
A Rider Through The Multiverse

The Finish line... Both my end, and my start. I never thought I would gain these powers. They say with a great power, comes great responsibility. I don't care about that. I will ride my engine, Like I always did. A race lover gets immense powers. what does he do? just goes around, collects powers and races all he wants. Sometimes fight too, as he is still able to die... maybe. Movies, Animes and games... where will the wind and his engine lead him to?

The_Puffer · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
2 Chs


(I wrote this chapter with Grammarly. Any mistakes are the fault of the app and I am not responsible. Is it better or worse?)




/1st person/

When I opened my eyes, I couldn't see anything. Everywhere was dark except the sky. It was filled with countless stars. It was a truly beautiful scene. I couldn't see the horizon because there was a strange black mist that was between the sky and the ground. It took a couple of minutes for my eyes to adjust to the darkness. I could finally see my surroundings even a little bit. There was absolutely nothing. Rock solid floor with a little bit of water on top of it. it extended to God knows how long.

After a couple of minutes, I was bored. There was absolutely nothing to do in this empty void. So I decided to check out my reflection in the water. Maybe I could pass time by fixing my hair or something. When I looked downwards, I saw a giant monster eye looking at me! There was no trace of its body probably because it was too big and my vision was not good enough!

I stumbled backward and fell on my butt. That thing was watching me! I got up and started to run away. The water splashing was echoing through the space. Whatever was that no human could match it. I run and run until I was out of breath. I don't know how many minutes or hours have passed but I am sure I got far away from where I started.

I stopped for a while to catch my breath. I looked behind at the floor to see if that thing was still watching or was after me. seeing that no eye giant eye was watching me, my legs gave out and I fell on my butt again. That scene would give everyone nightmares.

When I finally thought I was safe, I heard a loud sound below me. when I looked down, this time I saw tons of small eyes looking at me! It was not just watching, but hitting the transparent ground between me and it!

Small cracks started to form on the ground! That thing wants to kill me! I started to run again at full speed. A loud water splashing sound came from my back after an even louder glass-shattering! I am guessing that is the ground. I need to get out of here!

While I was running, I bumped into something and fell on my back with a bleeding nose. I shouted in pain before I looked at what I bumped into. It was a three-armed and five-eyed monster!

It let out a loud screech and attacked me! Its sharp claws slashed me across my torso. I screamed in pain as the monster took its sweet time finishing me.

"S-Stay away!" I tried to crawl backward while I was still losing tons of blood. It let out a strange sound that was almost like laughing and attacked me again.

"NOOO!" I closed my eyes and guarded my head with my arms but nothing came. I opened my eyes a little bit to see what happened. The only thing I could see was pure white. I got confused and hesitated for minutes to act. I was so scared. After a minute or two, I finally calmed down to inspect the mysterious light. I reached out to see what it was. It felt like a solid wall. I looked to my left and right to see the same white wall. looks like I am trapped inside a box made of light or something.

Whoever made these walls saved my life. But who would save me in this kind of place? Besides, I didn't even see a human when I was running. When I finally relaxed, thinking that I was safe here, I suddenly remembered the giant creature below the ground. I looked down, and see that the wall didn't cover the ground.

Loud, hitting sounds were coming from the outside of the walls. The creature outside was trying to break in. Oh, God. At this rate, the wall may not hold. Even if it did, there are still those creatures under the ground. Either way, I need to leave this box as soon as possible. But I am injured. I am not sure how fast or far I can run. Let's take care of this injury first.

I ripped the half-burned shirt on me and covered my wound tightly. The wound was not fully covered so I ripped my pants too and made them shorts.

The bleeding slowly slowed down and I could focus on what I was going through right now. There is an abomination right on the other side of my safety box and if I stay here too long, other monsters may find me and it would be my end. Besides, I still have to find a way to make these walls disappear.