Kamil had more muscles than the prince.

Kamil also had a unique tattoo on the left side of his face. The Tatoo was a symbol of the star and it made him stand out among other guards which was why Percy picked him as his bodyguard."When you hear anything you inform me. Is that clear?" Percy demanded and Kamil nodded in response.

Percy removed his grip from Kamil's neck and went back to his seat. "How long till we reach Katula?" He inquired.

"In less than an hour my prince," Kamil replied. His voice sounded deeper and hoarse as a result of the strangling.

"I do not want any bodyguard to come to welcome me. Drive straight to the castle," Percy ordered.

" yes my prince," Kamil answered back and rubbed his throat gently that had turned red due to the handprint of Percy's grip.

"I guess you are getting married soon," Nate, Percy's wolf laughed in his head but Percy paid no attention to him. He was going to reject the marriage as soon as he arrived at Katula. He wondered who the unfortunate bride was.

When they arrived at Katula Airport, swarms of reporters from different TV stations were waiting for prince Percy.

"Is it true you are getting married prince Percy?"

"Who is the lucky bride?"

"Why haven't you and your bride made a public appearance?"

"Is the bride pregnant for you? Is that why you are trying to hide it from the public?" Out of all the questions asked, that's one that got the Prince's attention. He turned to the female reporter from Sun Tv and answered her question.

"My bride and I are expecting a child. That's why we are rushing the marriage." Percy smiled at the camera because he knew his father would be watching him and he continued to smile knowing that he had paid back his father.

"When are you and your bride making an appearance?" The female reporter proceeded to ask another question.

"That's will be all, " Kamil came between the reporters and the prince. Soon, other guards had joined and Kamil was able to help the prince away from the swarms of reporters. Kamil helped the prince into a black 2020 Chevrolet Equinox. When they were safely inside the car, Percy burst into laughter.

"That was fun. Right, Kamil?" Percy laughed again.

"Where to my prince?" Kamil questioned while ignoring the prince's question.

Percy stopped laughing and glared at Kamil with his blue eyes. "You are starting to get on my nerves, Kamil. If you do not want to end up like your father, you better do as I have told you." Percy warned.

"I am sorry my prince," Kamil apologized with his head bowed.

"Take me to the castle! I said that already and were you deaf!"Percy shouted and raised his head to hit him but he smiled and straightened Kamil's tie. " Be a good boy and don't get on my nerves ever again," Percy warned.

"Yes my prince," Kamil replies and started the car. He drove out of the airport car park into the street.

Everyone thought life is easy for the royal family of the Anderson because they had it all. The money, power, and authority but that wasn't the case for Percy. He was the crown prince of the Katula kingdom but he lacks love and care. His parent married out of love and so he doesn't know the word love and doesn't even believe in it. Percy looked through the window shield and thought about how imperfect his life was. Although his pictures were plastered in almost every tall building in the kingdom, his life didn't feel the same. He was just hiding under the name 'crown prince'.

When he had enough of the outside, he closed his eyes and rested his head on the passenger's seat. The car suddenly jerked forward making Percy hit his head on the driver's seat. "What is going on!" Percy growled at the driver.

It happened real fast, the car had hit someone and sent them flying to the back of the car.

"The car hit someone, your highness," Kamil explained to him and touched the driver's shoulder "what's wrong Simon?"

"The lady just came out of nowhere!" Simon answered back.

"I don't care if she does, don't allow her to stain my car, and please get her away from the road, I need to see my father and talk to him!" Percy shouted and pointed out of the car for Kamil. "Check what's going on!" He demanded.

Kamil bowed his head and came out of the car. "Hey lady," he walked to the back of the car and bent over. He touched Cara who lay on the ground bleeding from the head and whimpering in pain. "Hey," he called again.

Cara raised her head to face him and groaned out in pain. "Are you okay?" Kabul asked.

"I....," Cara raised her hand and dropped It unable to say anything since her head had gone blank after getting hit by the car.

"What the hell is going on here?" Percy came out of the car and walked towards them. "Are you trying to help her?" He asked. "She is a rankless wolf," he sniffed the air and kicked her with his foot. "She is probably one of those wolves who ran away from their master." Percy declared and covered his nose in disgust. "Since she is already on the verge of death, leave her be! This is a secluded area, no one is going to save her here!"

Kamil hesitated at first but when he saw Percy's glaring blue eyes, he stood up and walked away from Cara. Just before he entered the car, he saw Cara standing up and limping away.

"Next time when I tell you to do something, you do it!" Percy shouted at Kamil and ordered the driver to start the car. "To the palace!" He ordered.


The prince is...." Prince Percy shut the announcer as he walked into the Royal castle of the Andersons. The royal castle is a 5-storey building that covers 13 acres. The castle has fifty rooms that include the royal ballroom, the meeting room for the king and ministers of the kingdom, the king's palace, a royal mall, royal dining, The royal rooms, the throne room, The king's office, the queen's room, and the royal emergency hospital.

Percy ignored the royal bodyguards that followed him into the personal elevator made for the royals. He was there for a purpose and with the way he rushed out of the elevator when he got to the third floor, one would think he had come for a fight with the king.

"The prince is....." Another announcer guarding the doors leading into the king's office was shut down by Percy. He barged into the office with anger and got angrier when he saw his worst enemy sitting beside his father, the king.

"Prince Percy, you are here." His worst enemy bowed.

It was the king's mistress and Alpha Simon's wife. The second Alpha has a high position after the king.

"What are you doing here Maria? You are here for more rounds with the king." Percy glared at the wife of the Alpha Simon, a woman he considered to be his worst enemy and a threat to his mother. Percy had always wondered what his father saw in her. The woman was not more beautiful than his mother and wondered what his father saw in her plastic face and body.

" My prince," Maria chuckled. " I'm here for the same reason you are here my prince. You must have heard the news." Maria smirked at him.

"You must be crazy to think that I'll let you dictate for me, Maria. I can't get married to that spoilt daughter of yours." Percy shouted and continue glaring at him with his blue eyes.

"Prince!" The king shouted. "Keep your voice down!" King Lucas cautioned. Percy was a replica of his father from their dark curly hair and oval-shaped face. The only difference was the eyes. King Lucas's eyes were obsidian.

"I'm sorry father!" Percy bowed in respect.

"The decision is final prince Percy." The King stated and proceeded to talk to Lady Maria.

"You can't do this to me father. How could you do this to me? How could you make me find out that I'm getting married on the news? The whole world found out before I did!" Percy growled. "And you," he pointed to Maria. "You think getting your daughter married to me will give you a spot on the throne. You must be crazy that by opening your legs to the king, you are of importance. You are just a woman with no virtue." Each accusation Percy threw at Maria makes the woman open her mouth wide in surprise.

"Percy!" The king shouted again. "Lower your voice son or I'll ban you from entering my office. " The king threatened Percy like he always does.

"Does mother knows about this?" Percy questioned his father. "Does mother knows you and your whore are together!"

"Enough! I demand respect, Crown Prince. I am still your father. You will be getting married to the Alpha Simon's daughter!"

" It's your funeral, not mine, Maria!"Percy turned to Face Maria with a smile on his face. "I'll be glad to marry your daughter." He accepted and turned to leave but then he remembered something and turned back. He pointed to his father and Maria.

"What you saw on the TV is a tip of an iceberg. I am going to make sure you regret making the wedding official." Percy smiled and walked out of the office in anger. He kicked the announcer guarding the door on the leg and took the elevator down while ignoring the painful groans of the announcer. Percy got to the ground floor and rushed to the car park where his bodyguard and five more guards were waiting.

"Your highness," Kamil, his bodyguard bowed in respect and pointed to the 2020 black Chevrolet equinox that was among the fleet of cars in the car park.

"Dismiss the guards. I need to be on my own for now." Percy instructed.

"Yes my prince but I'm coming with you," Kamil said to him and waves his hand to dismiss the guards. He opened the car door for the prince to enter and got into the driver's seat. "Where to my prince?"

"Anywhere Kamil," Percy instructed. "Just get me the hell away from this prison." He referred to the royal castle. "I need to run in my wolf form."

Kamil nodded in response and pressed the start button. He drove out of the royal garage. The garage leads outside the left side of the castle.

Percy was angry about the marriage announcement but at the same time, he was glad that he was getting married to the daughter of his enemy. It was a great way to avenge his mother. He was going to make life unbearable for the girl until she dies on their wedding night according to the curse. It was the perfect plan.