
a road called home

ln the beautiful kingdom of benin where ancient tradition coexist with political intrigue, a young princess named adesuwa finds herself thrust into the heart wrenching depths of tragedy and despite forced into an arranged marriage for the sake of her kingdom safety and stability, she became a pawn in a treacherous game of power. The oppressive British forces had ally with the udo kingdom that her family trusted, who turned their backs on their promise, orchestrating a devastating massacre that shatter every aspect of her existence. amidst the ruins of her kingdom, Adesuwa is cruelly snatched away, spirited off to the fog laden shores of England. she became a captive in a unfamiliar land, far from the comforting embrace of her homeland. The duke of Harcourt, an influential nobleman with a compassionate heart, who loved his dearest wife bought the young princess and adopted her legally so his barren wife could have a child she could call her own; but the duke and duchess could never understand the profound loss and anguish that consumed adesuwa's soul. In this foreign land where her beautiful spirit shines ever brighter against the backdrop of adversity, adesuwa's extraordinary grace and mesmerizing allure captivate the attention of the English elite she found some modicum of solace as she fell for the elegant viscount Harrison but was also betrothed to the young prince George of England, who was in line to be the next king and loved her dearly. the decision weighed heavily on her heart, torn between duty and love. but was she going to choose the Prince whose power and authority might get her back her kingdom or the the viscount who loved her deeply?

Zia_Ali_6719 · ย้อนยุค
4 Chs

chapter 2 (on the day of the wedding)

As adesuwa lounged in the comfort of her opulent bedchamber, adorned with silken drapes and delicate tapestries. she could not have anticipated the sudden interruption that was about to change the course of her day. Lost in her own world of daydreams and royal responsibilities, a courtier adorned in a resplendent uniform hurriedly entered the room.

"Your Highness the king has sent for you." His demeanor filled with urgency.

Her heart skipped a beat, a mixture of excitement and apprehension surging through her veins. She quickly rose from her lavish surrounding donning a regal gown and carefully arranging her golden locks, prepared to face the King's gaze and whatever awaited her in the throne hall, she ventured forth. Her mind brimming with curiosity and a sense of responsibility to fulfill her duties.

As she approached the grand entrance of the throne hall, her heart raced with a mixture of anticipation and trepidation. She had grown up in the palace, but today felt different.

The heavy door creaked open, revealing the opulent and majestic hall, adorned with ornate tapestries. The relatively simple stonework on the bowed ceiling dance in the flickering light.

A golden rug runs from the throne down through the center and split into two paths leading out. A magnificent throne of oak sits beneath an almost entirely close baldachin and is adjoined by two similar but undecorated seats for the royal highness, family members. Those listening to their royal highnesses can do so on the abundance of long and rather bulky marble benches, all of which are facing the center of the hall. Those of higher standing can instead take seat in the extravagant mezzanines facing the throne.

The air was heavy with anticipation as she took her first steps into the grand hall. Every footfall echoed like a drumbeat, amplifying her nervousness. She could feel the gazes of the counsel of elders fixed upon her. Their whispers lingering in the air. As she neared the throne, her father's presence loomed over her, emanating both power and authority. The King's piercing gaze met hers, searching for any sign of weakness or disobedience. Trembling with fear, she braced herself for whatever judgment or command her father might bestow upon her.

He was her king but above all, he was her father.

The king took a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves as he prepared to shatter her world. The king adorned in his regal attire, cleared his throat and his voice resonated with a mix of authority and tenderness.

"My dear princess," he began. "Words have reached that udo kingdom have allied with the British and are slowly taken over the continent. To avoid annihilation, a marriage alliance must be made between the two kingdoms." As he spoke those words, a bittersweet mix of pride and sorrow danced in his eyes.

"You are to marry Prince okunzuwa, the second Prince of udo kingdom."

Adesuwa listened intently, her heart pounding as the gravity of her father's words began to sink in.

The King's voice wavered with a rare vulnerability as he confessed, "I have accepted their proposal for the sake of our people." Tears walled in Adesuwa's eyes but she bravely held them back.

The king reached out his trembling hand gently touching hers as he whisperef, " my dear I know this is not what you envisioned for yourself, but please understand, it is a sacrifice we must make for the greater good.

With a heavy heart he gazed into her eyes, searching for understanding and acceptance.

Adesuwa's voice steady but filled with unspoken emotions responded, " father, I understand the weight of your decision and the responsibility that comes with being a princess. I will honor this Union for the sake of our people and our kingdom. "

In that moment, a mixture of pride, love, and sorrow swirled in the King's heart as he saw strength and maturity of his fifteen year old daughter. Though it pained him to see her dreams altered, he knew that she possessed resilience to navigate challenges that lay ahead.

"The wedding will take place tomorrow, as we wish to conclude everyt....tomorrow," adesuwa interrupted in shock.

"Isn't it too soon father? I'd thought that I could at least meet the person I am to marry before the wedding?"

What was going on? She asked herself. Just this morning she was just a princess and now tomorrow she is to become someone's wife.

"Listen princess," one of the counsel elder began. She'd almost forgot they were present."Your marriage to the prince is a political matter which must be concluded as soon as possible. "

The king starred at her incessantly as she left the throne hall.

As she entered her Chambers, a wave of overwhelming emotions washed over her, causing her to collapse onto the floor. The gravity of the situation sank in, leaving her to question her decision.

How could she possibly commit to marrying someone she's never met. Doubts and uncertainties crowded her mind like a Stormy sea.

The room fell silent as her mother, the fourth Queen of the Benin empire gracefully entered. Her regal presence seemed to fill every inch of space. As she glanced around, her eyes landed on her daughter, tears streaming down her face. The Queen face softened with concern as she approached her daughter with gentle steps. With a voice filled with love and compassion.

"I understand what you're going through my dear. It wasn't easy for me either. getting married to your father at a very young age just to bore him a child, and being his fourth wife. This wasn't the life I had envisioned for my self." The Queen stopped, trying to hold Bach her emotions.

"You know, I was once in love." The queen confessed as adesuwa starred at her in shock.

"What?" She said in a low tone starring at her mother.

"Yes I was." The queen confirmed. " What then happened mother?"

"I was called to be a Queen and I had to choose duty over love." Adesuwa could see the sadness in her mother's eyes. It was as though she was still in love.

"Adesuwa," her mother began. "The life of a Royal is a lonely one, we must always put our people first before ourselves."

"But mother, how can I marry someone I have Never met?" Tears still streaming down her face.

The Queen expression shifted from self pity to anxiety.

" I promise, no harm will come to you. I will protect and support you as best I can." The queen assured her daughter. In that moment, adesuwa felt a sense of comfort and security, knowing her mother the queen will always be there for her.

As the sun rose an a cool crisp morning, she felt nerves and excitement swirling within her. It was the day of the wedding.

Her arranged marriage to the second Prince of udo kingdom. The journey leading up to this moment had been tumultuous; filled with doubts and uncertainty. Yet here she stood, adorned in intricate silk and delicate jewels. A girl of mere age fifteen, ready to embark on a new chapter of her life.

She took deep breathes, gathering her courage, reminding herself that this was not a union of two individuals but a merging of two kingdoms, a delicate dance of political and alliance. The weight of responsibility settled on her shoulders, but she refused to let it overwhelme her spirit.

"Your highness, its time." Her maid "Efe" who was standing close to her interrupted her thoughts.

As she was about to step out of her Chambers, the air suddenly became charged with tension. It was then she crossed paths with a woman whose eyes were filled with an unmistakable rage.

The intensity of her gaze sent shivers down her spine and made her pause in her tracks.

"Can I help you?" Efe, the maid asked. The woman still starring incessantly at adesuwa as if trying to decipher something.

Who was this woman and what had caused such fury to consume her?

"She asked you a question, who are you?" Adesuwa repeated.

In that fleeting moment; a myriad of questions raced through adesuwa's mind. Was there a misunderstanding? Had she unintentionally offended this stranger? Or was there something deeper at play?

"You'll never be his wife, he's mine and only mine. This wedding won't take place, I promise you. I'd be careful if I were you." The intensity of her proclamation reverberated with a mix of vulnerability and desperation, revealing the depths of her fear and insecurities.

"Who the hell are you? And who gave you the authority to threatened the princess in such manner?" Efe, her maid yelled.

In that heated moment, the furious woman was ready to unleash her pent up frustration and confront adesuwa with her grievances.

"Guards," Efe, called. And two guards came running at her request.

"Arrest this woman." Adesuwa just kept starring at her, not uttering a single word.

Both guard held on to her, but she kept on struggling with them. "You'll never be his wife." Her words were on the tip of her tongue, ready to spill out like molten lava. However, before she could utter a single syllable, a figure swiftly approached and knelt at the princess's feet.

" I apologize for her rude behavior my princess. She's the wife of your husband to be. She hasn't been herself since the wedding announcement. Am sorry for her unforgivable behavior. " the interruption caught the woman of guard, momentarily distracting her from the rage that consumed her.

Confusion flickered in adesuwa's eyes as she tried to comprehend his words.

"Let her go." Adesuwa orded and left for the wedding hall.

As she stepped into the grand wedding hall, adorned with shimmering lights and delicate floral arrangement.

"He's standing alongside the priest." Efe whispered as her eyes were immediately drawn to him.

The grand hall was filled with people all over the kingdom, but only few people from the udo kingdom as their attires differentiated both kingdoms.

The prince and princess both sat down as the priest began the wedding proceedings. Adesuwa couldn't help but cry. This wasn't the life she had envisioned for herself.

The wedding was soon interrupted by the arrival of British forces, forever changing the course of the day. As the vibrant drums and melodic chants filled the air, the Benin community gathered together to witness the joyous Union of two souls. Suddenly, the peaceful atmosphere was shattered by the thunderous sound of boots marching in unison. The British invaders, armed with their rifles and colonial ambitions, descended upon the scene, capturing the Benin people and tearing families apart. All the royal families were murdered, including the king was was shoot in the chest. Adesuwa was the only one who wasn't touched. Still in shock not knowing what to do or where to run to and why wasn't she touched.

Her father gathering up strength, called his daughter in a low tone. In his dying breath, he bestowed upon his beloved daughter a precious necklace, a symbal of their unbreakable bond.

Little did they know that this act of tender affection would be the catalyst for a series of unimaginable events.

"You're coming with us," two British soldier dragged her away as she tried to force her way out of their grip but to no avail. She kept starring at her father in his pool of blood as she was dragged away.

Tragically torn away from her home and loved ones, her innocence shattered by malevolence. The necklace, once a treasured heirloom, now a haunting remainder of a lost connection. Her world forever changed.